Friday, February 25, 2011

Shabbos bulletin- 2/25

Good Shabbos!


Parshas Vayakhel

February 25, 2011 / 21 Adar 5771


Shabbos Schedule


Fri. Feb 25

05:27pm                               Candle Lighting

05:35 pm                              Mincha / Maariv (Shul)

                                      Purim Seudah        R Cohen     

06:15 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. Feb 26

08:00 am                              Parsha Insights                 R Quinn

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:16 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:30 am                              Krias HaTorah                   C Sher

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah              R Cohen

                                                Pursuit of Happiness- A Self-Evident Lie

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              The Politics of Gender    R Cohen

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      S Shenker

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Sem Rm)          RHeller

04:00 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)   M Abramson

04:30 pm                              48 Ways- cancelled

05:00 pm                              Mincha         

05:30 pm                              Seudah Shlishis    

                                                What is Holiness?             R Cohen      

06:15 pm                              Maariv



Weekday Schedule

              Sun. Feb 27– Fri. Mar 4

07:00 /8:00 am                   Sun Shacharis

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

05:41 am                              Earliest Tallis – Pekudei

09:16 am                              Latest Shema

10:13 am                              Latest Shacharis

12:34 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:30 pm                      Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

05:33 pm                              Candlelighting – Pekudei

05:38 pm                              Fri. Mincha



Morry’s Fireplace is Open for Business!

Community Melava Malka This Week


Thanks to the vision of Dick Horowitz, the inspiration R’ Yitz Jacobs, the expertise of R’ Azriel Aharon, the jurisprudence of Greg Yaris and the generosity of the Kest and Horowitz families, and others, the latest Aish LA innovation, Morry’s Fireplace, is up and running!  Come join us this Motzei Shabbos, February 26th for an Aish Community Melava Malka at 8pm to enjoy the ambiance and see the potential of Aish LA’s newest creation. 


* For adults only



Shabbos – The source of our blessing


In the lifetime of the Chofetz Chaim, there lived a very wealthy secular Jew, whose family was plagued with an unusual illness that the physicians were unable to cure. He once had occasion to meet a Jewish merchant who was religious and poured out his heart to him. The merchant recommended that he go to the Chofetz Chaim for a bracha. The rich Jew scoffed at the notion.

“How can this man do anything? Is he an angel that can change nature?”

However the merchant persisted, and finally the man conceded and went to pay a visit to the Chofetz Chaim. When he entered the Chofetz Chaim’s home, he burst into tears, told him his woeful story and asked for a bracha. However, instead of giving him a bracha the Chofetz Chaim took his hands and said:

“If you want a bracha keep Shabbos and the bracha will come by itself!”

“Rebbe do you think it is such an easy thing for me to keep Shabbos? I have

tens of stores and workers, I cannot simply close them down on Shabbos!”

The Chofetz Chaim repeated his statement

The Jew stood in silence and then spoke:

“Rebbe, I need a month to get my business arranged and then….”

The Chofetz Chaim interjected:

“My son, if I owned Shabbos I could make such a deal with you….but Shabbos belongs to HaShem and I have no authority to grant you permission to break it!”

The Jew felt the truth and sincerity in the words of the Chofetz Chaim

“Rebbe, if I had known how serious Shabbos was I never would have broken it. I undertake to keep it from this point onwards to the best of my ability”

A short time after that, both he and his family were cured of the illness!!


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Cohen



Advanced Halachic Bulletin


Shulchan Aruch 691:6 an ovel must send mishloach manos since it is a mitzva and he is required to do all mitzvos.                                                                                             

Mishna Brura even in middle of Shiva. We do not send the ovel mishloach manos                                                                        

Piskei Tshuvos if you send mishloach manos to an ovel he may accept it.  Furthermore, you are you are yotzei your chiyuv of sending. You may send to the spouse of an ovel.

Rav Moshe Shternbuch If his friend is an ovel, it is not permitted to send to his friend's wife, to circumvent this halacha






There is no Kiddush sponsor this week.



Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Edward and Elissa Czuker l’ilyui nishmas Edward’s father, Mr. Jan Czuker, Yosef ben Menachem Mendel z”l. May his neshama have an aliyah.



This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (5 Sivan).  May their neshamos have an aliyah. 


This week’s learning is sponsored by Janis Fuhrman, Meira Amster, and Josh Fuhrman in honor of the 3rd Yahrzeit (Adar 23) of David Jacobson (Dovid ben Yaakov) their beloved father and grandfather.  May his neshama have an aliyah.



