Friday, February 27, 2009

Shabbos Bulletin 2/28/2009




Parshas Mishpotim

Feb 28, 2009/ 4 Adar 5769



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. Feb 27

05:29 pm                  Candle Lighting

05:34 pm                  Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos                              (Sanctuary)

The Laws of Candle lighting                              R Cohen

05:50 pm                  Ohr Zaruah Kabbalas Shabbos                       (Annex)

06:27 pm                  Krias Shema                                                           (earliest time)


Sat. Feb 28

08:15 am                  Chumash Shiur                                                      R Quinn

08:45 am                  Shacharis                                                                Gabbai R Quinn

09:15 am                  Krias Shema (latest) – BEFORE DAVENING

09:45 am                  Krias HaTorah                                                       N Eisman

10:15 am                  Spirituality 101                                                      R Heller

11:00 am                  Kiddush       

11:30 am                  Shiur                                                                          R Cohen

Be a Taker Not a Giver

11:30 am                  Young Couples Class                                          Rbzn Shenker

04:15 pm                  Kiruv Kollel                                                              M Abramson

04:30 pm                  Gemara Brochos                                                  R Denbo

05:15 pm                  Mincha         

05:45 pm                  Seudah Shlishis                                                     R Cohen

06:27 pm                  Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun Mar 1 – Fri Mar 6

05:35 am                  Earliest Tallis – Tetzaveh

7:00/8:00 am           Sun. Shacharis

06:00 am                  Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                  Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

09:15 am                  Latest Shema

10:12 am                  Latest Shacharis

12:34 pm                  Earliest Mincha

05:35 pm                  Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                  Maariv b’zmano

05:35 pm                  Candle Lighting next week – Tetzaveh

05:40 pm                  Next Friday – Mincha



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am            Morning Kollel                                R Shenker

Sun 9:00 am            Hilchos Tefils                                  N. Eisman

Mon-Fri 6:30 am     Shachris- Kollel Boker                R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am     Gemara Succah                            R Cohen

Mon-Fri 8:30 am     Mishne Brura:                                R Cohen

Laws of Prayer 107

Tues 8:15 pm          Tehillim Group                                Weinsteins

Wed 8:00 am           Valley AM Learning                      R Heller

Wed 11:00 am        Mommy, Me & Torah                    Rbzn Shenker

Thurs Noon             Pirkei Avos                                      H. Witkin



A Purim Story


The following story was told by Rav Aaron Kotler, founder & Rosh HaYeshiva of Lakewood.

 It was Purim in the yeshiva of the Chofetz Chaim in Radin, and one of the bachurim had overindulged in drink.  In his inebriated state, he went to see the Chofetz Chaim to ask from him his personal assurance that they would be together in Gan Eden.

The Chofetz Chaim replied, "Who knows if I shall merit to be in Gan Eden at all?"

The bachur was unimpressed by the Chofetz Chaim's humility and diffidence. Therefore he continued to beg and even to demand that the Chofetz Chaim guarantee him a place. At that moment the time to wash for the seuda had arrived, and the bachurim who were there urged the Chofetz Chaim to humor the young man by promising him what he was asking. 

The Chofetz Chaim repeated his original disclaimer, but then added, "However, if there is a place for me in Gan Eden, then it is due to the fact that since the time I have been able to understand the importance of not speaking or believing loshon hora, I have refrained from speaking or listening to it.  I can therefore promise you that if you make a similar commitment not to speak or listen to loshon hora then you will be with me in Gan Eden."

When he heard these words, the young man sobered up, but he was not able to bring himself to make such a commitment to the Chofetz Chaim.

The Chofetz Chaim then commented, “A person who is standing at the door of a vast treasure but refuses to go in is not worthy of taking any more of my time.”

He walked past the young man to go to his seuda!


Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Moshe Cohen





Rambam Hilchos Megilla Chapter 2, Halacha 17


It is preferable to give more money to the poor on Purim than to have a huge meal and send gifts to one’s friends, because there is no greater and more beautiful joy than to gladden the heart of the poor and the orphans and widows…


The financial crisis in the America has hit the poor and particularly bnei Torah in Eretz Yisroel very badly. I am therefore encouraging everyone to fulfill the mitzvah of mishloach manos (Purim baskets) in the basic way – two items of food to one friend – and to give the money that they might have spent on elaborate mishloach manos to the poor and needy in Eretz Yisroel. This can be done through Aish or other organizations. Aish sends all the money raised for Purim to Eretz Yisroel.


