Friday, June 27, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 6/28/08



Parshas Korach

Jun 28, 2008 / 25 Sivan 5768


Shabbos Schedule


Fri, Jun 27

06:30 pm               Mincha

07:50 pm               Candle Lighting

08:48 pm               Krias Shema                         (earliest time)


Sat, Jun 28

08:25 am               Shacharis                             Gabbai S. Gross

09:15 am               Krias HaTorah                     Nat Eisman

09:20 am               Krias Shema                                         (latest time)

10:15 am               Spirituality 101                    R Heller

10:45 am               Kiddush

11:45 am               Shiur                                      R Cohen

"You can always get what you want,

            but it may not be what you need"

06:15 pm               In-Reach Parsha Class      R Sorani

06:30 pm               Kiruv Kollel                           Michael Abramson

06:30 pm               Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin

06:45 pm               Gemara Brochos                                R Cohen

07:30 pm               Mincha  

08:00 pm               Seudah Shlishis

                                 Dvar Torah                       Michael Abramson

08:50 pm               Maariv



Weekday Schedule


Sun Jun 29 - Fri July 4

04:34 am               Earliest Tallis – Korach

06:00 am               Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am               Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

07:00/8:00 am      Sunday Shacharis

09:20 am               Latest Shema

10:32 am               Latest Shacharis

01:32 pm               Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm               Summer Mincha

07:55 pm               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm               Maariv b'zmano

07:50 pm               Candle Lighting next week- Parshas Chukas



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)


Sun         9:00 am Hilchos Tefilos                     Nossen (Nat) Eisman

Sun         8:00pm  Book of Joshua (10 weeks) R Weinberg

Mon-Fri  6:50 am Gemara                                 R Cohen

Mon-Fri  8:30 am Mishne Brura:                      R Cohen

Laws of Prayer   

Wed        8:00 am Valley AM Learning            R Heller

Wed        11:00 amMommy, Me and Torah      Rbzn Shenker

Wed        7:45 pm Gemara Skills                       R Shenker

Thurs     Noon      Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin



Rabbi Yitchak Berkovits on Raising Children:

Chinuch HabanimSimchas Hachayim (part 2 continued)


Who gains the most from a happy mindset?  You do. Happiness is good for one's heart, as well as the intestines and other body systems. The same Hashem who commanded us in Ahavas Hashem and happiness, also created our physiological selves, our bodies and diseases; it's obvious that they are all meant to work in harmony. It therefore comes as no surprise that following the path that's good for our soul is beneficial for our body, as well. On all levels, it is simply so good to be happy.  Moreover, the entire world of middos tovos is opened wide when one manages to attain a state of true simcha. The petty sides of life, the things that drag people down are a thing of the past for the one who has mastered happiness. Happiness, health, riches, character improvement... Who wouldn't want it?

* * * * *

כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה. (Every soul praises G-d). [Rav Berkovits previously cited the midrash that sees in this verse that man's every breath –the expression of his desire to experience more and more of life – is a song of praise to Hashem].  Happiness exists in being infatuated with life itself[1]; it can be maintained by learning to view all of life's intricate detail with fascination. Even struggling can be a source of wonder and amazement. מה יתאונן אדם חי  - "For what does the the living man complain?", (Lamentations ch. 3). Hardships, difficulties, struggles – all these things are part of the fascination of life. Dead people do not feel pain.


One achieves happiness by simply feeling שמחה, feeling the שמחת החיים – literally, the joy of being alive: Baruch Hashem – Thank G-d, I'm alive, and I'm breathing. I'm a מרגיש, I can feel pain and I can feel happiness. I can get a joke. Hashem gave me a brain. I realize what's going on. I can process. I can think. I can sit down and learn properly. I know there's a creator. I know that He cares about me. I know that ultimately He only does what's best for me. I know that Hashem may give me נסיונות (tests), but He doesn't play tricks and give us experiences that we are incapable of handling. And even if I fail, there's still תשובה (repentance). It's a truly wonderful world. It's a fascinating world filled with lots of interesting people. Some of whom I enjoy spending time with, and some of whom I really need to be creative to protect myself from. The incredible complexity of the physical world and all its wonders is surpassed only by the wonders of the human psyche. Struggling with life's issues and struggling with myself is nothing if not absolutely fascinating. Life is not dull. Hashem will not let me remain a small person, and will throw my way opportunities to grow. Challenges are exciting.