To Bill and Shuli Bron on the engagement of Rita Carla to Zack Glatstein from New Jersey!



Chaim Sher for layening his sedra this week.



To Steve Wineburgh and his children Henry and Jolie for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



For the refuah shleima of Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 


Whale of a Deal expansion

Since we have 54 people signed up for whale watching, the company has upgraded the size of our boat. We can now accommodate last minute - up to 100 people. Bring lots of layers of warm clothes, and $15 per person, and be at the location at 11:15am to buy your tickets. Trip will be back to dock about 2:30pm. For directions visit the website,



Erez Gargir, CPA, is conducting the first annual Aish tax-a-thon! Erez is donating his time to prepare tax returns for free for people in our community who are unable to afford an accountant.  Community members can sponsor a certain dollar amount for each tax return completed, which will be donated to Aish!  For more info, see flyer in the back of the shul.



We’re creating a small library in the new Aish lounge.  If you have any English Torah books in “newish” condition to donate, please drop them off at the office.  Thank you and tizche l’mitzvahs!



There will be an Ohr Zaruah minyan next Fri, Mar 4. Mincha with the main shul and 15 min after candle-lighting at the new location- Morry’s Fireplace! Sushi and schmoozing for 15 min, followed by a Kabbalas Shabbos that will end about a ½ hr after the main minyan.





Understanding the underlying principles and values in halachah.  Rabbi Raphael Lapin’s shiur focuses on how human principles and values can be derived and applied from technical halachah. The class meets Sun at 9 am in the library.



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah has begun the melacha of gozez (shearing).



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 1st perek of Bava Kama.  Every Mon & Wed 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is not teaching his class this week.


Last week’s Dose of Inspir“AISH”on

Last week we celebrated the bat mitzvahs of Hayley Latter, Daryl Latter and Ilene Nowac, three generations of women who taught us that it is never to late to return to your heritage and that the actions of one daughter (or grand-daughter) can inspire an entire family!




Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Announcements- 2/24

Dear Community,


- We still need a sponsor for Kiddush this week, Parshas Vayakhel. Please reply to this email if you would like to sponsor Kiddush in honor of a Simcha, a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


- Join us this Motzei Shabbos at 8pm for a community Melave Malka, to enjoy the ambiance and see the potential of Aish LA’s newest creation: Morry’s Fireplace! This event is for adults only.


- Today is an extremely crucial day for Shimon Lesserson’s court case to save his children and be granted custody. Please continue daven and learn in the zechus of Rochel Bas Shimon Aharon, Rivka Baila Bas Shimon Aharon, Yechezkel Shalom Ben Shimon Aharon and Yekusiel Ben Shimon Aharon.



Thank you!


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Community Melave Malka- this Motzei Shabbos!

Dear Community,


Thanks to the vision of Dick Horowitz, the inspiration R’ Yitz Jacobs, the expertise of R’ Azriel Aharon, the jurisprudence of Greg Yaris, and the generosity of the Kest and Horowitz families, and others, the latest Aish LA innovation, Morry’s Fireplace, is up and running! 

Come join us this Motzei Shabbos, February 26th for an Aish Community Melava Malka at 8pm to enjoy the ambiance and see the potential of Aish LA’s newest creation. 


Hope to see you there!


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Friday, February 18, 2011

Shabbos Bulletin- 2/18

Good Shabbos!


Parshas Ki Sisa

February 18, 2011 / 14 Adar 5771


Shabbos Schedule


Fri. Feb 18

05:21pm                               Candle Lighting

05:26 pm                              Mincha / Maariv (Shul)

                                      Purim             R Cohen     

06:10 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. Feb 19

08:00 am                              Parsha Insights     R Quinn

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:30 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:30 am                              Krias HaTorah       M Weinman

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah              R Denbo

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              Shiur              R Cohen

                                                The Best Shiur Ever… Bli Ayin Harah!

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      S Shenker

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Sem Rm)          R Heller

04:00 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)   M Abramson

04:30 pm                              48 Ways                   R Markman

05:00 pm                              Mincha         

05:30 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Cohen      

06:20 pm                              Maariv



Weekday Schedule

              Sun. Feb 20– Fri. Feb 25

07:00 /8:00 am                   Sun Shacharis

07:00/8:00 am             Mon Shachris (Presidents’ Day)

06:00/7:30 am                    Tues – Fri Shacharis

05:49 am                              Earliest Tallis – Vayakhel

09:21 am                              Latest Shema

10:16 am                              Latest Shacharis

12:35 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:25 pm                      Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

05:27 pm                              Candlelighting – Vayakhel

05:32 pm                              Fri. Mincha



Morry’s Fireplace is Open for Business!

