Friday, March 28, 2008

Final Altschuler Shiva Hours

Dan Altshuler will be sitting Shiva this Sunday from 10 to 2 and 6:30 to 9.


In addition, Dan will be having a Mincha Minyan at 6:30 followed by a short break and then he will have Maariv Minyan.



Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Shabbos Bulletin 3/29/2008

Good Shabbos


Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305



* The community is invited to celebrate Sheva Brochos with Yisroel meir and Esty Heller for Seudah Shlishis at 6:45pm Shabbos afternoon.



Shabbos Schedule


Fri, Mar 28

06:53 pm                              Candle Lighting

06:10 pm                              ANNEX Mincha/Kabbalos Shabbos/Maariv 

06:30 pm                              Kabbalos Shabbos                                  Carlebach Style

07:50 pm                              Krias Shema                                                           (earliest time)


Sat, Mar 29

08:25 am                              Shacharis                                                                Gabbaim R Quinn & S. Gross

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                                                       Nat Eisman

09:51 am                              Krias Shema                                                           (latest time)

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                                                      R’ Heller      

10:30 am                              Dvar Torah (after Mussaf)                                 R’ Sorani

Bat Mitzvah Speech                                             Rachel Ruttenberg

Brook Ruttenberg           

11:00 am                              Kiddush                   

11:30 am                              Shiur                                                                          R’ Cohen

“Not Just Happiness…True Happiness”

05:15 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                                                              Michael Abramson

05:30 pm                              Gemara Brochos                                                  R’ Cohen

06:15 pm                              Mincha         

06:45 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                                                     Sheva Brochos for the Hellers                    

Dvar Torah                                                              R’ Cohen

 07:50 pm                             Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun Mar 30- Fri Apr 4

05:59 am                              Earliest Tallis – Shemini

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

07:00/8:00 am                    Sunday Shacharis

09:51 am                              Latest Shema

10:53 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:29 pm                              Earliest Mincha

07:00 pm                              Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv

06:58 pm                      Candle Lighting next week- Parshas Tazria


05:40 pm                      Weekday Mincha all summer

06:30 pm                      Mincha Erev Shabbos summer schedule




Shemini – Know What You Do Not Know


Vayikra 10:20 “Vayishma Moshe Vayeetav B’eynov”


Rashi: “He Was Not Ashamed to Say I Did Not Hear This Law”


The author of the Sefer Shemiras Ha'Guf V'Hanefesh, R' Lerner, once approached Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z'tl, to inquire about a source for a certain Halacha included in his Sefer.   Rav Shlomo Zalman responded that he was not familiar with the source.  When Rav Lerner was ready to print his Sefer, he included this Halacha, and he wrote that he had asked Rav Shlomo Zalman for the source, but he was not familiar with it.  However, his peers in his Kollel tried to persuade him that it would be disrespectful to the Gadol Hador to publicize this. 


R' Lerner again approached Rav Shlomo Zalman, and Rav Shlomo Zalman told him that anyone who writes a Sefer is regarded as the Gadol Hador on that topic, and if he wasn't embarrassed to admit that he didn't know the source, why should he?  Instead, he should publicize in the Sefer that he was not aware of the source, and it was possible that someone, either in Eretz Yisrael or Chutz L'Aretz (outside the state of Israel), would be able to provide it.  Sure enough, that's exactly what happened, and after the Sefer was published, someone wrote a letter to R' Lerner with the source.    


Shabbat Shalom, R’ Moshe Cohen




Mishne Brure: When Pesach falls on Motzei Shabbos, the Shabbos Hagadol Drosho is given on the previous Shabbos.


Aruch HaShulchan: It is given on Erev Pesach.







- Kiddush was sponsored last week by Alan and Bonnie Cohen in honor of their nephew Jason Cohen receiving semicha from Aish HaTorah Yeshiva.  Mazal Tov!

