Friday, July 25, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 7/26/08

Good Shabbos!

Parshas Mattos:

Jul 26, 2008 / 23 Tammuz 5768


Shabbos Schedule

Fri, Jul 25

06:30 pm                              Mincha

07:41 pm                              Candle Lighting

08:40 pm                              Krias Shema                                   (earliest time)

Sat, Jul 26

08:25 am                              Shacharis                                        Gabbai S. Gross

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                               Nat Eisman

09:30 am                              Krias Shema                                   (latest time)

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                               R Heller

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah:                                     R Shenker

11:00 am                              Kiddush       

11:30 am                              Shiur                                                  R Cohen

                                               "The Cause of Happiness & Unhappiness"

11:30 am                            Middos for Marriage                       Rbzn Shenker

06:15 pm                              InReach Parsha Class                R Sorani

06:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                                      R Azriel Muller

06:30 pm                              Pirkei Avos                                      Howard Witkin

06:45 pm                              Gemara Brochos                          R Denbo

07:30 pm                              Mincha         

08:00 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                             R Cohen

08:40 pm                              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun Jul 27 – Fri Aug 1

04:47 am                              Earliest Tallis – Mattos

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

7/8:00 am                             Sunday Shacharis

09:30 am                              Latest Shema

10:40 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:34 pm                              Earliest Mincha

06:32 pm                              Plag HaMincha

05:40 pm                              Summer Mincha

07:45 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                      Maariv b'zmano

07:35 pm                      Candle Lighting next week- Parshas Masei



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)

Sun               9:00 am                    Hilchos Tefilos                   N. Eisman

Sun               8:00pm                     Book of Joshua (10 wks) R Weinberg

Mon-Fri         6:50 am                    Gemara                                R Cohen

Mon-Fri         7:00am                     Kiruv Kollel B'Chevrusa M. Abramson

Mon-Fri         8:30 am                    Mishne Brura:                    R Cohen

Laws of Prayer     

Tues              8:15 am                    Tehillim Group                    Weinsteins

Wed               8:00 am                    Valley AM Learning          R Heller

Wed               11:00 am                  Mommy, Me and Torah    Rbzn Shenker

Wed               7:30 pm                    Gemara Skills                     R Shenker

Thurs             Noon                          Pirkei Avos                          H. Witkin



Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits on Child-Raising, Part 4: Security (continued)

In previous weeks, Rabbi Berkovits discussed at length the importance and benefits of giving children a happy attitude towards life, and how parents can go about creating this happiness. This week, Rabbi Berkovits begins discussing another crucially important aspect of a healthy childhood.


How do parents actively contribute to the development of their children's security? Equally important, what are the things that need to be avoided so that we don't undermine this vital component of the child's introduction to life?


Regarding one who reneges on a promise to give a gift, halacha differentiates between a matana mu'etes (small gift) and a matana meruba (large gift). If the promised gift was of modest proportions, the one who fails to make good on the pledge is considered to be a mechusar amana (lacking in integrity). In the case of an exorbitant promise, however, he does not earn this title; it is the 'recipient' who is faulted for being foolish enough to believe such a pledge in the first place. There is a notable exception, though. If the gift was promised to a child, the one who fails to deliver is responsible even if he promised an unreasonably large gift. The reason is simple: Children trust. They are allowed to trust and supposed to trust.


One can argue that, pedagogically speaking, in preparation for life, why encourage such naiveté? To the contrary! Is it not in the best interests of the child to learn about the harsh realities of life early on? Let's educate him that people cannot always be trusted, that when someone makes exaggerated promises the possibilities range from wishful thinking to outright lying, but rarely should one expect it to come to fruition!


Lema'ase (in practice), this is not the case. Later on, life will teach him all its hard knocks. But in the early formative years, when it is crucial for the child to develop a sense of security, he must be taught how to trust. Beyond instilling the values of emes (truth) and sheker (falsehood), a kattan (minor) has a right to accept what he's being told at face value, because children have a right and a need to trust. And parents and educators must not just respect this, but actually go ahead and build it. The single most important way for adults to instil trust in children is by earning it. Parents and teachers must never promise without delivering. To be continued….                                  