Community Melava Malka next Week


Thanks to the vision of Dick Horowitz, the inspiration R’ Yitz Jacobs, the expertise of R’ Azriel Aharon, and the generosity of the Kest and Horowitz families, and others, the latest Aish LA innovation, Morry’s Fireplace, is up and running!  Come join us next Motzei Shabbos, February 26th for an Aish Community Melava Malka at 8pm to enjoy the ambiance and see the potential of Aish LA’s newest creation. 




KiSisa – Whoever is for HaShem….?

Shemos 32:26 ……whoever is for HaShem come to me….


When Rav Shimon Schwab z”l was about to go to America he went to visit the Chofetz Chaim to receive a bracha.  In the course of the visit, the Chofetz Chaim asked him whether he was a Kohen.  R’ Schwab answered that he was not.  The Chofetz Chaim then asked why he was not a kohen, to which he responded naively that his father was not a kohen!

The Chofetz Chaim then explained that when Moshiach comes everyone will go up to Yerushalayim and run to the gates of the Beis Hamikdash and there they will stop. The kohanim will be allowed to enter the Beis Hamikdash, but you will be forced to remain outside.  The Chofetz Chaim continued:

“Do you know what caused this situation?  Three thousand years ago, when Bnei Yisroel made an egel, Moshe Rabbeinu stood by the gate of the camp and cried out, ‘Whoever is for Hashem should join me!’  My ancestors hurried to stand before Moshe Rabbeinu ready to do as he directed.  Obviously, your ancestors did not answer his call.  One day when you hear this call in your heart, take action and don’t be lazy!  Don’t repeat the same mistake that your forefathers made, which caused them to lose such a valuable gift!”


Good Shabbos,

R’ Cohen



Advanced Halachic Bulletin


Rav Moshe Feinstein Igros Moshe YD 2:162: if someone's parents are buried faraway and it’s very difficult for the children to visit the graves, it would not be permissible to move them to where the whole family currently resided. The reason for this move was not kavod hames, but to make it easier for the children.  Moreover Rav Moshe cites the Arizal who says that one should never go visit a cemetery in general, not even to visit the graves of their parents.






Kiddush is sponsored this week by Richard Horowitz in honor of our teacher, R’ Denbo, who finished learning Nedarim for the first time  and made a Siyum this week, and in honor of his grateful students who have been zoche to learn it with him: David Leventhal, Josh Morris, Marty Pritikin and Soheil Zaman.


Aish Los Angeles is sponsoring kiddush in honor of R’ David and Aliza Sorani and family for their 4 great years of service to Aish and involvement in building our community. R’ Sorani will be pursuing his vision to bring HaShem’s children back to their heritage and we wish him every success and siyata d’shemaya.  We look forward to sharing in each others simchos and his family’s continued involvement in our community.


Kiddush is sponsored this week by the Aish Hatorah community in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Hayley Latter, Daryl Latter and Ilene Nowac. We wish you mazal tov and may you only grow stronger from generation to generation.



Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Edward and Elissa Czuker l’ilyui nishmas Edward’s father, Mr. Jan Czuker, Yosef ben Menachem Mendel z”l. May his neshama have an aliyah.



This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (5 Sivan).  May their neshamos have an aliyah. 



-To Tali Rosenthal on her engagement to Seth Merewitz!

-To Rachel Blumenstrauch on her Bat Mitzvah last week!



Micha Weinman for layening his sedra this week



-To Elisabeth Hodara, Sean Khalifian and Aviv Kleinman for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.

-To the Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein for graciously opening their home to so many last-minute guest this Shabbos!



For the refuah shleima of Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 






Understanding the underlying principles and values in halachah.  Rabbi Raphael Lapin’s shiur focuses on how human principles and values can be derived and applied from technical halachah. The class meets Sun at 9 am in the library.



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.



R’ Cohen’s 8:30 am morning Mishne Brura class is learning The Laws of Purim this week.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah has begun the melacha of gozez (shearing).



