Friday, December 29, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin


9 TEVES 5767

DECEMBER 30, 2006



04:34 p.m.   Candle lighting

04:44 p.m.   Mincha            


05:32 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)



08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 p.m.   Krias HaTorah           Jon Sher/Avraham Gordon

09:27 a.m.   Krias Shema               (latest time)  

09:30 a.m.   I Can Pray in Hebrew David Weinman

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101         R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                Michael Abramson

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                           R' Cohen

                    Actualizing Our Potential

03:15 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

04:15 p.m.   Mincha                                     

04:45 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis       

                    Siyum                         Michael Abramson

05:32 p.m.   Maariv


Sunday DEC 31: Asara b'teves

05:43 a.m.               Fast Begins

07:30 a.m.               Shacharis

04:15 p.m.               Mincha


Monday Jan 1

08:00 a.m.   Shacharis


weekday schedule

05:43 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Vayechi

09:27 a.m.               Latest Shema

10:17 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:21 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:45 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv

06:00 a.m.              Weekday Shacharis


Vayigash – and you will love…..


Breishis 46:29  and he (Yosef) fell on his (Yakov’s) neck and wept…”

Rashi:  “However Yakov did not fall on his neck….(as) he was saying Shema.”


Rabbi Dovid of Lelov, known as the Lelover Rebbe, lived in Yerushalayim.

While still very young, there arose an occasion for his eldest son to go to Poland.

He spent some years there while his father, who loved and missed him dearly,

pined after him. When his son finally returned to Yerushalayim, it was dusk and

the first thing he did was to go straight to his father’s Beis Hamedrash.

As he entered the Shul his father was preparing to daven Maariv. He came up to

his father and his father looked at him for a brief moment, and without saying

a word, indicated to the Shliach Tzibur to daven Maariv. Only when he had

finished davening did he turn to his son and give him a hearty welcome.

The Chasidim who witnessed the event understood that the Lelover Rebbe was

emulating our forbearer Yakov when he met his son Yosef after 22 years of

absence, and he wished to direct his great joy of seeing his son only towards



kiddush sponsorship

for sponsorship opportunities call naami ext 720



seudah shlishis sponsorship

Michael and Alex Abramson are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in honor of Michael's completion of Meseches K'Suvos.


Mike and Daisy Cofsky are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of his father, Abbeh ben Yechezkiel's Yarzheit.


Tanya and David Stein are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Tanya's grandmother, Shaina Faygeleh bas Chaim's Yarzheit.



                                                                    mazel tov

To the Stepen family on the engagement of Shira to Moshe Vanounou.


To Dick and Beverly Horowitz on the birth of a granddaughter Sara to Sam and Ruth Horowitz!



                                Bon Voyage to Viva Israel and Israel Adventure!

The discernable lack of Aish Rabbis this Shabbos is due to their leading 2 simultaneous trips to Israel for close to 80 college students and post-grad young professionals. Yasher Koach to Rabbis Markman, Jacobs, Shenker, and Ordan, Rebbetzin Heller, Miriam Avetikova, Sarah and Nate Dakar, Jamie and Tomer Kleinman, Gavin Teller and Liane Pritikin for their efforts in making this trip so successful! A special Yasher Koach to Rebbetzins Markman, Jacobs, and Ordan who are single-handedly taking care of their large families!



                                Bikur Cholim Blood and Platelets Program

Community blood drive Sun Jan 7, 2007 at Cedar’s Sinai, Schreiber Donor Facility, 8700 Beverly Blvd. South Tower, street level, 8:30am- 3:00pm. Appointments are necessary. Call 323 852-0728.



improved boys program

It is mandatory for all boys to either be with their groups or in Shul davening with their father or mother. There can be no roaming in the halls or ball playing other than at the designated times with the assigned group leader.

Group leader for boy's ages 4-6: Yossie Parry

Group leader for boy's ages 7-12: Zack Plotzker




Sign from Above

Join Jeff Gruen on a hike to the Hollywood sign this Mon Jan 1. Meet at 10:00am at Washington Mutual across from Aish. Bring water, a head covering, and energy!