- Cliff and Laurie Alsberg extend their heartfelt thanks to their beloved community for all their love, caring, chesed and tefillos during these past two weeks, especially the Gross’s, the Gordon’s, the Weinman’s, the Hirschmann’s, the Firestone’s, Aunt Lee, Ms. Galit Kashanian, the Wineburgh’s, the Kahn’s, the Pomeranz’s, the Sack’s, the Cohen’s, the Weintraub’s, the Bloom’s, Steve Fox, the Krevoy’s and the Sobel’s… They simply could not have endured it all without you! Their deepest appreciation also to Michel Mazous, the classiest, greatest doctor in the world! And to their two beautiful children, who rose to the occasion magnificently like the solid little troopers that they are… Lastly, their eternal appreciation to the Master of the Universe— for holding their hands so tightly for twelve straight days and nights, just to teach us that He is always holding our hands. 

- The Aish Community is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel and Brook Ruttenberg.  Mazal Tov!



- Nissan and Sahala Kohanchi sponsored last week’s Seudah Shlishis in honor of the birth of their daughter, Tehilla.

- Seudah Shlishis is being sponsored this week by Richard and Beverly Horowitz in honor of the Sheva Brochos of Yisroel Meir and Esty Heller.

- Howard Witkin and the Thursday Pirke Avos Class are cosponsoring Shalosh Seudos in honor of the 18th anniversary of the class as we complete our 6th cycle through the Mishna Pirke Avos.  With special gratitude to  Joel Goldman, A''H my first student, and to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Noach Weinberg, my first teacher and to Marni Witkin my first and only partner in everything. 


SHeva Brochos

The community is invited to celebrate Sheva Brochos with Yisroel meir and Esty Heller for Seudah Shlishis at 6:45pm Shabbos afternoon.


Thank YOu

Thank you to Tomer Kleinman for driving the Tomchei Shabbos Route this week.


Carlebach Minyan

This Friday evening is our monthly Carlebach Minyan. We will be hosting about 75 young professionals and college students here, at Aish, as well as at numerous homes in the community. We are looking forward to another successful Shabbos evening!


Passover Ralph’s Tour

Join the Orthodox Union’s Rabbi Kalinsky at the following dates, times and locations for a Pre- Pesach tour of Ralph’s expanded Passover selections including everything from Condiments, fruits and oils to meat, dairy, beverages, and many other products!

-           Mon, March 31 @ 7pm - 9616 W. Pico Blvd (Pico/Beverwil).

-           Wed, April 2nd @ 7pm - 10309 W. Olympic Blvd.

-           Thurs, April 3rd @ 7pm - 10861 LeConte in Westwood.



Help your wives during the frenzy of Pesach cleaning by getting the kids out of the house!  Sun, Apr 6, 10-12am, all dads and young children are invited to Schachter park (Beverwil and Beverlywood Dr) for a bagel breakfast and play time.  Just bring a blanket and balls/sand toys. For questions, call Jonah Light at 818-406-3882 or Ze'ev Amster at 310-804-3693.



The Aish Community Purim Seudah was a great success. Approximately 70 community members and kids came together to celebrate. Aish was able to raise $8700.67 for the needy in Yerushalayim. Congratulations to Ira Kaplan for winning the Aish raffle.


APR. 13: Pesach Shiur/Childcare

Sun, Apr 13 Rabbi Orlowek will be giving a men’s shiur on the Hagaddah.  During the men’s shiur, Aish will provide childcare at $5 per child for the 2 hour shiur.


New Times for Summer Davening

Erev Shabbos Mincha at 6:30 pm

Weekday (Early) Mincha at 5:40 pm

Weekday (Regular) Mincha/Maariv at candle lighting

Maariv at 9:00 pm.





Since R’ Weinberg, our Rosh Yeshiva, is still receiving treatment we would like to continue to share and learn some of his teachings and insights from “The 48 Ways to Wisdom”:


Way #3: Say It Out Loud



- "Saying it out loud" helps you clarify fuzzy ideas.

If you're reading, and have difficulty staying focused, start reading slowly out loud and you'll find it brings you right into contact. You might feel a bit foolish at first, but you'll eventually get the hang of it - and see the dividends paying off.


- Articulation is objectivity.

Speaking our beliefs out loud helps reveal how closely we actually follow our principles for living, and if they truly resonate within. Bringing a thought from your mind into your mouth takes it from potential to actual. We feel greater responsibility to carry through on what we say, much more than on what we think. Articulation bridges the gap between the demands of the body, and the lofty notions of the soul.