All this is part of the healthy fascination of being alive.




Jewish law tip


Rav Sheinberg, shlita: permits showering and shaving before davening in order to minimize bitul Torah.

Rav Eliashiv, shlita: permits showering and shaving before davening, if you have a person to remind you that you have not davened.

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l: permits showering before davening because it improves concentration in davening, but is in doubt with regards to shaving.





Kiddush sponsor

- Pat and Bob Shuken are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the yahrtzeit of Bob's father, Philip, of blessed memory (26 Sivan).  May his neshama have an aliyah.

- Alan and Bonnie Cohen are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Shira Ariella, to their daughter Sheryl. 


seudah shlishis sponsor

- Jeffrey and Judy Gruen are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the 15th yahrtzeit of Judy's father, Yaakov ben Herbert, of blessed memory (29 Sivan).  May his neshama have an aliyah.

- Ed and June Abramson, Michael and Alex Abramson, and Nigel and Tracy Hamer are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the 28nd yahrtzeit of Ed's mother, Michael and Tracy's grandmother, Manya bas Sarah (22 Sivan). A forever blessing to their family, may her neshama have an aliyah.

- Harlan Schwartz and Dr. Joel Schwartz are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the memory of their mother, Sylvia Schwartz, Sheva bas Tsvi Yosef, on the occasion of her 10th yahrtzeit (27 Sivan). May her neshama have an aliyah.


Thank you

Thank you to ­Jeff Mellon and his friend for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route last week.


mazal tov

- Mazal tov to Alan and Bonnie Cohen on the birth of their granddaughter, Shira Ariella.

- Happy Anniversary to David Weinman.  It's been a wonderful 13 years together!  Much love from Laura, Micah, and Rebecca.



We would like to include your profession and/or other interests in the Aish community directory (i.e. doctor, law, golf, cooking).  Please email Tamar at as soon as possible.



Bnei Aish is a unique 4 week summer program in Israel, geared towards American Yeshiva high school students, grades 9 – 12, who want to have a fun, action-packed summer, while growing and developing as Jews.  Our fine balance of Limud HaTorah, Aish Hashkafa, and connecting to Eretz Yisrael makes us an absolute must for any teenager looking for not-just-another-summer-program.  For details, visit or email



Mrs. Adina Sher will be offering a 3-part class on the Bais Hamikdash this summer.  The topics include Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash, based on the Rambam's Hilchos Bais Habechira (Jul 26), Ezekiel's Vision of the Future Temple (Aug 2), and Mystical Insights on the 3rd Temple, based on the Ramchal (Aug 9). Stay tuned for details.



Starting on July 12th, eight classes focusing on the biggest problem in your marriage: YOU!  Healthy relationships grow from healthy selves.  Topics include: enthusiasm, patience, self-control, and humility. Watch this space. 



There is an 8 year old Jewish child up for adoption.  If they can't find a Jewish home, the child will be adopted by non-Jews. If you know an interested party, call Rabbi Shimoni at (732) 236-9695.



Rabbi Yitz Jacobs and Rebbetzin Chana Heller left this week with a trip of 30 young professionals to Israel. The Aish community wishes them much success!



Announcing a weekly summer exercise dance class for women at Aish – with childcare available!!  For more information, contact Talya Goldstein at 310 854-0867.



Performing Arts / Fine Arts teacher available to teach dancing, singing, and fine arts to girls aged 7 – 16 privately or in group sessions. Contact Talya Goldstein at 310 854-0867.



You can still join our video conference with Rav Simcha Weinberg on Sunday evenings from 8 – 9pm at the Aish Center!  Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we will not be recording and viewing the classes on Sunday mornings as well.  We apologize for any inconveniences.  The good news is that the live video interaction on Sun nights will be smooth and synchronized without the recording software. Please RSVP with Tamar, ext 305 or



Aish Community Leadership


Baruch Hashem, over 60 community members have volunteered for our new, community-based committees including Kiruv, Shul, Education, Social, Women's Learning, Chesed, and Marketing.  We still need some more volunteers to round out the following committees:


Security Committee: Chaired by Jonathan Tessler

We need volunteers to provide guidance and manpower to enhance facility security.