REBBETZIN lori palatnik-Jan 17th!

Don't miss Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik as she will address “What Me Worry, 10 Steps to Eliminate Worry from Your Life.” Wed, Jan 17 at 7:45pm $10. RSVP ext 720.



Getting to know your Shabbos

Enhance your Shabbos experience by learning the do's and don'ts of sorting, sifting, selecting, building, breaking, baking and more. Sun 9.30am starting Jan 7 with Judith Cohen. Call Naami ext 720 or email



                                                        scholar in residence jan 20

A special Shabbaton with R' Avi Kosman, the Maggid shiur of the Master Daf, Master Mishna, and Master Rambam audio cassette and CD-Rom series. He will speak throughout Shabbos day, Jan 20th.



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Tuesday      8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Thursday     12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday     8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness




                                                        END OF YEAR GIVING

Thank you to the following families: Bonert, Mandel, Kemp, Bron, Pomeranz, J. Schwartz, Firestone, H. Schwartz, Maurer, Kleinman, Barnes, Sher, Madris, and Sari Katz for generously giving towards the matching fund! There is still time to give!




 women's tehillim tuesday evenings!

Women's Tehillim is every Tues at 8pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris for the Refuah of Leah Tova bas Sara.




This week's reading is PEP! Binyan Yerushalayim, 485-493.



                                                        10th teves fast sunday

The Fast of the Tenth of Teves marks the day that Nevuzadran, the Babylonian general, laid siege to Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the first Holy Temple.

Fast begins 5:43am. Shacharis is 7:30am, Mincha at 4:15.



Advanced Halachic Bulletin

If brushing ones teeth or using mouth wash are considered necessary then they are permitted on a regular Taanis. However one should be careful not to swallow the water. This means that he should bend forward and one should use less than a Revi’is.


Have a great Shabbos!!



Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Call To Kiruv: The Ultimate Kiruv Convention Tomorrow!













Friday, December 22, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin


DECEMBER 23, 2006

2 TEVET 5767



01:00 p.m.   Early Mincha

04:30 p.m.   Candle lighting

04:30 p.m.   Mincha            


05:30 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)



08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 a.m.   Hallel

09:23 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)  

09:30 p.m.   Krias HaTorah                       R' Lichtenstein        

09:30 a.m.   I Can Pray in Hebrew           David Weinman                                

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101                     R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                            Cancelled

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                                       R' Cohen

                    The Chanukah Raffle

03:15 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel                           Michael Abramson

04:00 p.m.   Mincha                                     

04:30 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis       

                    Sheva Brachos                      R' Cohen

Learning How To See the Hand of Hashem in our Lives       

05:30 p.m.   Maariv


Sunday DEC 24

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:48 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Vayigash

09:23 a.m.               Latest Shema

10:13 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:16 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:40 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv

06:00 a.m.              Weekday Shacharis


Monday Dec 25

6:00/7:45 a.m.                     Shacharis



Chanuka in Bergen Belsan


Several of the inmates in Bergen-Belsen were determined to kindle Chanuka

lights They knew that they were putting their lives in great risk, for if they were

discovered they would be executed, and yet a fire burned inside them to be able

to perform this Mitzva. They had no Menorah or wicks or oil, but the men had

saved up bits of fat, and the women had pulled threads from their tattered

garments and twisted them into makeshift wicks. A Menorah had been hollowed

out of raw potato.


On the first night of Chanukah, Rabbi Israel Shapiro, better known as the

Bluzhever Rebbe, inserted the improvised candle into the improvised Menorah

and began to say the Brachos. On the third blessing, in which G-d is thanked

for having “ kept us in life and preserved us and enabled us to reach this time”

his voice cracked and he broke down, as he had already lost his wife, his

only daughter, his son-in-law, and his only grandchild.


