Friday, August 29, 2008

Lake Piru Update


URGENT REQUEST to continue the search for Naftali ben Anna

We need a strong showing on Friday to continue the search.  First shift is from 7am-11:30am and second shift is from 11:30am to 4:00pm.

Sunday and Monday is holiday weekend.  Many boats are going to be rented out, but we were able to acquire some boats. If you have a boat available or know of a friend that has, please email or Please tell us the kind of boat, how many it can hold, and the size.

We need your help in the mornings, because boats are available, but there is not enough manpower.  Please register to help the search at with your name, how many you can take or if you need a ride, what time you will leave, and from where. Include all contact info.

Tamar Sullivan
Community & Hospitality Coordinator
Aish Los Angeles
(310) 278-8672 x 305

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Important information regarding the letters in support of Aish:


  1. Anik Charron is a female.  Please address her as Ms.
  2. Please reference the case # at the top of your letter: ZA 2007-3664(CU)
  3. Please include the office address somewhere in your letter: 1417 S. Doheny Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90035.
  4. You may email your letters to me if that is more convenient that dropping them off.


Thank you for your much needed support in this matter.



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 x 305


Aish Needs Your Support

Letters in support of Aish are urgently needed!


Thank you to those community members who showed up at our hearing for our permit to allow Aish to continue using the house on Doheny as our office.  We really appreciate you taking the time to attend.


The file for the hearing has been left open for the next few days to allow those who want to voice their support or opposition for this project to be heard.  Therefore, we are asking you to write a letter to the Zoning Administrator (ZA) in support of our CUP (conditional use permit).  It is vital that we have many more letters in support than the opposition will have against us.  In the letter, please let the ZA know that you live in the neighborhood and support the CUP.  It would be helpful if you also touched upon the fact that we have been good, courteous neighbors; the exterior of the house has been maintained well, with beautiful trees and shrubbery; the office does not cause additional congestion to the residential area; the office has not caused any parking problems; The office does not cause any undo noise in the neighborhood; and anything else you would like to add in support.  Make sure to sign your name and list your address.


Please address the letters to:

Anik Charron

Office of the Zoning Administrator

7th floor

200 North Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Please drop the letters off to Az at the office as we will be delivering them to the ZA as well as copies to Jack Weiss’s office.


We will be taking the letters to the ZA on Tuesday, so please have them in the office by Monday afternoon.


Thank you for your support,


Rabbi Moshe Cohen.



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rescue Effort Needs Volunteers

Dear Community Members,


Anatoly Smoliansky (Naftali ben Anna) from Hancock Park has been missing since Monday at Lake Piru after saving his daughter who fell from the family’s boat. 

The Los Angeles Hatzolah Command Center, along with local authorities, is continuing its search efforts and are requesting as many volunteers as possible to assist.  There are many boats, but not enough manpower.  If you are available to assist, please bring the following items with you: hiking shoes, binoculars, hat (the sun is very strong), flashlight with batteries, vests.  For directions to Lake Piru,

If you are coming up, the next shift is from 3 to 7 pm.  Please send an email to so you can be registered.  Also, please call to let them know how many people you are bringing and whether you need a ride or can offer space in your car: 805 – 521 – 1500 x 203 or x 204. 


Please daven for Naftali ben Anna.


Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 x 305


We Need Your Support

Dear Community Members,


There is a public hearing to renew Aish’s conditional use permit on the house next to the Aish Center that we currently use as an office.  We need community members in the area to come show support at the hearing and possibly testify to our good “neighborliness” and to the importance of the office’s existence for our community.


We need your support. Please respond to this email if you can make it.


Time: Thurs, Aug 28, at 9 am



West Los Angeles Municipal Building

2nd Floor hearing room

1645 Corinth Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90025


Directions: from Aish, turn right on Sawtelle Blvd.  Turn left on Iowa Ave.  Turn right at Corinth Ave.  Approx. 15 min.


Thank you for helping Aish continue to thrive.