Membership Committee: Chaired by Laura Barnadjian

We need volunteers to develop appealing membership options and encourage community members and supporters to join!


Marketing Committee: Chaired by Jonathan Tessler

We need volunteers to promote events, classes, and other activities to the Aish HaTorah community and the wider Los Angeles community.


If you're ready to make a difference for our community, volunteer for one or all of these committees.  Outside at Kiddush, use the directory to indicate your interest with color-coded paperclips.


Upcoming Meeting: The First Social Committee meeting is July 15 at 8pm.  See Tamar for details.



Aish Class information:


jun 28: "Building A Better Marriage" - this week is for the men

It's time to put the last bricks in place in our freshly built 'better marriages' with the last men's class in this series.  Today's class is for young marrieds (under 5 years) only.  This week we have the privilege of hearing Rabbi Moshe Cohen, our community rabbi, and the topic is, wait for it, this is a great title: "Marital Arts or Martial Arts – It All Depends Where You Put the 'I.'"  Next week is Emunah Braverman who will speak to the women about In-Laws. 


jun 28: For women only

This Shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm, Rebbetzin Emuna Braverman will continue her series of summer shiurim on understanding and deepening our Yiras Shamayim. The shiur is at her home.


JUN 30: Young Couples

Every two weeks there will be a class for young married (under five years) women at a private residence.  Next topic is "Insights into Candle Lighting."  Please RSVP with Sharon Shenker.


JuL 2: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women and young children on Wed mornings at 11 am for one hour.  There is circle time with davening and songs, play time, and snack time, followed by a 30 minute parsha class with Rebbetzin Sharon Shenker.  Please tell any mommies you know about it. 



A skills-based Gemora class every Wed at 7.45pm for men.  The class will include chevrusah preparation and a shiur with a threefold goal: a) create an enjoyable learning experience, b) develop learning skills, and c) delve into the wondrous depths of the Gemora. Hebrew reading required. Walk-ins welcome.  Contact R' Motti Shenker for more details.



Gevurah: "Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond" is a new young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women.  The next event is Wed from 8:15 pm to 9:30 pm at the Aish Center. No charge. For more details, email or 310 766-9105. 





Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


Shabbos Bulletin 6/28/08



Parshas Korach

Jun 28, 2008 / 25 Sivan 5768


Shabbos Schedule


Fri, Jun 27

06:30 pm               Mincha

07:50 pm               Candle Lighting

08:48 pm               Krias Shema                         (earliest time)


Sat, Jun 28

08:25 am               Shacharis                             Gabbai S. Gross

09:15 am               Krias HaTorah                     Nat Eisman

09:20 am               Krias Shema                                         (latest time)

10:15 am               Spirituality 101                    R Heller

10:45 am               Kiddush

11:45 am               Shiur                                      R Cohen

"You can always get what you want,

 but it may not be what you need"

06:15 pm               In-Reach Parsha Class      R Sorani

06:30 pm               Kiruv Kollel                           Michael Abramson

06:30 pm               Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin

06:45 pm               Gemara Brochos                                R Cohen

07:30 pm               Mincha  

08:00 pm                  Seudah Shlishis

                                    Dvar Torah                       Michael Abramson

08:50 pm               Maariv



Weekday Schedule


Sun Jun 29 - Fri July 4

04:34 am               Earliest Tallis – Korach

06:00 am               Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am               Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

07:00/8:00 am      Sunday Shacharis

09:20 am               Latest Shema

10:32 am               Latest Shacharis

01:32 pm               Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm               Summer Mincha

07:55 pm               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm               Maariv b'zmano

07:50 pm               Candle Lighting next week-

Parshas Chukas



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)


Sun         9:00 am Hilchos Tefilos                     Nossen (Nat) Eisman

Sun         8:00pm  Book of Joshua (10 weeks)               R Weinberg

Mon-Fri  6:50 am Gemara                                 R Cohen

Mon-Fri  8:30 am Mishne Brura:                      R Cohen

Laws of Prayer   

Wed        8:00 am Valley AM Learning            R Heller

Wed        11:00 amMommy, Me and Torah      Rbzn Shenker

Wed        7:45 pm Gemara Skills                       R Shenker

Thurs     Noon      Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin



Rabbi Yitchak Berkovits on Raising Children:

Chinuch HabanimSimchas Hachayim (part 2 continued)


Who gains the most from a happy mindset?  You do. Happiness is good for one's heart, as well as the intestines and other body systems. The same Hashem who commanded us in Ahavas Hashem and happiness, also created our physiological selves, our bodies and diseases; it's obvious that they are all meant to work in harmony. It therefore comes as no surprise that following the path that's good for our soul is beneficial for our body, as well. On all levels, it is simply so good to be happy.  Moreover, the entire world of middos tovos is opened wide when one manages to attain a state of true simcha. The petty sides of life, the things that drag people down are a thing of the past for the one who has mastered happiness. Happiness, health, riches, character improvement... Who wouldn't want it?