- The more senses you involve, the more of an impression it leaves on you.

The more senses you have working at one time, the deeper the impression. Try to be consciously aware of involving every fibre of your being. When you say "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God," do it from your toes. That makes a deep impression. It's living with everything you've got.


- What you speak is an expression of who you are.  

By articulating your ideas about living, you will get clarity.


- Everyone needs a sounding board, a feedback system. Do it yourself!  

Try giving yourself a daily pep talk on how much you are going to accomplish.


 - Never say, "I can't." Because then you won't, even if you could.

Tell yourself why you are going to do it, how you are going to do it, and the pleasure you will get from doing it.


- Language is the bridge where body meets the soul.

A problem that remains in your mind will often go unresolved. Hearing the problem through your ears provides a level of objectivity and perspective, and helps focus your attention. By reviewing the issue out loud (or on paper), you'll define the difficulties.


- Talking aloud keeps you from falling asleep and day-dreaming.

Articulate the important events of your life. This gives you more control over your life, and makes those events more integrated into your daily consciousness.


- Words are reality. "To say is to be!"  

Slogans are a quick and effective way to articulate core thoughts. Slogans enable us to remain clear about our goals and motivations.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Community Information

Please daven for Sara bas Yakova, Jamie Kleinman’s mother.  She is going in for surgery tomorrow.


Also, the shiva information for Dan Altshuler is below.  There was not a Minyan yesterday so please make a special effort to daven there.

Dan Altshuler will be sitting Shiva in his home this week.  1482 Shenandoah Street #20


No Shacharis at his home.


Visiting hours are from:


10 am to noon


6:30 to 10 pm.


Mincha/Maariv at 6:30 pm



Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Altschuler Shiva Hours

Dan Altshuler will be sitting Shiva in his home this week.  1482 Shenandoah Street #20


No Shacharis at his home.


Visiting hours are from:


10 am to noon


6:30 to 10 pm.


Mincha/Maariv at 6:30 pm


Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shiva Address Correction

Correction for the address of the shiva: 448 N. Formosa NOT 488.


Shiva Visit Information:


The family requests NO VISITS between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and none after 9:30 p.m.


Visitors are welcome before noon and


Between the hours of:


2:00 pm and 4:00 pm


6:00 pm to 9:30 pm



HaMakom y'nachem eschem besoch shar aveiley Tzion v'Yerushalayim


Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305



-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Siles
Monday, March 24, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: Baruch Dayan Emes


The Aish community extends its sincere condolences to Avrohom Sachs on the passing of his mother last week.


He is sitting Shiva at 488 N. Formosa until Thursday morning.


Shacharis is at 6:50 a.m. at the above address.

Mincha / Maariv at 7:00 p.m. at the above address.



Shiva Visit Information:


The family requests NO VISITS between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and none after 9:30 p.m.


Visits are welcome between the hours of:


2:00 pm and 4:00 pm


6:00 pm to 9:30 pm



HaMakom y'nachem eschem besoch shar aveiley Tzion v'Yerushalayim



Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Funeral Notice


The funeral for Dan Altschuler’s father will be today at 3 pm at the Hillside Memorial. 

6001 Centinela off the 405 and Sepulveda.


Shiva information to follow.


Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305


Monday, March 24, 2008

Bris Friday


We would like to wish Alexis and Jonathan Newman and grandparents, Neil and Debbie Schwartz, a big Mazal Tov on the birth of a baby boy.  The community is invited to share in celebrating the Bris at the Schwartz home, 332 S. Peck Drive this Friday, March 28. 


Shacharis will be at 7:30 am

The Bris will be at 8:30 am.


Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Baruch Dayan Emes

The Aish community extends its sincere condolences to Avrohom Sachs on the passing of his mother last week.


He is sitting Shiva at 488 N. Formosa until Thursday morning.


Shacharis is at 6:50 a.m. at the above address.

Mincha / Maariv at 7:00 p.m. at the above address.



Shiva Visit Information:


The family requests NO VISITS between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and none after 9:30 p.m.