Rabbi Moshe Cohen


Monday, August 18, 2008

Kaddish and Shiva

Dear Aish Community,


Jeff Gruen is saying kaddish for his father at the 6:00 am daily Aish minyan.


Shiva hours at the home at Mark and Lauren Wecker are from 1 – 4 pm and from 6:30 – 9 pm.


Thank you,


Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baruch Dayan HaEmes

Dear Aish Community,

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mark Wecker’s mother, Doris Wecker, Devorah bas Avraham Moshe, on Shabbos morning. 


The funeral will IYH take place tomorrow, Mon, Aug 18, at 1:00pm at Eden Memorial Park in Mission Hills.


Eden Memorial is located at 11500 Sepulveda Boulevard, Mission Hills, CA 91345.  The number is (818) 361-7161.
Directions: Take the I-405 N toward
Sacramento.  Exit at Rinaldi St.  Turn left at Sepulveda Blvd.


There will be Mincha/Maariv minyanim at 7:15 pm beginning tomorrow, Monday, and Shacharis minyanim at 6:30am beginning Tuesday, at the home of the Weckers: 1545 Amherst Ave. #404 , LA, CA 90025. Cross streets are Santa Monica and Bundy.  The minyanim will be held all week long, excluding Shabbos.



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


Friday, August 15, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 8/16/2008





Parshas Vaeschanan:

Aug 16, 2008 / 15 Av 5768


Shabbos Schedule

Fri, Aug 15


06:30 pm                              Summer Mincha

07:21 pm                              Candle Lighting

08:20 pm                              Krias Shema                       (earliest time)


 Sat, Aug 16

08:45 am                              Shacharis                             Gabbaim R. Quinn & S. Gross

09:45 am                              Krias HaTorah                   Avi Gruen

09:36 am                              Krias Shema                       (latest time)

10:30 am                              Dvar Torah                          R Gold

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                  R Heller

11:00 am                              Kiddush       

11:30 am                              Shiur                                      R Wolbe

11:30 am                              Middos for Marriage         Rbzn Denbo

06:00 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                          M. Abramson

05:45 pm                              In-Reach Parsha Class   R Gold

CANCELLED                       Pirkei Avos                          H. Witkin

06:15 pm                              Gemara Brochos              R Denbo

07:00 pm                              Mincha         

07:30 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Gold

08:20 pm                              Maariv


 Weekday Schedule 

 Sun Aug 17 – Fri Aug 22

05:13 am                              Earliest Tallis – Vaeschanan

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

7:00/8:00 am                       Sun. Shacharis

09:36 am                              Latest Shema

10:43 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:31 pm                              Earliest Mincha

06:16 pm                              Plag HaMincha

05:40 pm                              Summer Mincha

07:20 pm                      Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                      Maariv b’zmano


07:13 pm                      Candle Lighting next week - Parshas Ekev



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)

Cancelled  9:00 am        Hilchos Tefilos                              N. Eisman

Cancelled  8:00 pm        Book of Joshua (10 wks)            R Weinberg

Mon                8:00 pm        Tefillah for Women                        Rbzn Gold   

Mon-Fri         6:50 am        Gemara                                           R Cohen

Mon-Fri         7:00am          Kiruv Kollel B’Chevrusa            M. Abramson

Mon-Fri         8:30 am        Mishne Brura:                               R Cohen

                        Laws of Prayer     

Tues              8:15 pm        Tehillim Group                                Weinsteins

Wed               8:00 am        Valley AM Learning                     R Heller

Wed               11:00 am      Mommy, Me & Torah                    Rbzn Shenker

Wed               7:30 pm        Gemara Skills                                 R Shenker

Thurs             7:30am         Women’s Parsha                           L. Pritikin

Thurs             Noon             Pirkei Avos                                     H. Witkin



Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits on Child-Raising: Calmness


We have thus far discussed the importance of children seeing a happy home and their need to be made to feel secure. Another important element in a home – an atmosphere from which happiness and security seem to flow more effortlessly – is that of regiyah, calmness. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to marital harmony and raising children is the presence of pressure, when people are stressed. Why is this so?