Children should continue to send their “Purim goodie bags” to each other for the purposes of chinuch.




Ask all your Jewish-related questions to Rabbi Cohen at  All questions will be answered and a few will be published in the bulletin each week. 


What is “tefilah b'tzibor”?

 Pri Megadim: You have to begin "HaShem sfosai tiftach" together with the tzibur

Mishne Brura: You have to begin shemonei esrei together with the tzibur

Rav Moshe z"l: There have to be at least 10 people still davening shemonei esrei

Chasam Sofer: You can say shemonei esrei with the chazan 



*If you think any of these cases apply to you, please make sure to ask your own question because your particular details may render a different answer. 



Purim Schedule


Mon March 9th - Fast of Esther


Fast begins                         6:02 a.m.

Mincha                                  6:15 p.m.

Maariv                                   7:15 p.m.

Megillah                                7:30 p.m. Please be prompt

Women’s Megillah             9:00 p.m. Please be prompt


Tues  March 10th - Purim

Shachris                              7:00 a.m.

Megillah                                7:30 a.m. Please be prompt

Early Mincha                       1:35 p.m.

Mincha / Maariv                  6:45 p.m.

Maariv                                   9:00 p.m.






Lou Kemp is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of his mother, Freida Figler Kemp’s, 11th yahrtzeit

May her memory be for a blessing.


Cliff, Laurie and Naomi Alsberg are proud to sponsor Kiddush this week in honor of our beloved son (and favorite brother!) on the occasion of his being called to the Torah for the very first time to read Maftir.


seudah shlishis SPONSOR

Last week’s Seudah Shlishis was anonymously sponsored in honor of Eitan Shmagin’s bar mitzvah and the birth of the Kleinman twin girls!


This week’s Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Maya and Greg Spinrad in  honor of Adeena Bleich and her amazing work in the community.  We wish you hatzlacha this upcoming Tues in the City Council elections. 



To David Weinman and his son, Micah, for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



Every Purim, Rebbetzin Dina Weinberg from Eyhat distributes gifts to poor families and students in Yerushalayim. Your tax deductible check may be made out to Aish HaTorah, marked Purim gift, and given to the Aish office, and it will be given out to fulfill the mitzvah of matanos l’evyonim on Purim in Yerushalayim. All the money raised goes for this purpose.



We have set up a library fund in Joel Schwartz’s memory as he always donated seforim to our community. Please send donations to Tamar at Aish with “Joel Schwartz Library Fund” in the memo.



Unfortunately due to financial constraints, the community has had to do some cost cutting. Yessenia Munoz, Fredy’s wife, will no longer be assisting him in his janitorial duties. She is honest, reliable and hard working and in need of gainful employment. Her absence puts an additional burden on each one of us to maintain the high standard of cleanliness that they have set in the past.  In addition, Tamar Sullivan will be working half time so that she can spend more time with Shmuel Zev. We appreciate your patience and understanding and will do everything possible to ensure that there is no effect on the quality of the services that we provide.


Parnasa Alert:

Bli ayin hara, there are a number of people in our community who are struggling for parnasa. 


Employers:  If you or your company has any job openings, make sure they are routinely posted to the following websites: and This will make it possible for Jews to find opportunities more readily.  If you have a temporary or part-time opening, please let Tamar know so we can publicize it to the community.


Job Seekers:  In addition to the abovementioned sites, we suggest you set up an account with and  You may also want to join the Parnasa-Link Group on  You may also want to contact Aish Tamid or Jewish Vocational Services ( for job-placement services.


Resume-Review:  Mark Shmagin will gladly provide you with a free resume review if you need help with resumes and/or cover letters.




Aish has sent out a survey for all the women to fill out regarding class/speaker/topic preferences. We need each woman to respond so that we can understand the needs in the community.


The Pico branch of Bnos is scheduled for 2:50pm in the Aish courtyard for girls in grades pre-1A to 7th grade. No charge. To sponsor a Shabbos, please contact Esther at (310) 838-4568. If it rains after noon on Shabbos, please consider Bnos cancelled.



