Friday, June 30, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Korach

FRIDAY, June 30

07:50 p.m. Candle lighting

06:30 p.m. Mincha

Prayer Enhancement Program Elchonon Cohen

08:48 p.m. Krias Shema (earliest time)


08:25 a.m. Shacharis

09:15 a.m. Krias HaTorah Jon Sher

09:21 a.m. Krias Shema (latest time)

09:30 a.m. I Can Pray in Hebrew! David Weinman

10:15 a.m. Dvar Torah Gavin Teller

Viva Costa Rica- The Here and Now

10:15 a.m. Spirituality 101 R' Heller

11:00 a.m. Kiddush

11:30 a.m. Shiur R' Cohen

The Pitfalls of Democracy

05:15 p.m. Rashi Workshop Nat Eisman

06:30 p.m. Pirkei Avos Howard Witkin

06:30 p.m. Men's Kiruv Kollel Michael Abramson

06:45 p.m. Innocence Jeff Gruen

Mesillas Yesharim Men Only

07:30 p.m. Mincha

08:00 p.m. Seudah Shlishis

Dvar Torah R' Cohen

08:48 p.m. Maariv

Sun. July 2

08:00 a.m. Shacharis

04:35 a.m. Earliest Tallis - Chukas/Balak

09:21 a.m. Latest Shema

10:33 a.m. Latest Shachris

01:33 p.m. Earliest Mincha

05:45 p.m. Mincha-Summer Schedule

09:00 p.m. Maariv-Summer Schedule

06:00/6:50 a.m. Weekday Shacharis

08:00 a.m. July 4th Shacharis

Korach - The Damage Caused by “Machlokes” (Argument)

Bamidbar 17:5 “Do not be like Korach and his community”

After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918 in Russia, large segments of the

population were displaced and many new families moved to the city of

Radin. One such family established a new Chevra Kadisha (burial society) in the

city. It was not long before the entire town was embroiled in a Machlokes.

Some families supported the new chevra and some supported the old chevra.

One Shabbos when feelings had escalated to a fever pitch and people were not

talking to each other, the Chofetz Chaim stood up in shul and spoke.

“My friends if you were to have offered me 2000 rubles to speak today I

would not have consented. I am old and weak and every moment is precious

to me. However I see that there is a great need to say something. I have lived

in this town for over 50 years. I remember every person who davened in this

shul. We should all live and be well, however we must remember that ultimately

we shall have to leave this world and join our family and friends and give an

accounting in the next world. Machlokes is so serious that even if someone

has a lot of Mitzvos and Ma’asim Tovim (good deeds) to his credit, he might

lose them all because of it. In an attempt to escape the severity of the judgment

he may clutch at straws. He may be tempted to say that there was a pious Jew

living in Radin by the name of the Chofetz Chaim who saw what was going on

and remained silent. Therefore I want you to know for the record that I

disapprove of what is taking place here.

The Chofetz Chaim began to cry and stepped down from the bimah.

The new Chevra Kadisha was disbanded and the Machlokes ended.

kiddush sponsorships

Yom Tov Michaeli is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of his father Yechia Michaeli's Yarzheit.

The Aish community is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of Debbie Hirschmann and Esther Nicoll and their hard work and dedication as chairs of the Chesed committee.

seudah shlishis sponsorship

Dick and Beverly Horowitz are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in honor of the marriage of Gregory and Samantha (Sherr) Raich.

mazal tov

To David and Julie Iskowitz on the birth of a baby boy on Sunday. There will be a Shalom Zachor tonight at their home at 1141 Cardiff.

To Evan Sagal on his aufruf!

Tzeyschem l’shalom

To Alan, Susan, Ethan and Steven Kesner who are making Aliya to Eretz Yisroel next week. We wish them much success as they begin a new life in the Holy Land.

thank you

The Kesner family would like to thank the Rabbis and the community for showing us the way. You have been our guides, our teachers and friends. You have been a great inspiration to our family. May we all meet again soon in Jerusalem!

heart-felt farewell

Thank You to Karen Sarto for her five years of dedication to Aish LA and endless devotion and hard work in helping to make the Aish community all that it is today. We wish her all the best! Karen, you will be missed!

For community needs please contact Naami Heller at the Aish office ext. 720.

Aish LA Costa Rica Paradise Adventure Tour!

Yasher Koach to Aish Trip Coordinator Gavin Teller, for months of incredible effort in pulling together Aish LA’s Viva Costa Rica Paradise Adventure Tour! 100 college age students enjoyed a week’s journey of fun and adventure while exploring the most burning Jewish questions of our generation! Yasher Koach to Rabbi Motti Shenker, Rabbi David Ordan and Rabbi Aryeh Markman for going and teaching on this trip and to Miriam Avetikova and Liane Pritikin for serving as counselors.

running springs getaway with the twerskys!

The weekend, August 25-27th will include catered Shabbos meals, inspiring lectures, 70 acres of camp grounds with swimming, tennis, soccer, basketball, children's program! Visit to see the camp grounds! We are almost sold out!! $240/Adults $120/Children. Call Naami ext. 720.

Community Invited

The community is invited to the wedding of Evan Sagal and Sarah Hambright, Tues July 3, at the Sefardic Temple for the Chupah and dancing. Chupah at 7:00pm.


This week's reading is Shema pg. 334-342.

Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Tuesday 8:00 pm Mark Sarto Success!

Wednesday 8:30 pm Michael Abramson Beginner's Gemara

Thursday 12:00 pm Howard Witkin Pirkei Avos

Thursday 8:00 pm Shmuel Petlak Mishneh Torah

Thursday 8:30 pm Bill Gross 48 Ways to Happiness

LA Aish blog

The LA Aish Community now has a web log for all programs and activities. If you miss our regular email, you can catch up at


Come learn the beginning of Gemora Megilla, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights at Aish, with Noah Gruen.

Three weeks of Summer learning

LA will have 5 bachurim on leave from Yerushalayim for 3 weeks of learning and teaching for men July 30- August 20. If you are interested in this great one on one learning opportunity, contact Naami ext 720. Chavrusas on a first come, first serve basis. Women, if you want any class, let us know as well!

cleaning up our shul

Please look to see if any of the clothing hanging in the hallway belongs to you or your child. We will remove anything left in two weeks. Thank You!


A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Monday 8:30pm sharp at home of Jon and Esther Nicoll, 1420 Rexford #10.


Steve and Francesca Gross are arranging learning 9am to 11am this Tuesday morning. Please consider joining them. Nat Eisman will be teaching the men.


Shacharis, July 4th will be 8:00am.

Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Shulchan Aruch: A minor may be called for one of the seven Aliyos on Shabbos

Mishna Brura: He may not read out loud to enable the congregation to fulfill their obligation, and may only do so on Shabbos when there are seven Aliyos. Only a minority of Aliyos can be of children.

The practice is that children under Bar Mitzvah do not receive any Aliyos except for Maftir/Haftora.

On a week where a special reading is done for Maftir from a second Torah scroll, a minor may not receive that Aliyah because it is a separate obligation.

They may be given Gelilah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Naami Heller

310-278-8672 ext. 720

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