Generally, the cause of one’s stress tends to become a larger-than-life issue, relegating everything else secondary. In this state, the person loses his ability to evaluate, with any degree of reason, whether the issue is truly important in the first place. Sadly, in almost all instances, although the issue may not be totally trivial, it is rarely of the colossal importance that would justify the amount of pressure it is generating. Fueled by the attitude of “this has to be”, and very often, “right now”, tension quickly brings otherwise mundane matters to the boiling point.  It is truly eye-opening to consider the amount of pressure we bring to bear on those around us (and ourselves) over matters that really don’t warrant it.


In all cases, stress is force of little redeeming value. It spreads from the person to those around him, leaving tension, nerves, and anxiety in its wake. Calmness, by contrast, can bring so much more success in all areas of life. Particularly within families it creates a pleasant, healthy atmosphere where children can thrive.


Changing middos (character traits) - to overcome old patterns and ingrained habits - is difficult, to say the least. But, even if not for our own sake, don’t we owe it to our children to be the strong and mature parents they so desperately need?


Let’s look at a few examples: A common stress situation involves getting the kids out to school on time in the morning. It’s late, and the parents are stressed, worried that the kids will be late. The parents themselves may be late. In the tense atmosphere that prevails, parents tend to be less patient with their kids, less caring, and less trusting... Obviously the child who complains of a stomach-ache must be feigning it just to stall for time. Since the parents are not interested in listening, the children will carry on even more, and it will get later and later. The parent may end up dragging a screaming and kicking child through the streets. At the end, everyone is late.


Alternatively, at night, parents may need to go out. If they are calm and patient, they have a fighting chance of getting out on time. But if they’re pressurized, it is basically guaranteed that the kids will perform, carry on, and do everything in the world besides go to sleep.


A common stress inducer in modern living (not specifically pertaining to children) is being stuck in traffic. The driver can become extremely frustrated and tense, and may become nasty to those around him. Interestingly, he may not even be in a particular hurry to reach his destination. Simply feeling ‘stuck’ seems to drive people crazy. Note how people literally risk their lives with dangerous driving, simply because they get nervous. To be continued…


Shabbat Shalom, R’ Moshe Cohen





 Rav Moshe Feinstein  zt ”l held that since today many times a person is killed for his money, if a person is held up, he should say birkas hagomel because he has experienced a miracle that he was not killed.





Kiddush sponsor

Aish is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the SEED Couples, R’ Zev and Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe and R’ Yoel and Mrs. Rachel Gold. Thank you for your dedication to our community this week!


seudah shlishis sponsors

No sponsors this week.  Contact Tamar for sponsorship opportunities.


Thank you

Thank you to­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Jonathan Karabenick for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



Mazal tov to Karen Siles (our former beloved Aish Community & Hospitality Coordinator) on her engagement to Aaron Gold from Toronto.  May you build a fit and trustworthy home among the Jewish people.


Mazal tov to Daniel and Azriela Jankovic on the birth of a baby girl.



This week’s video conference with R’ Simcha Weinberg will resume this Sun.


Become an aleinu mentor

Aleinu is looking for male and female volunteers to mentor youth ages 6 – 18. Mentors are provided with comprehensive training, ongoing support and supervision to help both the mentor and youth benefit most from their experience. Mentor training: Mon, Sep 15. For more information, contact Dr. Bassya Pinson at (310) 247-0534 ext 222 or email


Hosting for Shabbos

Families who would like guests at their Shabbos tables are encouraged to contact the Tamar with preferred dates and meals, ext. 305.  In addition, if you can accommodate sleep-over guests it is greatly appreciated!






This Shabbos afternoon we will be having a Women’s Seudah Shlishis with Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe at the Notowitz home from 5:00-6:30pm.  Their address is 1518 S. Crest Drive. Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe will be speaking about the invaluable lessons of Pirkei Avos – don’t miss this! If you are new to Aish, this is a perfect opportunity to come meet our community.