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 1st perek of Bava Kama.  Every Mon & Wed 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg at 4:30 pm.  Topic: Making Decisions


Michael Bonert’s “Drop of InspirAISHon”

I was driving to shul, thinking about what had inspired me during the week. I arrived a bit early, and noticed Darren, my son, sitting and learning. I thought to myself, “Look at him, dedicated family man, disciplined, honest, and reliable. That’s pretty inspiring.” Super Bowl Sunday has been the big topic this past week. The Green Bay Packers, once again, won the super bowl. They had a legendary coach, Vince Lombardi, who used to say, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” I think I would paraphrase his saying and say, “Family isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Thursday, February 17, 2011

For Women 20-35 New Group Forming! For you or someone you'd like to recommend?


By popular request!

New Monthly Growth Group for Young Professional Women



This group is for Jewish women 20-35, who want to grow in their connection to G-d in the context of supportive, like-minded young women. It is unique opportunity to invest in becoming the person you want to be. We work on character development and mitzvoth in bite-size steps which add up to real growth.


Instructor: Chana Heller, Director of Women’s Outreach

Aish Los Angeles


Come to one of three introductory meetings to find out why so many women are enjoying these groups. Bring your friends.

The group will meet once a month on Thursdays starting in March.

Cost: $10/month.

Introductory meetings (chose only one to attend) will be held:

Sunday, February 20 at 7:30 PM

Sunday, February 27 at 7:30 PM

Monday, February 28 at 7:30 PM


At the home of  Chana Heller, 8834 Alcott St. LA 90035


For more info 310-556-2306.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Announcements- 2/15

Dear Community,


-Shidduch services:

“Tovim hashnayim min ha'echad”- two is better than one (Koheles). Betsy Gordon and Adinah Sher are teaming up to help make shidduchim in our community. They will be focusing primarily on singles who are over 30. Anyone who is interested should call Adinah at 310-205-9160.


-Whale of a Deal:

We officially have enough people signed up, so our community whale watching trip on Feb. 27th is definitely happening! If you have already signed up, your credit card will now be charged. We will be taking sign-ups until noon on Friday (Feb. 18), $15 per person. To sign up, reply to this email or call (310) 278-8672 ext 305.


Thank you!


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Whale of a Deal!

Dear community,


We are planning a whale watching trip for Sunday, February 27, with the boat leaving the dock at 12 noon in Newport Beach.

It's an approximately 2 hour boat trip, and we got a great deal -- only $15 per person if we go as a group.

But to secure this deal we need to sign up right away!


Please call or email Menucha Cohen, our community coordinator, in the next three days, by Wednesday, to pay and reserve your spot.

None of your credit cards will be charged until we have 20 people signed up.


Thank you,

David Notowitz & Danny Rowshanshad



To sign up:

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Friday, February 11, 2011

Shabbos Bulletin- 2/11

Good Shabbos!



Parshas Tezaveh

February 11, 2011 / 7 Adar 5771



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. Feb 11

05:14 pm                              Candle Lighting

05:19 pm                              Mincha / Maariv (Shul)

                                      More Laws of Kiddush     R Cohen     

06:02 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. Feb 12

08:00 am                              Parsha Insights                 R Quinn

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:30 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:45 am                              Krias HaTorah    R. Cohen / J Sher

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah              R Cohen

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              Kosher Chutzpah              R Cohen

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      S Shenker

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Sem Rm)          R Heller

03:45 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)   M Abramson

04:15 pm                              48 Ways                   R Markman

04:45 pm                              Mincha         

05:15 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Cohen      

06:12 pm                              Maariv



Weekday Schedule


Sun. Feb 13– Fri. Feb 18

07:00 /8:00 am                   Sun Shacharis

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

05:56 am                              Earliest Tallis – KiSisa

09:25 am                              Latest Shema

10:20 am                              Latest Shacharis

12:35 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:20 pm                      Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

05:21 pm                              Candlelighting – KiSisa

05:26 pm                              Fri. Mincha



Tetzave – A noteworthy speech


Rav Chaim Brim z’tl was once invited to speak at an event.  The speaker who preceded Rav Chaim at the event used notes that he constantly referred to as he spoke.  Rav Chaim was then called up to speak, and he also referred to his notes as he spoke.  When he finished speaking and left the podium, he forgot to take his notes with him.  When the event was over, someone straightened up the room and he found the notes which R’ Chaim Brim had left at the podium.  Much to his astonishment, he saw that the “notes” were blank pieces of paper.  After a few moments he realized what had occurred. Rav Chaim was known for his exquisite sensitivity to the feelings of others.  When he had observed that the first speaker had referred to notes as he spoke, he was concerned that he would embarrass him if he then spoke without notes.  Therefore he decided to refer to his “notes” as he spoke as well!


