Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Release of my CD

Dear Friends and Family,

Hope you are doing well. I'm happy to let you know that my instrumental CD, A World Unseen, has just been released. Its new age, filmic, and classic qualities soothe and inspire. Its beautiful melodies and evocative harmonies are exquisitely performed by some of the finest musicians in Los Angeles.

You can hear selections from the album by clicking http://aworldunseen.com/.

I hope that you will want to listen again and again! The CD can be purchased directly from the website via Paypal or from Amazon, http://amazon.com/.

It can also be downloaded from iTunes, http://www.apple.com/itunes/.

I would love to hear from you with any questions or comments. Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in the album.

With warm regards,


Friday, July 27, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Vesachanan-Shabbos Nachamu

July 28, 2007 / 13 Av 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Fri, July 27

 07:40 pm                 Candle Lighting                      

 06:30 pm                 Mincha

 PEP!                        Elchonon Cohen          Cancelled

 08:40 pm                 Krias Shema                (earliest time)


Sat, July 28

 08:25 am                 Shacharis                   

 09:15 am                 Krias HaTorah              Nat Eisman

 09:30 am                 Krias Shema                (latest time)

 10:15 am                 Spirituality 101             R’ Heller

 10:15 am                 Boy’s Dvar Torah         R’ Sorani

 10:20 am                 Dvar Torah                   Cancelled

 11:00 am                 Kiddush                      

 11:30 am                 Kiruv Town Hall                      

 06:00 pm                 I Like Parsha!              R’ Dave Sorani

 06:30 pm                 Pirkei Avos                  Howard Witkin

 06:30 pm                 Kiruv Kollel                  Michael Abramson

 07:30 pm                 Mincha                                    

 08:00 pm                 Seudah Shlishis                      

 08:40 pm                 Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Jul. 29-Aug.3

 04:54 am                 Earliest Tallis – Vaeschanan

 06:00 am                 Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

 07:30 am                 Shacharis – Gabbai Chanan (Steve) Gross

 08:00 am                 Sun. Shacharis only

 09:30 am                 Latest Shema

 10:40 am                 Latest Shacharis

 01:34 pm                 Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm                 Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:45 pm                 Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm                 Maariv for rest of the summer



Vaeschanan......With all your heart!


Devarim 6:5 "and you will love HaShem with all your heart..."


Rav Moshe Feinstein was once visiting some wealthy Baalei Batim to raise funds for a mikveh. He spent several hours going from house to house and was beginning to tire. His driver suggested that they return home for the night. However Rav Moshe wanted to continue.


The driver then suggested that perhaps Rav Moshe had not had enough time to learn that day and this would be a good opportunity to go home.


Rav Moshe responded, “We are commanded to love HaShem with all our heart, soul and possessions. Chazal explain this to mean that we must be prepared to sacrifice to Him that which is most precious to us. The most precious thing to me is Torah, and learning it is my greatest love. Therefore I must sacrifice my learning for the needs of the Jewish people!”



Steve Cohn is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of his wife Metuka.



Thank you to Richard Polak for driving the Aish route of Tomchei Shabbos!



All women are invited to a Shabbos Kallah this Shabbos afternoon for Jenna Hamer at the home of Lolly Seidenfeld, 1565 Rexford Dr at 5pm.



The Aish outreach staff would like to introduce you to their newest Kiruv faces and efforts! Hear the updates of past, present and future and learn about new ways to get involved! This Shabbos at 11:30am.



Young families and couples’ Seudah Shlishis get-together at the home of Jonah and Stacey Light, 1612 S. Canfield on Shabbos afternoon, July 28th at 4pm.



We have started a Kiruv blog at kiruvclub.blogspot.com for men.  As Chizuk, each of the participants adds a blog each week on one kiruv moment from the week. If interested contact Joel Schwartz.



David Notowitz (dinner), Katy Callas and Jonathan Karabenick (lunch) will be pairing up hosts and guests! To become a Meal Mayven see Mordechai Yehuda (Mark) Shmagin.



Lolly Seidenfeld is offering to teach your daughters, 10 yrs + to dance! Classes will be 4 consecutive Wed, August 1, 8, 15, 22 from 4:30-5:30pm at Aish. Contact lollyseidenfeld@sbcglobal.net or call (310)552-9420. Classes for younger girls too!



Elul is the right time of year to get your annual "Spiritual" - a time to take stock and assess your life's goals and direction. Community members may meet with R’ Cohen in the month of Elul.  Call Naami for schedule.