* * * * *

כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה. (Every soul praises G-d). [Rav Berkovits previously cited the midrash that sees in this verse that man's every breath –the expression of his desire to experience more and more of life – is a song of praise to Hashem].  Happiness exists in being infatuated with life itself[1]; it can be maintained by learning to view all of life's intricate detail with fascination. Even struggling can be a source of wonder and amazement. מה יתאונן אדם חי  - "For what does the the living man complain?", (Lamentations ch. 3). Hardships, difficulties, struggles – all these things are part of the fascination of life. Dead people do not feel pain.


One achieves happiness by simply feeling שמחה, feeling the שמחת החיים – literally, the joy of being alive: Baruch Hashem – Thank G-d, I'm alive, and I'm breathing. I'm a מרגיש, I can feel pain and I can feel happiness. I can get a joke. Hashem gave me a brain. I realize what's going on. I can process. I can think. I can sit down and learn properly. I know there's a creator. I know that He cares about me. I know that ultimately He only does what's best for me. I know that Hashem may give me נסיונות (tests), but He doesn't play tricks and give us experiences that we are incapable of handling. And even if I fail, there's still תשובה (repentance). It's a truly wonderful world. It's a fascinating world filled with lots of interesting people. Some of whom I enjoy spending time with, and some of whom I really need to be creative to protect myself from. The incredible complexity of the physical world and all its wonders is surpassed only by the wonders of the human psyche. Struggling with life's issues and struggling with myself is nothing if not absolutely fascinating. Life is not dull. Hashem will not let me remain a small person, and will throw my way opportunities to grow. Challenges are exciting.


All this is part of the healthy fascination of being alive.



Jewish law tip


Rav Sheinberg, shlita: permits showering and shaving before davening in order to minimize bitul Torah.

Rav Eliashiv, shlita: permits showering and shaving before davening, if you have a person to remind you that you have not davened.

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l: permits showering before davening because it improves concentration in davening, but is in doubt with regards to shaving.





Kiddush sponsor

- Pat and Bob Shuken are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the yahrtzeit of Bob's father, Philip, of blessed memory (26 Sivan).  May his neshama have an aliyah.

- Alan and Bonnie Cohen are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Shira Ariella, to their daughter Sheryl. 


seudah shlishis sponsor

- Jeffrey and Judy Gruen are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the 15th yahrtzeit of Judy's father, Yaakov ben Herbert, of blessed memory (29 Sivan).  May his neshama have an aliyah.

- Ed and June Abramson, Michael and Alex Abramson, and Nigel and Tracy Hamer are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the 28nd yahrtzeit of Ed's mother, Michael and Tracy's grandmother, Manya bas Sarah (22 Sivan). A forever blessing to their family, may her neshama have an aliyah.

- Harlan Schwartz and Dr. Joel Schwartz are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of the memory of their mother, Sylvia Schwartz, Sheva bas Tsvi Yosef, on the occasion of her 10th yahrtzeit (27 Sivan). May her neshama have an aliyah.


Thank you

Thank you to ­Jeff Mellon and his friend for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route last week.


mazal tov

- Mazal tov to Alan and Bonnie Cohen on the birth of their granddaughter, Shira Ariella.

- Happy Anniversary to David Weinman.  It's been a wonderful 13 years together!  Much love from Laura, Micah, and Rebecca.



We would like to include your profession and/or other interests in the Aish community directory (i.e. doctor, law, golf, cooking).  Please email Tamar at as soon as possible.