Good Shabbos,

R’ Cohen



Advanced Halachic Bulletin


Rav Moshe Feinstein writes in Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah 3:147:2 that if a dead person is cremated, either because he requested it, or even if his children had this done to him, his ashes should not be buried in a Jewish cemetery.  Moreover ashes of any niftar never need to be buried.






Kiddush is sponsored this week by Rabbi Yitz and Chavi Jacobs in honor of the birth and naming of their daughter! Mazal tov!


Kiddush is sponsored this week by Richard Horowitz in honor of our teacher, R’ Denbo, who finished learning Nedarim for the first time and made a Siyum this week, and in honor of his grateful students who have been zoche to learn it with him: David Leventhal, Josh Morris, Marty Pritikin and Soheil Zaman.



Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Edward and Elissa Czuker l’ilyui nishmas Edward’s father, Mr. Jan Czuker, Yosef ben Menachem Mendel z”l. May his neshama have an aliyah



This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (5 Sivan).  May their neshamos have an aliyah. 



-To Rabbi Yitz and Chavi Jacobs on the birth of a baby girl!

-To Yosie and Noa Rosenzweig on the birth of a baby girl, Yael, in Houston, TX. Mazal tov to grandparents, Gary and Maxine Rosenzweig!

-To Ari Schuler and Zeecy Stern on their engagement!

The community is invited to Ari and Zeecy’s vort at the Shenkers, 1127 S Shenandoah, this Motzei Shabbos at 8 pm.



-Justin Levi for being the chief ambassador for Aish Kodesh and fielding so many calls last week!

-Jonah Light for arranging the Ohr Zaruah program!

-Bijan Ghanouni, for supplying fruit and vegetables for our Kiddush!



Yashar koach on another successful Aish Kodesh Ambassador Shabbos! Thank you to our ambassadors: Judd Burton, Rachel Goodfriend, Shelly Grief, Justin Levi, Megan Marcus, Yoni Sosnik, and Nathan Tatarsky. Thank you to our hosts: Alsberg, Braverman, Ferry, Goldwag, Gross, Gruen, Jaffe, Krevoy, Light, Markman, Quinn, and Yacoby!



To Yehuda Masjedi for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



For the refuah shleima of Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 



This Sun, Bikur Cholim will hold a community blood drive at Beth Jacob, 9030 W Olympic Blvd, to benefit Cedars-Sinai. This is a critical time of year for our City's hospitals due to extreme shortages, or (323) 852-1900.



Children are not permitted to go onto the Aish roof at any time or for any reason as it is extremely dangerous. Parents who bring young children to Shul on Fri night should not leave them unattended in the Shul yard during services.



EVERYTHING MUST GO! Sunday February 13 from 12:00 - 4:00 pm. Beautiful Furniture, Home Furnishings, Lamps, Garden/Patio pieces and much more! Please call to make a private appointment. 1558 S. Beverly Drive (310) 553-5518.





Understanding the underlying principles and values in halachah.  Rabbi Raphael Lapin’s shiur focuses on how human principles and values can be derived and applied from technical halachah. The class meets Sun at 9 am in the library.



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.



R’ Cohen’s  8:30 am morning Mishne Brura class is beginning The Laws of Purim this week.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah has begun the melacha of gozez (shearing).



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 1st perek of Bava Kama.  Every Mon & Wed 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg at 4:15 pm.  Topic: How Never to be Bored.


Michael Abramson’s “Drop of InspirAISHon”

One of the first ideas I heard from Rav Noach, zt”l, was that the opposite of pain is not pleasure; pain (effort) is the price you pay for pleasure, so the opposite of pain is “no pain.”  If you want to experience the most out of life, you have to be willing take the pain that inevitably comes with personal growth and change. The relationship you build with Ha’Shem- the, transcendent pleasure of the infinite, involves changing the way you dress, eat, who you marry and how you raise your kids (not to mention learning Hebrew, Aramaic and Rashi script!).  Each stage of life brings with it new opportunities, which call for new types of effort.  So, I think we can identify with the Navy SEALS’ motto: “The only easy day was yesterday…”





Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


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