Men, 45 minutes each morning can greatly enhance your Gemara learning skills. Great rabbonim also teach that learning Torah is the anecdote for the evil inclination. Weekday mornings at 6:50am! Starting this Fri, Aug 3, R Cohen will start a new section of Gemara, Brachos 10b and a new section of Halacha in Mishne Brure on Rosh HaShana (8:30am each day). So join today!



Through the month of Elul, we are arranging a live hook-up with R’ Simcha every Sun morning at 7am for men and women in the Aish seminar room! No cost, but this is a service for paying Aish members only! Begins Sun August 19-Sun Sept 9th.



Join us for a complimentary presentation by Gary Frohlich, MS, CGC to learn more about common genetic conditions amongst Ashkenazim. Be informed about this vital information! Wed Aug 8 at 8:15pm at Aish.



Prepare for Elul with R’ Morgenstern as he will address both men and women, Sun Aug 12 at Aish. Women at 9am on “Strategies for a Successful Teshuva” and men at 11am on “Strengthening the Marital Bond-An Elul Project.”



Get ready for another softball game, but this time it will be Aish Rabbis vs. the community! Sun Aug 12 at 2pm. Contact Dave ext 512 or dsorani@aishla.com.



In order to enhance the quality of davening, please daven in front of your chair and not in the aisles.  This will ensure that men and women will not have to daven in the back hallway.  Please do not use the side doors except for emergencies.



The Misheberech list (a list of those ill that need our prayers) will be renewed every 2 months beginning Rosh Chodesh Elul. If you would like a name to stay on the list, please renew it with Naami every 2 months at naami@aishla.com.



Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky held that it was not necessary for a chason and kallah to give Maaser from their wedding gifts because wedding gifts are exchanges.

Rav Moshe Feinstein held that one should give Maaser unless he is a ben Torah and he would use the money to support himself in Kollel in which case there is a temporary exemption. 




Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kiruv Town Hall This Shabbos!



The Aish outreach staff would like to introduce to their partners, the Aish community, their newest Kiruv faces and efforts! Join us as they update you on what they have been up to and share what they are doing for the future. It’s also a great opportunity to learn about new ways to get involved! This Shabbos, July 28th at 11:30 AM at Aish.


Looking forward to seeing you there!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, July 23, 2007

Tisha B'av "Camp"

If you plan to send your 3-6 year old to the Ordan’s childcare camp tomorrow morning at Aish, please bring lunch for you child. Only snacks and drinks will be served!

Thank you.


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Tisha B'Av Schedule & Mini "Camp"!

Rebbetzin Debra Ordan and her children have graciously offered to run a mini “camp” tomorrow, Tisha B’Av morning, for the Aish community, to allow both men and women the opportunity to take part in our Tisha B’Av schedule. The schedule for the camp will be as follows:


TIME: 9:00am-1:30pm

PLACE: Aish annex

SCHEDULE: Davening, snacks, arts n’ crafts, free play, lunch

AGE: 3-6 year olds only!

COST: $10/child for any amount of time the child participates. (Pay at the door)



Monday, July 23rd

Mincha                                            5:40 pm

Seudah HaMafsekes

Fast Begins                                 8:00 pm

Maariv/ Eicha                               8:15 pm                    


Tuesday, July 24th

Shacharis                                     8:00 am         No Tallis or Tefillin worn     


Shema                                            9:29 am   

Kinos                                              9:00 am – 12:00 pm    R’ Simcha Weinberg Visual Hook-Up

Video presentation                    12:15 pm                      “From the Ashes”

Chatzos / Mid-day                         12:59 pm

Video presentation                       1:30-7:30 pm                 “Shoah”

Mincha                                          7:30 pm         Tallis and Tefillin are worn

Maariv                                            8:15 pm

Fast ends                                     8:42 pm


Have a meaningful and easy fast!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, July 13, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Matos/Masei

July 14, 2007 / 28 Tammuz 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, July 13

 07:47 pm              Candle Lighting                   

 06:30 pm              Mincha

 PEP!                      R’ Cohen                   S’lach Lanu

 08:45 pm              Krias Shema             (earliest time)

        Saturday, July 14

 08:25 am              Shacharis                 

 09:15 am              Krias HaTorah          Nat Eisman/ Daniel Schwartz

 09:20 am              Krias Shema             (latest time)

 10:15 am              Spirituality 101         R’ Heller

 10:20 am              Dvar Torah                Cancelled

 11:00 am              Kiddush                    

 11:30 am              Shiur                          R’ Cohen

                    Anger Management

 06:00 pm              I Like Parsha!           Dave Sorani

 06:30 pm              Pirkei Avos               Howard Witkin

 06:30 pm              Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

 06:30 pm              Hil

 07:30 pm              Mincha                                              

 08:00 pm              Seudah Shlishis                  

                                Dvar Torah                Dan Rude, Anthony Stroe

 08:45 pm              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun July 15

 08:00 am              Shacharis

 04:43 am              Earliest Tallis – Matos

 09:25 am              Latest Shema

 10:36 am              Latest Shacharis

 01:34 pm              Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm              Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:50 pm              Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm              Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am      Weekday Shacharis



Masei – What’s in a name?