Bnei Aish is a unique 4 week summer program in Israel, geared towards American Yeshiva high school students, grades 9 – 12, who want to have a fun, action-packed summer, while growing and developing as Jews.  Our fine balance of Limud HaTorah, Aish Hashkafa, and connecting to Eretz Yisrael makes us an absolute must for any teenager looking for not-just-another-summer-program.  For details, visit or email



Mrs. Adina Sher will be offering a 3-part class on the Bais Hamikdash this summer.  The topics include Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash, based on the Rambam's Hilchos Bais Habechira (Jul 26), Ezekiel's Vision of the Future Temple (Aug 2), and Mystical Insights on the 3rd Temple, based on the Ramchal (Aug 9). Stay tuned for details.



Starting on July 12th, eight classes focusing on the biggest problem in your marriage: YOU!  Healthy relationships grow from healthy selves.  Topics include: enthusiasm, patience, self-control, and humility. Watch this space. 



There is an 8 year old Jewish child up for adoption.  If they can't find a Jewish home, the child will be adopted by non-Jews. If you know an interested party, call Rabbi Shimoni at (732) 236-9695.



Rabbi Yitz Jacobs and Rebbetzin Chana Heller left this week with a trip of 30 young professionals to Israel. The Aish community wishes them much success!



Announcing a weekly summer exercise dance class for women at Aish – with childcare available!!  For more information, contact Talya Goldstein at 310 854-0867.



Performing Arts / Fine Arts teacher available to teach dancing, singing, and fine arts to girls aged 7 – 16 privately or in group sessions. Contact Talya Goldstein at 310 854-0867.



You can still join our video conference with Rav Simcha Weinberg on Sunday evenings from 8 – 9pm at the Aish Center!  Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we will not be recording and viewing the classes on Sunday mornings as well.  We apologize for any inconveniences.  The good news is that the live video interaction on Sun nights will be smooth and synchronized without the recording software. Please RSVP with Tamar, ext 305 or



Aish Community Leadership


Baruch Hashem, over 60 community members have volunteered for our new, community-based committees including Kiruv, Shul, Education, Social, Women's Learning, Chesed, and Marketing.  We still need some more volunteers to round out the following committees:


Security Committee: Chaired by Jonathan Tessler

We need volunteers to provide guidance and manpower to enhance facility security.


Membership Committee: Chaired by Laura Barnadjian

We need volunteers to develop appealing membership options and encourage community members and supporters to join!


Marketing Committee: Chaired by Jonathan Tessler

We need volunteers to promote events, classes, and other activities to the Aish HaTorah community and the wider Los Angeles community.


If you're ready to make a difference for our community, volunteer for one or all of these committees.  Outside at Kiddush, use the directory to indicate your interest with color-coded paperclips.


Upcoming Meeting: The First Social Committee meeting is July 15 at 8pm.  See Tamar for details.



Aish Class information:


jun 28: "Building A Better Marriage" - this week is for the men

It's time to put the last bricks in place in our freshly built 'better marriages' with the last men's class in this series.  Today's class is for young marrieds (under 5 years) only.  This week we have the privilege of hearing Rabbi Moshe Cohen, our community rabbi, and the topic is, wait for it, this is a great title: "Marital Arts or Martial Arts – It All Depends Where You Put the 'I.'"  Next week is Emunah Braverman who will speak to the women about In-Laws. 


jun 28: For women only

This Shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm, Rebbetzin Emuna Braverman will continue her series of summer shiurim on understanding and deepening our Yiras Shamayim. The shiur is at her home.


JUN 30: Young Couples

Every two weeks there will be a class for young married (under five years) women at a private residence.  Next topic is "Insights into Candle Lighting."  Please RSVP with Sharon Shenker.


JuL 2: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women and young children on Wed mornings at 11 am for one hour.  There is circle time with davening and songs, play time, and snack time, followed by a 30 minute parsha class with Rebbetzin Sharon Shenker.  Please tell any mommies you know about it. 



A skills-based Gemora class every Wed at 7.45pm for men.  The class will include chevrusah preparation and a shiur with a threefold goal: a) create an enjoyable learning experience, b) develop learning skills, and c) delve into the wondrous depths of the Gemora. Hebrew reading required. Walk-ins welcome.  Contact R' Motti Shenker for more details.



Gevurah: "Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond" is a new young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women.  The next event is Wed from 8:15 pm to 9:30 pm at the Aish Center. No charge. For more details, email or 310 766-9105. 





Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


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