Then in an effort to encourage the people he said:

“My dear friends, it is not a contradiction to thank G-d for miracles that he had

wrought for our ancestors long ago, while He seemingly performs none for us

now! By kindling this candle we identify ourselves with the Jewish people

everywhere. Our long history records many bloody horrors our people have

endured and survived. We may be certain that no matter what may befall us as

individuals, the Jewish people will - with the help of G-d - outlive their cruel

torturers and emerge triumphant in the end!"


kiddush sponsorship

Kiddush is being sponsored by Shelly Shapiro and Gary Kreger, in honor of the Aish community that has been so supportive to our family after the passing of our father, Seymour Kreger, Zalman ben Yaakov, grandfather of Jamie Kleinman and Michelle Shapiro.


                                            seudah shlishis sponsorship last week

The Weintraubs sponsored Seudah Shlishis last week in gratitude to the community for your kindness during the Shiva.



seudah shlishis sponsorship

Dick and Beverly Horowitz are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in honor of the Sheva Brachos of Marty Pritikin and his Rina Ghertner!


Julie Given is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of her father, Sherman Bernard Given's Yarzheit.


Rochel Markman is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of the first Yarzheit of her mother, Shayna Risha bas Noach Leib, Thursday night, the 8th of Teves.



mazal tov

To Az and Debbie Aharon on the birth of a baby girl!

To Marty Pritikin and Rina Ghertner on their marriage!



                                            THE JEWISH PEOPLE NEED YOU!

aish and the OU present "A Call to Kiruv", a practical guide to Kiruv R'chokim and K'rovim Dec 25 at Aish at 9:00am. Hear R' Hershel Schachter, Dr. Lisa Aiken, R' Aryeh Kaplan and our very own Marc Firestone and Dick Horowitz!




R’ Goldberg is snowbound in Colorado and thus unable to share Shabbos here.



Shalom Bayis Roundtable meeting!

For all married women our next Shalom Bayis Roundtable meeting will be Tues Dec 26 8:30pm at the home of Ellie Kulman. Contribute, receive feedback, and increase the Shalom Bayis of our community! Mrs. Judith Cohen facilitates the meetings, answers questions and provides sage advice. New people welcome!



                                            recent aish torah classes online

If you missed any of our recent guest speakers such as R' Orlowek, R' Morgenstern, or Dr. Manny Saltiel, you can now listen to their classes at



REBBETZIN lori palatnik-Jan 17th!

Don's miss Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik as she will address “What Me Worry, 10 Steps to Eliminate Worry from Your Life.” Wed, Jan 17 at 7:45pm $10. RSVP ext 720.




Sometimes we look in December and realize that the Maaser that we have given is less than 10% of our "after tax income." If you find that such is the case, Aish Shul is a Tzedakah that uses donated money responsibly and from whom you benefit on a daily basis. Moreover, a most generous donor has agreed to match all gifts! Please contact R’ Cohen, Joel Schwartz, or Bill Gross.



                                Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Tuesday                  8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Thursday                 12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness



48 ways to Happiness is back

Begins again this Thurs at 8pm in the Aish library with the famous one hour over-view of the entire 48 ways!



Getting to know your Shabbos

Enhance your Shabbos experience by learning the do's and don'ts of sorting, sifting, selecting, building, breaking, baking and more. Sun 9.30am starting Jan 7 with Judith Cohen. Call Naami ext 720 or email




                                            urgent women's tehillim beginning nightly

Women's Tehillim is now every night at 8pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein for the Refuah of Leah Tova bas Sara.




This week's reading is PEP! Chanukas Habayis pg. 120.




Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Chasam Sofer: It is the Ashkenaz Minhag for a father to fulfill the Mitzvah of lighting for his daughters.

Mishne Brure: If girls who are Bas Mitzva wish to light and make the appropriate Brachos, it is permissible. They should have in mind not to be Yotzei with their father lighting.

However (Eidot HaMizrach) Sefardic women are not permitted to light and make Brachos.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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