Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Announcements continued...

Dear Community,


  1. Please make an effort to make the Young Professionals and kiruv students who are joining us feel comfortable on Simchas Torah.  Bring them into the dancing, be friendly, and help make it a positive experience for them.


  1. Cliff Alsberg will be making a special announcement on Shabbos – don’t miss it!


  1. Michael Bukshpun will be giving a shiur 1 hour before Mincha on Shabbos on “15 billion years or 5771 – The Age of the Universe.”


  1. Rabbi Markman will resume the “48 Ways” class this Shabbos at 5:35 pm (25 min before mincha).  This week’s class is on Way #22: Increasing Your Capacity to do Good.”


  1. Rabbi Cohen’s MIshne Brura class will be starting the laws of Krias HaTorah next week.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dear Community,


  1. Thank you to Dick and Beverly Horowitz for sponsoring the Simchas Torah morning Kiddush. 


  1. Mazal tov to Charlie and Kyla Stein on the bris and naming of their son, Yosef Asher.


  1. Mazal tov to Howard and Suri Madris on the bris and naming of their son, Moshe Hennoch.


  1. The Community is invited to a l’chaim for Rena Halu & Rafael Mavashev at the Shenkers (1127 Shenandoah) this motsai Shabbos from 9 – 11 pm.


  1. Rabbi Markman will resume the “48 Ways” class this Shabbos at 5:35 pm (25 min before mincha).  This week’s class is on Way #22: Increasing Your Capacity to do Good.”


  1. IMPORTANT!  We have normal childcare hours on Shmini Atzeres and Shabbos, but there is no childcare on Simchas Torah.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Please Daven

Dear All,
As many of you are aware, I have been in a protracted battle to save my children, spiritually and emotionally.
On October 8 (barring any changes), there will be a full trial and orders will be made regarding custody. I am asking for full custody of the children.
On Sept 28 (or possibly Sept 29 - Hoshana Raba), there will be a 80 page custody report submitted to the court. It is reasonable that the court will base its orders on the recommendations outlined in this report.
Again ALL tefilos, mitzvos and and Tehillim for the zchus of the kids is MUCH appreciated. "im lo achshav amasei".
The names are:
Rochel Bas Shimon Aharon
Rivka Baila Bas Shimon Aharon
Yechezel Shalom Ben Shimon Araron
Yekusiel Ben Shimon Aharon
May all Klal Yisrael be redeemed and see Bias Moshiach b'mhaira yameinu.
B'Soros Tovos,



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Monday, September 27, 2010

Simchas Torah BBQ

Dear Community,


All paid community members are automatically reserved for the Simchas Torah BBQ.  There is no need to RSVP for the BBQ unless you are not a member.  There are no tickets this year – names will be checked off on a list. 


Thank you!


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Bris Announcement

Dear Community,


Howard and Suri Madris would like to inform the community of the bris of their son tomorrow, Tues morning, following the 6 am minyan (approximately 7:30 am).


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Dear Community,


  1. We need sponsors for Kiddush and Seudah Shlishis this Shabbos!  Please reply to this email if you would like to sponsor in honor of a simcha, in honor of a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA. 


  1. Attached is an updated schedule for the Second Days of Sukkos.  The only changes are on Shabbos: mincha is now at 6:00 pm, seudah shlishis is now at 6:30 pm, and maariv is now at 7:17 pm.


  1. We’d like to make a poster collage for the Center of Aish familis in their sukkahs.  Please send your SINGLE BEST image of you and your family in your sukkah to before Friday, October 8.  Thank you!






Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Shabbath-Mode Ovens

Dear Community,


It has come to our attention that ovens with a Sabbath mode might be used incorrectly on Yom Tov. The Sabbath mode allows for the opening and closing of the oven without any lights going on/off when opening the door, and without the digital display showing any change. It also allows for the oven to be set to continue baking beyond the usual 12 hour time limit. Even if the temperature can be adjusted without affecting the digital display, once the Sabbath mode is set, adjusting the temperature of an electric oven is not permitted on Yom Tov.  The temperature of an electric oven must be set before Yom Tov and cannot be changed during the holiday.  We hope that this clarifies any questions in this regard.


Chag Sameach.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Dear Community,

  1. Mazal tov to Charlie and Kyla Stein on the birth of their son this week!
  2. Mazal tov to Howard and Suri Madris on the birth of their son this week!  The Community is invited to the Shalom Zachor in the Aish Sukkah this Fri night beginning at 8:30 pm.
  3. Mazal tov to Rena Halu on her engagement to Rafael Mavashev from Detroit!  The Community is invited to a l’chaim at the Shenkers (1127 Shenandoah) next motsai Shabbos, Oct 2, from 9 – 11 pm.

4.      Don’t forget about our kids’ Sukkah decorating event tomorrow morning at 10 am!  Sincere thanks to Saul Blinkoff and Nir Yacoby for organizing the fun!


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Monday, September 20, 2010

Yom Tov is Coming!

Dear Community,


  1. Community kids are invited to come decorate the Aish Sukkah this Wed morning at 10 am!!  Don’t miss out on the fun, the art, and the music that will get us in the mood for Sukkos!  All kids must be accompanied by an adult.    