In the month of Jan, the Aish LA Young Professionals Division had a packed schedule of great events. Our monthly social event drew 300 people!  Producer Brad Fuller gave a lecture on the element of fear in his films that brought in 125 students. Over 150 students went to our monthly business speaker event with Jonathan Glaser & Victor Coleman.  Dating coach Malka Schulman spoke to 75 people about how to find the right mate.  100 students spend Fri night dinner at different families’ homes in the neighborhood, and more than 150 people joined us afterwards for a Shabbat oneg. Rbzn Heller had 36 women at her monthly growth group, 10 women per week at her weekly class, and 20 women came to a challah baking class taught by her and Rbzn Jacobs.  R Jacobs taught the Discovery seminar to 20 students, and at his weekly classes on Kabbalah, Hebrew, Laws of Shabbat, a combined total of 70 people attended each week. 



The community is cordially invited to the wedding of Dan Rudé & Sarah Fonteno which will IY”H take place on March 22 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Aish Center.  Please send your RSVP’s to They regretfully cannot accommodate children.  The couple is registered at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.





There’ll be a memorial service for our beloved Rosh HaYeshiva Moreinu HaRav Noach Weinberg zt”l to commemorate his shloshim on Mar 5, 2009, at 8pm at Aish. The community will be addressed by R’ Braverman, R’ Cohen, R’ Heller, Mr. Richard Horowitz, and R’ Tendler.




Aish Community Member Meeting - Mar 29, 2009: General volunteer meeting with R’ Cohen & Mark Shmagin to discuss the community's direction, Team updates, programs and planning for the next 6-12 mnths.  Please join us at Aish, Sun. Mar. 29, 7:30pm.  Ma'ariv at 9pm.


Childcare: We are excited to announce Odeliah Shirakhoon as the new childcare program director!  Tmima Shirakhoon is now the older girls’ madricha, and Shani Shirakhoon is with the toddlers.  We look forward to working with you!






To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker.  Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun’s at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning of Arvei Pesachim.



R Quinn gives a weekly Chumash shiur for all levels in the main shul at 8:15 am on Shabbos mornings. This is your chance to explore deeper insights in Chumash. All welcome.


FEB 28: Young couples class

Women’s week! This week we have the totally awesome and very special Sharon Shenker speaking for women only. Topic TBA.  This Shabbos in the seminar room at Aish at 11:30am.



Ladies, please come to our weekly tehillim group and fulfill a tremendous mitzvah! Every Tues night at 8:15pm at the home of Zev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1481 Edris.


March 4: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.


Monday, February 23, 2009


Dear Community,


A few reminders…


1. WOMEN: Come join us as we celebrate “The Future of Purim,” with an enlightening shiur by esteemed REBBETZIN TOVA UNION followed immediately by some Purim fun (BYOG -- bring your own groggers).  PURIM parodies with SAM GLASER. Tues, Feb. 24th @ 8pm, @ the home of Ellie Kulman, 9339 Cresta Drive, Beverlywood. Sponsored by the Barbara Desatnik Fund.


2. This Friday night, 2/27/09, 5:30 PM, in the Aish HaTorah Annex: Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat + Sushi + Schnapps!!

Bring your ruach, your kinderlach, your friends and your yarmulke, and be prepared for a g'schmacht davening!  Thank you to Marty and Rina Pritikin who are our gracious sponsors for this month's Ohr Zaruah! Our sushi wouldn't be possible without you...



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dear Community,

If you would like to receive an updated copy of the misheberach list each month, please respond to this email.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Security at Aish

Dear Aish community member,

For your convenience and safety we have installed a combination lock at Aish.  If you see the door open, other than at a time when it should be open e.g. davening, please shut it immediately. We are simply inviting trouble by propping the door open. 


Thank you.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Friday, February 20, 2009

Shabbos Bulletin 2/21/2009




Parshas Mishpotim

Feb 21, 2009/ 27 Shevat 5769



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. Feb 20

05:23 pm                              Candle Lighting

05:28 pm                              Mincha

The Laws of Candle lighting                              R Cohen

06:21 pm                              Krias Shema                                                           (earliest time)


Sat. Feb 21

08:15 am                              Chumash Shiur                                                      R Quinn

08:45 am                              ShacharisGabbai                                                  R Quinn

09:19 am                              Krias Shema (latest) – BEFORE DAVENING

09:45 am                              Krias HaTorah                                                       E Shmagin

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                                                      R Heller

10:30 am                              Dvar Torah                                                              M Shmagin