Shabbat Shalom, R' Moshe Cohen



Halacha of the week

The cup used for Kiddush or bentching must be washed inside and out. If it is clean, it does not require to be rinsed further. Some have the custom of adding a drop of water to the Kiddush cup. Mishne Brure: The one who makes Kiddush or is bentching over a cup should preferably wear a hat and jacket. The cup should be taken with both hands by the one who makes Kiddush or is bentching and then placed in one hand. Although some have the practice to have another place the cup in the hand of the one making Kiddush or bentching, this is not a requirement. There is no requirement to fill a cup to overflow, except for havdalah.

Aruch HaShulchan: The practice mentioned in the gemara of surrounding the Kiddush cup or the cup for bentching with other cups is no longer done.




Kiddush and seudah shlishis sponsors

No sponsors this week. Contact Tamar for sponsorship opportunities.


Thank you

Thank you to­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Marc Morrison for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



Beginning NEXT Shabbos, Aug 2, Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Av, Shacharis on Shabbos will be at 8:45 am instead of 8:25 am for a two-month trial period.  We intend to finish at 11:00 am. 



Our weekly video conference with R' Simcha Weinberg will resume this Sun at 8pm.   



Please come say urgent tehillim for Rabbi Daniel and Mrs. Judith Arnall (R Avraham Daniel Mordechai ben Miriam Sara and Feiga bas Yetta Rivka). Sun at 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1540 Edris.  



We are still mailing out Aish's new and exciting 2008-9 Membership Packages. Please return them to Aish ASAP. Addt'l applications are available in the back of the shul. Please note the following clarifications: the Family Associate membership is $900 ($75/month) and the Single Associate is $600 ($50/month). 



Mrs. Batsheva Wolbe and Mrs. Rachel Gold are the wives of the avreichim we are hosting for two weeks in August.  They are both graduates of BJJ Teacher's Seminary and are available to learn with women in small groups or one-on-one between Aug 7 and Aug 20.  This is an exceptional opportunity to learn something new or review that topic you've been meaning to get to…  Contact Tamar at ext 305 to schedule a learning session.



Too tired for an 8pm shiur after work? Always wonder what's in the entire parsha? Don't even know what a parsha is? Then this class is for you! If you are a woman who wants to be more educated, whether you're a beginner or have been learning for years, come to this new class designed especially for women. Thursdays at 7:30 am (that's right, am), Jul 31 through Sep 18 at Aish. Taught by Liane Pritikin, who has taught Jewish subjects in three countries.


A Friday Get-2-gether

A Young Couples Event.  Invite your seriously dating, engaged, or married friends for Shabbos dinner on Fri, Aug 15. Then we will all meet up for desert, lechaims, and shmoozing. Contact R Shenker at (310) 927-5919 to be a host or a guest. 




Outside at Kiddush, there will be two meat cholents.  Try them both and leave your used spoon in the labeled jar next to the cholent you like best...




The Jeff's Gourmet Sausage 5:40pm Mincha Challenge!.

Jeff's Gourmet Sausage challenges the Aish community to increase attendance for the 5:40pm mincha, Sun. thru Thurs.  For all those in attendance 5 days TOTAL, present your initialed card at Jeff's Gourmet to receive 10% off your entire restaurant bill or a free pack of delicious sausages! This promotion will continue through Aug 31, 2008, culminating with a special deli-platter (dedicated to the "5:40 minyanaires") for an Aish Shabbos Kiddush. Warning: Jeff's Sausages are addicting and fleishig.





Childcare Team: Important Childcare News!  If you have not filled out and returned the childcare survey, please do so no later than Mon, Aug 28.  Surveys are in the back of the shul and another email version was just sent out. 

All community members are invited to an important childcare meeting, in which the results of the survey will be presented along with a sketch of what the new and improved youth program might look like.  We would love your input!  Wed, Aug 6th, 8:20 p.m. Aish Seminar Room.


Kiruv Team:  Rabbi Jacobs's 12-person team is moving at a rapid pace.  A high level of commitment is in place.


Greeters Team: Co-chairs are asking our Kiruv Community to step up and give one hour per month to help make Aish the friendliest place on the street.