Visits are welcome between the hours of:


2:00 pm and 4:00 pm


6:00 pm to 9:30 pm



HaMakom y'nachem eschem besoch shar aveiley Tzion v'Yerushalayim



Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 3/22/2008

Chag Sameach!!!  And Good Shabbos!!!



Karen Siles

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone:310.278.8672 ext. 305




Aish Purim Schedule


Thurs.  March 20th Fast of Esther               Fri  March 21st Purim

Fast begins              5:46 am                                 Shachris                    7:00  am

Mincha                     6:30 pm                                 Megilla                      7:30 am

Maariv                      7:30 pm                                 There will be a second reading for    

Megillah                   7:45 pm                                 women at the Alsbergs at 9:00 am                                                                       

Fast ends                  7:50 pm                                 Aish Purim Seudah!  12:00 pm




Shabbos Schedule


Fri, Mar 21

06:47 pm                              Candle Lighting                

06:30 pm                       Mincha                          ALL SUMMER

07:45 pm                              Krias Shema                       (earliest time)


Sat, Mar 22

08:25 am                              Shacharis                            Gabbaim R Quinn & S. Gross

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                   Nat Eisman, Conrad Saks, Chaim  Weinburgh

09:58 am                              Krias Shema                       (latest time)

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                  R’ Heller      

11:00 am                              Kiddush                   

11:30 am                              Shiur                                      R’ Cohen

“How Everyone Can Be a Cohen”

05:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                          Michael Abramson

05:45 pm                              Gemara Brochos              R’ Denbo

06:30 pm                              Mincha         

07:00 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                

Dvar Torah                          R’ Cohen

 07:45 pm                             Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun Mar 23- Fri Mar 28

06:09 am                             Earliest Tallis – Tzav

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

07:00/8:00 am                    Sunday Shacharis

09:58 am                              Latest Shema

10:59 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:31 pm                              Earliest Mincha

06:55 pm                       Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                       Maariv

06:53 pm                       Candle Lighting next week- Parshas Shemini


05:40 pm                       Weekday Mincha all summer

06:30 pm                       Mincha Erev Shabbos summer schedule




Purim - HaShem’s Justice


An Orthodox Jew from New Jersey was involved in a car accident in which he accidentally killed an old non-Jewish man. Although the courts found the Jewish man not guilty, he felt enormous guilt that he had killed an old man. He could not sleep and lost his appetite. Eventually he decided to seek counsel from R. Chaim Kanievsky of Bnei Brak, son of the Steipler Gaon. He wrote him a letter asking for a Tikun (rectification) for what he had done. Rav Chaim wrote back a one word response: “Amalek.”


The man was disappointed. He could not understand this answer and continued suffering with sleepless nights. At some point he decided to move away from his town to begin a new life. He began searching for a new location and found a house in a nearby town that appealed to him. The owners told him that they were eager to get rid of this house which they had recently inherited.                                                                                                                   


 In an amazing twist of fate it turned out that the residence belonged to the non-Jew whom he had accidentally killed! However, even more bizarre was the fact that in the basement of the house he found materials belonging to the deceased non-Jewish man. He was shocked to find a picture of the old man during his youth proudly wearing an SS uniform, standing next to Hitler. It turned out that this old man was an SS officer in the Nazi army. After the war, he made his escape to the United States and hid his past. Other documents he had preserved included a list of the names of all the Jews he personally murdered.         


When he read the names of the Jewish people that were murdered, he found both of his parent's names on the list!  HaShem had indeed avenged their blood! It was only then that he understood Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's answer!!


Shabbat Shalom, R’ Moshe Cohen




O.C 694:1 Mishne Brure


Matanos L’Evyonim:

It is more important to give money to the poor on Purim than it is to give gifts

to your friends or have a large meal. There is no joy greater than bringing joy to the poor, widows and orphans…






Pat and Bob Shuken are sponsoring Kiddush in loving memory of Bob’s mother Harriet Shuken.  May her neshama have an aliyah. 



Sponsorships available. Contact Karen at (310)278-8672 ext. 305.