  1. Simchas Torah is just around the corner!  Click on this link to see and hear (and practice!) 32 of the most popular Simchas Torah melodies:\.





Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Sponsors Needed for Sukkos!

Sponsors Needed for

Kiddush on 1st Day Sukkos

Kiddush on 2nd Day Sukkos

& Seudah Shlishis on Shabbos


Please consider sponsoring

in honor of a birthday, an anniversary, a simcha, a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


Kiddush Cost: $475

Seudah Shlishis Cost: $200



To sponsor, please reply to this email.


Thank you for your support. 

We look forward to seeing you on Shabbos.


See attached document for Sukkos schedule.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Friday, September 17, 2010

Yom Kippur Seating Cards

Dear Community,


The seating cards will be made available before Kol Nidrei at approximately 6:00 pm.


Thank you,


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yom Kippur Bulletin: 9/18/10

Gmar Chasima Tova and a Gut Gebentched Yohr



Yom Kippur: Sept 18, 2010 / 10 Tishrei 5770



Fri 17th Sept. Erev Yom Kippur

Shacharis                            7:00 am

Mincha                                  1:18 pm

Candlelighting             6:39 pm

Kol Nidrei                     6:45 pm

Dvar Torah – R’ Cohen


Shema (earliest time)      7:37 pm                           


Sat 18th Sept. Yom Kippur

Shacharis                            8:00 am

Borchu                                 8:30 am                          

Shema (latest time)          9:42 am

Krias HaTorah                   10:00 am

Dvar Torah–R’ Braverman10:30 am   

Yizkor                            10:45 am

Musaf                                    11:00 am

Break                                    2:00 pm

Mincha                                  4:30 pm

Dvar Torah – R‘ Cohen    5:45 pm           

Neilah                           6:00 pm

Maariv                                   7:25 pm

Fast ends                     7:37 pm


Break–Fast / Havdolah /

Kiddush HaChodesh



Weekday Schedule

Sun. Sep 19 – Fri. Sep 24

07:00/8:00 am Sun Shacharis

06:40 pm                              Sun Mincha

05:52 am                              Earliest Tallis

09:42 am                              Latest Shema

10:44 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:18 pm                              Earliest Mincha


06:00 am                              Mon-Wed Shacharis

07:30 am                              Mon-Wed Shacharis

05:40 pm                              Early Mincha (Mon-Tues)

06:40 pm                              Weekday Mincha/Maariv (Mon-Tues)

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano


See Sukkos schedule for Wed – Fri.




Yom Kippur  - A grave day


When the family of R' Elyashiv was sitting shiva for Rebbitzen Elyashiv, a Canadian Jew came to be menachem avel. He told them he came especially to be menachem avel as a sign of gratitude to Rebbetzin Elyashiv for helping his family during a painful and distressing period. The man related that one of his daughters had veered from the path of Yiddishkeit and abandoned every vestige of Jewish life. Eventually, she married a non-Jew.


“Every effort we made to convince her that she shouldn’t do this horrible thing fell on deaf ears,” said the father. He added that he felt responsible for her descent, since it happened after he decided to leave Eretz Yisrael and move to Canada because of his difficulty in earning a living. His daughter left Canada, and moved with her husband to Switzerland. Eventually, their marriage soured, and she and her husband separated. This took place at the beginning of Chodesh Elul. Immediately after Yom Kippur, the daughter suddenly died. The Rabbanim in Switzerland refused to bury his daughter in a Jewish cemetery since for years she had lived as a non-Jew in all respects.

The father continued his story in a broken voice: “I called Rebbetzin Elyashiv and requested that she ask R’ Elyashiv his opinion on the matter. R’ Elyashiv asked what my daughter did on the last Yom Kippur of her life. I asked around the community in Switzerland, and I found out that she spent a half hour in shul that Yom Kippur. When R’ Elyashiv heard this, he paskened that she could be buried in a Jewish grave. The fact that she was in shul on Yom Kippur proved that her neshama was connected to the Jewish people, and identified with the yearning for teshuva which Yom Kippur represents.”


G’mar Chasima Tova,

Rabbi Moshe Cohen



Halacha of the Week


During Yom Kippur, the Aron Kodesh is opened many times when we say piyutim.  Taz holds that you do not need to stand because while the Sefer Torah is inside the aron, it is considered within a different reshus than the place you are sitting.  Pri Megadim holds that even if it is considered to be in your reshus, since the Torah is at rest and hasn't moved from its place, you need not stand.  Even if the chazan holds the sefer torah for hazkaras neshamos, it is also considered in its place and there is no obligation to stand.  Panim Me'iros and Chasam Sofer hold that one must stand when the aron is opened.





·  To all those who have and are volunteering for our Security Patrol over the High Holidays.

·  To Dick and Beverly Horowitz for sponsoring the Yom Kippur break-fast.

·  To Ze’ev and Meira Amster for providing our shul with home-grown hoshanos!

·  To the Markman family for delivering this week’s Tomchei Shabbos route – yasher koach!