Security Team:  If I told you, we'd have to... well, you know.


Kiddush Team:  Will R. Sorani crush the upstart challenger in today's cholent challenge?


Childcare Team:  Please return your surveys not later then Mon, the 28th.



AISH Class information:



Middos for Marriage is aimed at fixing the biggest problem in your marriage – YOU! This series is for those of you married under five years (please respect this). We have a phenomenal line-up of speakers and subjects:


Today (Jul 26) at 11:30am in the Seminar Rm – Rabbi Yitz Jacobs – Balance – Men Only

Aug 2 – Rbtzn Emuna Braverman – Humility – Women Only



This Shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm, Rebbetzin Braverman will continue her series of summer shiurim on understanding and deepening your Yiras Shamayim. The shiur is at her home.



This afternoon, Mrs. Adina Sher will begin a 3-part Bais Hamikdash class at 6:30pm in the Aish Annex.  Topics include Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash, based on the Rambam's Hilchos Bais Habechira (Jul 26), Ezekiel's Vision of the Future Temple (Aug 2), and Mystical Insights on the 3rd Temple, based on the Ramchal (Aug 9).  



A class for young married women (under five years) at a private residence. The next topic will be "The Wise Learn from Children."  Please RSVP with Sharon Shenker.


JuL 30: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



Every Wed at 7:30pm for men.  Includes chevrusah preparation and a shiur. Hebrew reading required. Walk-ins welcome. Contact R' Motti Shenker for more details:


jul 29: tues night tehillim

Join this tehillim group every Tues night at 8:15 pm at Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein's home. 



Gevurah: "Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond" is a young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women. Next event: Wed from 8:15 pm to 9:30 pm at Aish. R Dov Heller, LMFT, is speaking on "Strategies to find your Soulmate." For details, call (310) 766-9105 or email We are now accepting sponsorships of $118/class.



Tamar Sullivan
Community & Hospitality Coordinator
Aish Los Angeles
Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Childcare Survey

Dear Aish Community,
This is your last chance to literally help shape the future of Aish LA Childcare Program by filling out the attached childcare survey before this Monday, July 28.   There are also paper copies available in the back of the shul.

We would greatly appreciate your answers to the attached survey, whether you CURRENTLY have children in childcare or have had children in childcare in the PAST.   


Thank you for your comments.


Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

Phone: 310.278.8672 ext 305


Friday, July 18, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 7/19/08

Good Shabbos!

Parshas Pinchas:

Jul 19, 2008 / 16 Tammuz 5768


Shabbos Schedule

Fri, Jul 18

06:30 pm                              Mincha

07:45 pm                              Candle Lighting

08:45 pm                              Krias Shema                       (earliest time)

Sat, Jul 19

08:25 am                              Shacharis                            Gabbai S. Gross

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                   Nat Eisman

09:27 am                              Krias Shema                       (latest time)

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                  R Heller

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah:                         R Markman

                                                “A Message from Rav Noach Weinberg”

11:00 am                              Kiddush       

11:30 am                              Shiur                                      R Cohen

                                                “Eliot Spitzer revisited”

06:15 pm                              InReach Parsha Class    R Sorani

06:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                          R’ Azriel Muller

06:30 pm                              Pirkei Avos                          Howard Witkin

06:45 pm                              Gemara Brochos              R Cohen

06:30 pm                              Shabbos Summer Mincha

07:30 pm                              Mincha         

08:00 pm                              Seudah Shlishis

                                                “The Shul Secret”             Jacob Pelta

08:45 pm                              Maariv



Weekday Schedule

Sun Jul 20 – Fri Jul 25

04:33 am                              Fast Begins – Sun Jul 20, 17 Tammuz

04:47 am                              Earliest Tallis – Pinchas

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

07/8:00 am                          Sunday Shacharis

09:27 am                              Latest Shema

10:38 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:35 pm                              Earliest Mincha

06:35 pm                              Plag HaMincha

05:40 pm                              Summer Mincha

07:50 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                       Maariv b’zmano

07:41 pm                      Candle Lighting next week- Mattos, Parshas PInchas



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)