Thank YOu

Thank you to Jonathan Tessler and his daughter, Hannah, for driving the Tomchei Shabbos Route this week.


Shabbos Kallah

Shabbos Kallah this Shabbos, March 22nd at the home of Sam and Randy Goldberger: 1556 S. Glenville, Los Angeles, CA 90035.

 It will be at approximately 6 pm



We are sorry to inform the olam that the mother of Avrohom Sachs was niftar. The levaya will be in Palm Springs on Friday. Avrohom will be back in  LA for mincha on Sunday. He will be sitting shiva at 448 N. Formosa until Thursday morning.  Davening times: Shacharis at 6:50 and Mincha at 7:00.


New Times for Summer Davening

Erev Shabbos Mincha at 6:30 pm

Weekday (Early) Mincha at 5:40 pm

Weekday (Regular) Mincha/Maariv at candle lighting

Maariv at 9:00 pm


Our rosh yeshiva

R’ Weinberg is receiving treatment in Eretz Yisroel.  R’ Cohen suggests that on Shabbos everyone commit to learn the Torah the Rosh HaYeshiva has taught us, such as “The 48 Ways”, etc, in the merit of his Refuah Shleima. Hebrew name is Yisrael Noach ben Hinda.


Mar 24: Pesach Preparations for Procrastinators

 ...and organized people too.

Learn how to prepare your home for Pesach with Judith Cohen on Sunday, Mar 24 at 9:15 - 10:45 at the Aish HaTorah seminar room. For women and men.



Help your wives out during the frenzy of Pesach cleaning by getting the kids out of the house!  Sun, Apr 6th, 10-12, all dads and young children are invited to Schachter park (Beverwil and Beverlywood Dr) for a bagel breakfast and play time.  Just bring a blanket and balls/sand toys. For questions, call Jonah Light at 818-406-3882 or Ze'ev Amster at 310-804-3693.


New CLass

Rabbi Cohen’s daily class in Mishne Brure will be starting the laws of Pesach starting Mon this week.


Passover Ralph’s Tour

Join the Orthodox Union Rabbis at the following dates, times and locations for a tour of Ralph’s expanded Passover selections including everything from Condiments, fruits and oils to meat, dairy, beverages, and many other products!

-           Pico/Beverwil: Monday, March 31 @ 7pm9616 W. Pico Blvd.

-  La Brea/3rd: Tuesday, March 25 @ 7:30pm260 S. La Brea Ave.


Get Wrapped, Strapped and Capped!  

Join us for either of our two excellent minyanim at 6:00am or 7:30am.  Add one or both excellent classes with R. Cohen at 6:50am and 8:30am.  Coffee and Bonert pies, no extra charge!  C'mon, you like pie




The 48 Ways to Wisdom

Since R’ Weinberg, our Rosh Yeshiva, is still receiving treatment we would like to continue to share and learn some of his teachings and insights from “The 48 Ways to Wisdom”:


Way #2: Listen Effectively


“How many times do we think we're listening to the other person, only to find out later that our mind was somewhere else? Before you decide whether to accept or reject an idea, before you argue, before you make statements -- first make sure you're being objective. Otherwise, you're expressing an emotional prejudice -- not an intelligent opinion.


Shmi'at B'ozen literally means "listen with your ears." When the Torah uses the word Shema -- "Hear O Israel" -- it implies a deeper level of listening -- focusing, paying attention, understanding, and putting into action. Zero in on what’s being said and let the message penetrate your thoughts.                                                                                              

Effective listening means:

1. Hearing the words.

2. Understanding the message.

3. Putting it into action.




- "Listen" and "silent" have the same letters.

- Get the picture straight, especially when you are emotionally involved.

- Don't fall into the trap of the "I-You-He" game.

- Without definitions, you can fool yourself into thinking you're living "the good life."

- No one wants to be a Bafoofstik.

- Torah contains powerful tools for living. Make sure you dig out the depth of meaning.

- There's no use arguing if you don't know what you're arguing about. No use in learning if you don't know what you've learned. No use in taking action if you don't know what you want to achieve.

- If you use this tool for the rest of your life, you are rich.


Always ask yourself: "Now that I understand, what am I going to do about it?"

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