10:50 am                              Bar Mitzvah Dvar Torah                                      E Shmagin

11:00 am                              Kiddush       

11:30 am                              Shiur                                                                          R Cohen

Jewish Unity

04:00 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                                                              M Abramson

04:15 pm                              Gemara Brochos                                                  R Denbo

05:00 pm                              Mincha         

05:30 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                                                     R Cohen

06:20 pm                              Maariv



Weekday Schedule

Sun Feb 22 – Fri Feb 27

05:47 am                              Earliest Tallis – Terumah

7:00/8:00 am                       Sun. Shachris

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

09:19 am                              Latest Shema

10:15 am                              Latest Shacharis

12:35 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:25 pm                              Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

05:29 pm                              Candle Lighting next week – Terumah

05:34 pm                              Next Friday – Mincha



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am                        Morning Kollel                                R Shenker

Sun 9:00 am                        Hilchos Tefils                                  N. Eisman

Mon-Fri 6:30 am                 Shachris- Kollel Boker                R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am                 Gemara Succah                            R Cohen

Mon-Fri 8:30 am                 Mishne Brura:                                R Cohen

Laws of Prayer 107

Tues 8:15 pm                      Tehillim Group                                Weinsteins

Wed 8:00 am                       Valley AM Learning                      R Heller

Wed 11:00 am                    Mommy, Me & Torah                    Rbzn Shenker

Thurs Noon                         Pirkei Avos                                      H. Witkin



Purim Schedule


We respectfully ask you to refrain from bringing your young children and babies to the megillah readings.


Mon March 9th Fast of Esther

Fast begins                         6:02 a.m.

Mincha                                  6:15 p.m.

Maariv                                   7:15 p.m.

Megillah                                7:30 p.m. Please be prompt!

Women’s Megillah             9:00 p.m. Please be prompt!


Tues  March 10th Purim

Shachris                              7:00 a.m.

Megilla                                  7:30 a.m. Please be prompt!

Early Mincha                       1:35 p.m.

Mincha / Maariv                  6:45 p.m.

Maariv                                   9:00 p.m.



Mishpotim – Good judgment


Shemos 21:1 “These are the judgments that you will set before them”


In the city where Rav Shlomo Kluger was the Rabbi, there lived a wealthy wine merchant who employed a Jewish steward who, one erev Shabbos, had hid a large sum of money amongst the wine barrels, and when he returned to retrieve them on motzei Shabbos, found that they were missing.  He went to Rabbi Kluger and accused the wine merchant of stealing the money. Immediately, the Rabbi summoned the wine merchant and questioned him about the money. The merchant denied having any knowledge of the whereabouts of the money. The Rav suspected that he was guilty, but there was absolutely no proof.

“Oy!” groaned the Rabbi “I was afraid that you would not know anything about the money. I knew that a Jew would never take the money on Shabbos. Therefore the only conclusion I can arrive at is that it must have been a gentile who took it. Now that raises a very serious question. The wine in your cellar is forbidden because it may be yayin nesech (wine used for an idolatrous purpose). It will be necessary to pour it all out. I shall have to send a messenger to shul to announce that no one should buy or use your wine.

When the merchant heard these words he understood what a calamity this would be to his business and immediately confessed. But the Rabbi refused to believe him. The merchant had no choice but to take the Rabbi to his home and show him where he had hid the money, and the merchant returned it to the grateful employee. 


Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Moshe Cohen




Ask all your Jewish-related questions to Rabbi Cohen at  All questions will be answered and a few will be published in the bulletin each week. 


Q: When davening shemonei esrei, is there a limit to how many people for whom we can pray for their physical well-being?

A: No.


Q: May one daven for personal needs on Shabbos?

A: For needs of spiritual nature, it is permitted.  Davening for shidduchim is considered spiritual. 


Q: If I wash on bread and put dairy butter on it, then decide I want chicken 15 minutes later, do I need to bench first?

A: Yes!



*If you think any of these cases apply to you, please make sure to ask your own question because your particular details may render a different answer. 