Rabbi and Mrs. Judith Cohen thank the Community for the very thoughtful gift lichvod Yom Tov.  You are amazing in your growth in Torah and in your commitment to its values.  We are very honored to be part of your lives.



·  To Gary & Maxine Rosenzweig on the birth of their granddaughter, Henna Lilian!

·  To Rena Halu on her engagement to Rafael Mavashev!

·  To Yosef (Jonathan) Ellis on his engagement to Laura Gottlieb of Cleveland, OH.



For the refuah shleima of Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva & Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 



Tamar’s office hours are 4-6 pm Mon-Thurs.  You can reach her at (310) 278-8672 x 305 or via

email,, during these hours. 



Chase Bank is kind enough to allow us to use their parking lot before they open and after they close.  However, they request that no one park in the three spots in the southwest corner of the parking lot (the three spots closest to the Aish office) at any time.  Please respect this so that we can continue to have the privilege to use the rest of the parking lot.



Matcal is our Israeli security patrol and also advises us on security matters.  We ask that you please contribute toward this fund so that we can continue this very valuable service uninterrupted through the summer months.  Contact Tamar for details.



Don’t forget to wear sweaters/jackets on Yom Kippur.  Many people feel cold indoors while fasting. 



During and after Kiddush, all children in the Toddler Room must be supervised by a parent or guardian.  Children who are unsupervised will be asked to leave. 



One of our pairs of loaner tefillin needs to be replaced.  A new pair is about $350 and we have raised $100.  If you can help us, please make your check out to “Aish LA,” and in the memo write “Community loaner tefillin.”  Drop off your donation at the Aish office or give it to Jonah Light who is generously giving his time to arrange for the new pair.



If anybody is upgrading their computers, and would like to donate their old, working computers or LCD monitors to a yeshiva, please contact Hillel Aufrichtig at



Come swim laps or just enjoy the heated pool!  Every Mon night at the JEM Center, 9930 S. Santa Monica Blvd. from 8 – 10 pm.  $5 per person. 



Presents our biggest Fundraiser of the year…SCANDIA!!  Bring the whole family on Mon, Sep 27th (Chol Hamoed Sukkos) to Scandia Amusement Park in Ontario for a full day of rides and attractions, family entertainment, Kosher food, and more!

For tickets and information please call 1-866-55-SUCCA or visit




Sponsor a week of R Cohen's morning Gemara Shiur for $180 – a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit, celebrate a Simcha, support Torah learning at Aish, AND fulfill the Mitzvah of advancing Torah study! Contact to sponsor your week.


This week’s learning is sponsored by Larry and Laurie Julian in honor of the yahrzeit of Laurie’s mother, Gittel bas Bella (12 Tishrei).  May her neshama have an aliyah. 


This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (Sivan 5).  May their neshmos have an aliyah. 





A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in library.



Understanding the underlying principles and values in halachah.  Rabbi Raphael Lapin begins a new weekly shiur that will focus on how human principles and values can be derived and applied from technical halachah. The class meets Sundays at 9 am in the Aish library.



R Cohen’s Hilchos Shabbos Chabura, which meets b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash, will resume after Sukkos with the sugya of kosher & matir (tying & untying).



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 2nd perek of Kiddushin.  Every Mon & Wed, 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



The JMI will be presenting three marriage classes in Valley Village starting on Tuesday September 28. The first topic is – Getting the Love You Want. Contact Rabbi Shenker for details on 310 927 5919 or



This class for moms & their little ones is on hold until after Sukkos.  Next class resumes Oct 6.









Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Sukkos Schedule

Dear Community,


1. The Sukkos schedule is attached and available in shul for your convenience.


2. We are excited to offer our annual community Simchas Torah BBQ lunch at no charge to all paid community members (no rsvp necessary).  All non-members must reserve and pay in advance.  Adults are $36 each and kids are $18 each. 


G’mar chasima tova,


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yom Kippur Aliyos Auction

Dear Community,


The deadline for aliyos bidding is Thursday at 7 pm. 



Kol Nidrei – Pesicha: 54

Kol Nidrei - Holding Torah:

1) $36

2) $36



1) Kohen: 200

2) Levi: 200

3) 300

4) 198

5) 216

6) 180

7) 180

Maftir: 180 

Hagbah 1) 100

Gelila     1) 36

Hagbah 2) 100

Gelila     2) 36



1) 180

2) 180

Maftir Yonah: 180

Neila – Pesicha: 180



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yom Kippur Aliyos Bids

Dear Community Members,


Below is the update on aliyos bids.  The deadline to bid for Yom Kippur aliyos is this Thursday at 7 pm.  Please be available by phone or email if you currently hold a bid and wish to counter should the opportunity arise. 




Kol Nidrei – Pesicha: 54

Kol Nidrei - Holding Torah:

1) 36

2) 36



1) Kohen: 180

2) Levi: 200

3) 180

4) 180

5)  200

6) 180

7) 180

Maftir: 180 

Hagbah 1) 100

Gelila     1) 36

Hagbah 2) 100

Gelila     2) 36



1) 180

2) 180

Maftir Yonah: 180

Neila – Pesicha: 180




Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


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