Bamidbar 35:25 “….until the death of the Kohen Gadol.”

Rashi: Because the High Priest should have prayed.

A wealthy Jew once traveled from Warsaw to see R’ Shlomo Eiger the son of the great R’ Akiva Eiger. He told R’ Shlomo that his wife was very ill and begged him to ask his illustrious father to daven for her.

“I try not to trouble my father with these matters.” R’ Shlomo answered.

“I am prepared to donate 200 sets of warm winter clothes to the Yeshiva for bachurim that cannot afford them,” pleaded the wealthy man.

“Since you are prepared to do such a great mitzva, I feel it’s the least I can do to contact my father,” responded R’ Shlomo “Please tell me your wife’s name.” 

“Rivka bas Sara,” replied the wealthy man.

R’ Shlomo immediately sat down and wrote a letter to his father. A response came soon to the letter.

“I davened for Rivka bas Sara but I was not answered. Perhaps there is a mistake in the name!”

R’ Shlomo investigated and found that the actual name was Rivka bas Sara Leah. He sent off another letter and a response soon came to that one.

“I davened for Rivka bas Sara Leah and I was answered!

A short time later word arrived to R’ Shlomo that the woman made a full recovery.



The Aish community is sponsoring Kiddush in gratitude and appreciation of Richard and Beverly Horowitz upon the dedication of the Aish Beis Medrash in Jerusalem in both their and their family’s honor.


Peter and Sarah Weintraub are sponsoring Kiddush in memory of Peter’s mother, Lyla Weintraub.



Gary and Maxine Rosenzweig are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Gary’s mother, Hannah bas Yosef’s Yarzheit.


Dan Rude is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in honor of his Siyum on Moed Katan!


Anthony Stroe is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of his mother, Miriam.



Condolences to Rick Kahn on the passing of his aunt.

Condolences to Akiva Cohen on the passing of his mother.



Thank you to Marc Morrison for driving the Aish route of Tomchei Shabbos this week!


Rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash begins this shabbos!

A class for women based on the Rambam’s Hilchot Beit Habechira. Take a virtual tour of the Beis Hamikdash and get a glimpse into what life was like (and will be like) when the Beis Hamikdash flourished. This Shabbos afternoon, 6:30pm at Aish with Adina Sher.


Childcare Program

We are seeking cash donations to enhance our program including the purchase of board games, card games and other toys.  Donations of the toys, themselves, will also be welcome.  We also want to purchase some additional ground-shade for the kids.  If you have other suggestions to improve our Childcare Program, please contact Mark Shmagin. 


Boys Shabbos Program

This Shabbos at 10am, R’ Cohen will address the boys (ages 5 and up) with a D’var Torah and Shabbos story. Tthe boys' Shabbos program begins at 9:15AM with Shacharis and is supervised until Kiddush.  Boys not in this program should be in Shul with their fathers.


Pre-Bar Mitzvah Boys:  Layning Training

Jon Sher has again agreed to provide Torah-Layning training for boys between ages 9-12.  Mr. Sher will meet with a select handful of boys from 10-10:30am, every other Shabbos, beginning this week.  To read Maftir, see Jon Sher.


tisha b’av program

This year on Tisha  B'av we will have a direct 3 hour visual hook-up, learning the Kinos with R’ Simcha Weinberg from 9am-12pm. Later we will show an exclusive screening of Aish's new film, “From the Ashes,” featuring R’ Noach Weinberg's recent trip to Poland with a contingent of Aish Rabbis.  



Young couples Seudah Shlishis get-together at the home of Jonah and Stacey Light, 1612 S. Canfield on Shabbos afternoon, July 28th at 4pm.


Rabbi Azriel Muller

The Leventhals are hosting a Motzei Shabbos learning program with R’ Azriel Muller of Orech L'Shabbos (providing for the poor in Jerusalem) July 14, 9:30pm at 1718 South Bagley Ave.



Join women’s Tehillim every Tues eve at 8:30pm at the home of Zev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris! Your prayers are needed!


Have a wonderful Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







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