Sun                9:00 am        Hilchos Tefilos                               N. Eisman

Sun                8:00pm         Book of Joshua (10 weeks)       R Weinberg

Mon-Fri         6:50 am        Gemara                                            R Cohen

Mon-Fri         7:00am         Kiruv Kollel B’Chevrusa             M. Abramson

Mon-Fri         8:30 am        Mishne Brura:                                R Cohen

Laws of Prayer     

Tues              8:15 am        Tehillim Group                                Weinsteins

Wed               8:00 am        Valley AM Learning                      R Heller

Wed               11:00 am      Mommy, Me and Torah                Rbzn Shenker

Wed               7:45 pm        Gemara Skills                                 R Shenker

Thurs             Noon  Pirkei Avos                                                  H. Witkin



Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits on Child-Raising Part 4: Security


In previous weeks, Rabbi Berkovits discussed at length the importance and benefits of giving children a happy attitude towards life, and how parents can go about creating this happiness. This week, Rabbi Berkovits begins discussing another crucially important aspect of a healthy childhood.


In a relationship with Hashem, an essential element is bitachon (trusting G-d). Where and how does one learn bitachon? How does one learn to trust? Where is one exposed to the very existence of the concept of security?


The entire premise of bitachon – the idea of being somech (dependent), to rely, to trust – is acquired as a child. The concept of bitachon is introduced to a child at a very young age, in the form of the security he feels from his parents. One who did not experience this dimension as a child does not - or, more precisely, cannot – understand what bitachon is all about, later in life. While there are fundamental precepts in Judaism that can be acquired intellectually, bitachon is not on that list. It is impossible to teach how to trust, how to feel secure, by means of sechel (intellect).


We see the results: Kids raised in environments that foster trust generally grow up to be trusting people. They more than understand bitachon – they feel it. Whereas, children who grow up in volatile situations, where no one day has bearing on the next, and without security, tend to have a hard time trusting later in life. Having been raised in a setting where one had no way of knowing what would be from one day to the next, they will likely continue experiencing life with an ingrained uncertainty: You never know.


One must create security for his children from a young age. Delicate souls that they are, children must never live in pachad (fear). Children must be made to feel that they can trust parents, so that they feel secure with themselves. This is the cornerstone of what can later develop into a secure, trusting adult.


We previously discussed the idea that happy people don’t kill and steal; the side benefits of security are likewise important. Secure people have an easier time dealing with society, they’re not jealous, they can take insult. Regarding life in general, they are better equipped to handle disappointment and adversity. And the list goes on.


To be continued…

Shabbat Shalom, R Moshe Cohen



Halacha of the week

It is forbidden to suspend tefillin on a peg, either by their retzuos (straps), or by their batim (boxes). It is permitted to hold the batim and let the retzuos hang temporarily. Mogen Avrohom: It is forbidden to hold the retzuos & let the bayis hang even in order to put them on your head. Mishne Brura: It is permitted to hold the retzuos & let the bayis hang in order to put them on your head.




Kiddush sponsor

Kiddush is sponsored by the Barnadjian family with gratitude to The Almighty who has blessed our family, and to the AISH community for being AISH!  May Hashem continue to guide all of Klal Yisroel in His ways. Happy birthday Peninah, and happy 7th anniv. to Laura and Mehrdad.


seudah shlishis sponsor

Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Jacob Pelta in honor of the yahrtzeit of his father, Yehuda Leib ben Yaakov, of blessed memory (20 Tammuz). May his neshama have an aliyah.


Thank you

Thank you to­­­­­­­­­­­ Jon Sher for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



Beginning Aug 2, Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Av, Shabbos Shacharis will be at 8:45 am instead of 8:25 am for a two-month trial period.  We intend to finish at 11:00 am. 



We are still mailing out Aish’s new and exciting 2008-9 Membership Packages. Please return them to Aish ASAP! Addt’l applications are available in the back of the shul. Please note the following clarifications: the Family Associate membership is $900 ($75/month) and the Single Associate is $600 ($50/month). 