Also, don’t miss our upcoming AISH Family Picnic THIS Sun, Aug 17, from 10 am – 12:30 pm at Roxbury Park.  Bring your lunches, blankets, Frisbees, soccer balls, sports equipment, and all your other outdoor games! 



Come hear Mrs. Rachel Gold, one of our outstanding SEED Rebbetzins, speak about “Tefillah for Women” this Mon, Aug 18, from 8-9pm at Aish.





 Childcare Team:  Every Shabbos, from 8:40-9:00 am, all children ages 4-12 will be playing board games in the outside courtyard supervised by Elana Aufrichtig, as the teenage madrichim don't arrive until 9.


Parents, please communicate to your children that if they come to Aish before 11 am, they need to either be davening in shul or participating in their age appropriate group.  Please do not allow your child to hang out in the shul halls or the outside courtyard during davening.  We thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please speak to R Cohen. 


Social Team

Aish Family Picnic, THIS Sun, Aug 17. See info above.


The Social Team has decided to cancel the Aish family hike previously scheduled for Sun, Aug 24. More events to come – watch this space!


Education Team:

The Education Team has extended the Kiruv Kollel to weekdays at 7:00 am and are learning Maseches Chulin. On Shabbos (one hour before mincha) and every Sun at 8:00 am, they are learning Jewish civil law in Parshas Mishpatim. Any interested men are invited to join.


With Elul on the horizon, the Education Team is also working on expanding the Kollel, organizing more learning opportunities, and even developing an essential curriculum for learning.



AIsh Class information:



Middos for Marriage is aimed at fixing the biggest problem in your marriage – YOU! This series is for those of you married under five years (please respect this).


Today at 11:30 am in Seminar Rm – Rbtzn Nechama Denbo – Simcha – Women Only.


Aug 16: YIRAS SHAMAYIM CLASS for women

This Shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm, Rbzn Braverman will continue her series of summer shiurim on understanding and deepening your Yiras Shamayim. The shiur is at her home.


AUG 19: tues night tehillim

Tehillim group every Tues at 8:15 pm at Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein’s home.


aug 20: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



Every Wed at 7:30pm for men.  Includes chevrusah preparation and a shiur. Hebrew reading required. Walk-ins welcome. Contact R’ Motti Shenker for more details:



Gevurah: “Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond” is a young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women. Every Wed from 8:15-9:30 at Aish. For details, call (310) 766-9105 or email We are now accepting sponsorships of $118/class.



If you are a woman who wants to be more educated, whether you’re a beginner or have been learning for years, come to this new class designed especially for women. Every Thurs at 7:30 am (that’s right, am), Jul 31 through Sep 18 at Aish. Taught by Liane Pritikin.



A class for young married women (under 5 years) at 8:00 pm at a private residence. Please RSVP with Sharon Shenker.



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305




Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Don't Miss This!

Dear AISH Community,


This Shabbos, Aug 16, we will be having a Women’s Seudah Shlishis with Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe at the home of David and Aviva Miriam Notowitz from 5:00-6:30pm.  Their address is 1518 S. Crest Drive.


Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe will be speaking about the invaluable lessons we can learn from Pirkei Avos – don’t miss this!  Mrs. Wolbe is here in Los Angeles for two weeks with her husband Rabbi Zev Wolbe as a visiting scholarly couple-in-residence.  She is a graduate of BJJ Teacher’s Seminary and continues to learn, tutor, and teach in Israel until today.  They live in Jerusalem with their four children.


Feel free to bring your friends and relatives, and if you are new to Aish, this is a perfect opportunity to come meet our community.


Also, don’t miss our upcoming AISH Family Picnic THIS Sun, Aug 17, from 10 am – 12:30 pm at Roxbury Park.  Bring your lunches, blankets, Frisbees, soccer balls, sports equipment, and all your other outdoor games! 


Hope to see you there!



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


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