Rambam Hilchos Megilla Chapter 2, Halacha 17

It is preferable to give more money to the poor on Purim than to have a huge meal and send gifts to one’s friends, because there is no greater and more beautiful joy than to gladden the heart of the poor and the orphans and widows…


The financial crisis in the America has hit the poor and particularly bnei Torah in Eretz Yisroel very badly. I am therefore encouraging everyone to fulfill the mitzvah of mishloach manos (Purim baskets) in the basic way – two items of food to one friend – and to give the money that they might have spent on elaborate mishloach manos to the poor and needy in Eretz Yisroel. This can be done through Aish or other organizations. Aish sends all the money raised for Purim to Eretz Yisroel.


Children should continue to send their “Purim goodie bags” to each other for the purposes of chinuch.






Kiddush is being sponsored by the Shmagin, Titlebaum and Hertzberg families in honor of Eitan's bar mitzvah and siyum on masechta Nezikin. 


seudah shlishis SPONSOR

No Seudah Shlishis sponsors this week.  Contact Tamar for sponsorship opportunities.  



To Tali Gonik and Alison Linder for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



Mazal Tov to the Shmagin family on the bar mitzvah of Eitan!



To Alan and Bonnie Cohen on the passing of Alan’s mother, Faigal bas Aron Dov.



Please contact Steve Winburgh if you have any information about a Red Razor scooter that his daughter lost at Aish last Shabbos.



There’ll be a memorial service for our beloved Rosh HaYeshiva Moreinu HaRav Noach Weinberg zt”l to commemorate his shloshim on Mar 5, 2009, 8pm at Aish. The community will be addressed by R’ Braverman, R’ Cohen, R’ Heller, Mr. Richard Horowitz, and R’ Tendler.



Every Purim, Rebbetzin Dina Weinberg from Eyhat distributes gifts to poor families and students in Yerushalayim. Your tax deductible check may be made out to Aish HaTorah, marked Purim gift, and given to the Aish office, and it will be given out to fulfill the mitzvah of matanos l’evyonim on Purim in Yerushalayim. All the money raised goes for this purpose.



The Kiddush Team is experimenting with different cholent recipes. Please be patient. If you have any feedback, please email



If you would like to receive an updated copy of the misheberach list each month, please email Tamar at



…a lightweight wheelchair or transporter that is available to loan out, contact Tamar.

…a laptop in any condition that they are willing to donate to an Aish rabbi, contact Tamar.



The community is cordially invited to the wedding of Dan Rude & Sarah Fonteno which will IY”H take place on March 22 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Aish Center.  Please send your RSVP’s to They regretfully cannot accommodate children.  The couple is registered at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.



The Pico branch of Bnos is scheduled for 2:50pm in the Aish courtyard for girls in grades pre-1A to 7th grade. No charge. To sponsor a Shabbos, please contact Esther at (310) 838-4568. If it rains after noon on Shabbos, please consider Bnos cancelled.





Come join us as we celebrate “The Future of Purim,” with an enlightening shiur by esteemed REBBETZIN TOVA UNION followed immediately by some Purim fun (BYOG -- bring your own groggers).  PURIM parodies with SAM GLASER. Tues, Feb. 24th @ 8pm, @ the home of Ellie Kulman. Sponsored by the Barbara Desatnik Fund.





Aish Community Member Meeting - Mar 29, 2009: General volunteer meeting with R’ Cohen & Mark Shmagin to discuss the community's direction, Team updates, programs and planning for the next 6-12 mnths.  Please join us at Aish, Sun. Mar. 29, 7:30pm.  Ma'ariv at 9pm.







R Quinn gives a weekly Chumash shiur for all levels in the main shul at 8:15 am on Shabbos mornings. This is your chance to explore deeper insights in Chumash. All welcome.


Young couples class

Today at 11:30 am in the Sem Room, R Shenker will be speaking on, “Keeping the Horsemen out of you home or How to Stay Happily Married.” For men married less than five years



Ladies, please come to our weekly tehillim group and fulfill a tremendous mitzvah! Every Tues night at 8:15 at the home of Zev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1481 Edris.



Dr. Sara Teichman is currently giving a lecture series on parenting. The 3rd lecture is on Feb 15.  Everyone is welcome, even if you missed the first two. Sun morning, 9 am, Seminar Rm.



To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker.  Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun’s at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning of Arvei Pesachim.


Feb 11: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



THE EXODUS: Fact or Fiction?


Jim D. Long, author of “The Riddle of the Exodus,” will present riveting historical and archaeological evidence of yetzias mitsrayim, including proof of the drowning of Pharaoh’s army in the sea and the Ten Plagues.

March 15, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Aish Center







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