R’ Azriel Muller, shlita, a talmid of R’ Moshe Feinstein ztz"l & Exec Director of Orech L'Shabbos will speak this motzei Shabbos at 9:30 pm at the home of Michael & Alex Abramson, 8862 Cashio St. Motzei Shabbos learning is dedicated in memory of Barbara Desatnik, Basha Bracha bas Mendel.  The Melaveh Malkah will also benefit Orech L'Shabbos, an organization that assists the poor & needy in Jerusalem. Refreshments will be served. Today’s Kiruv Kollel (6:30pm @ Aish) will be taught by R’ Muller on the halachos, shailos, & teshuvos of R’ Feinstein.



This Sunday, Jul 20th/17 Tammuz, is a fast day for Klal Yisrael that commemorates five tragedies that happened to the Jewish people on this day.  The fast begins at 4:33 am.



Our weekly Sunday video conference with R’ Simcha Weinberg will not take place this week because of the fast. We plan to resume the following week.  Thank you.



Parents!  The Childcare Team has prepared a brief, community-wide survey that was emailed to you and is available in the back of the shul.  Please provide input for improving our Childcare Program, and return it by email or by hand to Tamar in the Aish Office by this coming Thurs.



The Aish community is hosting two avreichim and their wives from Rav Berkovitz’s kollel in Yerushalayim from Aug 6 – Aug 21. We still need homes, cars, and weekday dinners for them. We are also looking for people from Aish who want to learn with them.  Limited availability – first come, first served!  There is no charge for this exceptional opportunity. To help out or to schedule learning, contact Tamar at



Too tired for an 8pm shiur after work? Always wonder what’s in the entire parsha? Don’t even know what a parsha is? Then this class is for you! If you are a woman who wants to be more educated, whether you’re a beginner or have been learning for years, come to this new class designed especially for women. Thursdays at 7:30 am (that’s right, am), Jul 31 through Sep 18 Aish. Taught by Liane Pritikin, who has taught Jewish subjects in three countries.



The Jeff's Gourmet Sausage 5:40pm Mincha Challenge!.

Jeff's Gourmet Sausage challenges the Aish community to increase attendance for the 5:40pm mincha, Sun. thru Thurs.  For all those in attendance 5 days per week, a special discount will be given for delicious Jeff's sausages.  There may also be some surprise delicacies served directly after the minyan. This offer may not last long so get to the 5:40pm minyan this week!

Warning:  Jeff's Gourmet Sausages are addicting and fleishig.




The Education Team is bringing R’ Muller to this week’s Motzei Shabbos. Also, the daily Kiruv Kollel is happening from 7-7:30am. Come on in for chavrusa learning.


The Greeter/Hospitality Team is preparing a schedule for community members to participate as Shabbos Greeters at shul.  More efforts to arrange host families are also being made.


The Security Team is working on a grant and coordinating with the Greeter Team.


The Childcare Team is gathering surveys from parents due this week.


The Membership Team has sent out the 2008-09 membership packages and eagerly awaits your prompt response.


-The Social Team is planning a community-wide hike & BBQ in the Malibu Mtns in Aug.


-The first Marketing Team meeting will take place this Mon, Jul 21 at 8:30



Aish Class information:



Middos for Marriage is aimed at fixing the biggest problem in your marriage – YOU! This series is for those of you married under five years (please respect this).

We have a phenomenal line-up of speakers and subjects:


Today (Jul 19) at 11:30am in the Seminar Rm – Sharon Shenker – Inner Strength – Women only

July 26 – Rabbi Yitz Jacobs – Balance – Men Only


Other teachers to include Brian Ross, R’ Dov Heller and Motti Shenker, Emunah Braverman and Tirtza Quinn, topics to include humility, self control, joy and enthusiasm.



Emunah Braverman’s weekly Shabbos class will not take place this Shabbos afternoon, the 19th. We will resume on Shabbos afternoon, the 26th. 



A class for young married (under five years) women at a private residence. The next topic will be “Tools to TUNE IN to the Bais Hamikdash.”  Please RSVP with Sharon Shenker.


jul 22: tues night tehillim

Join this tehillim group every Tues night at 8:15 pm at Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein’s home. 


JuL 23: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women and young children on Wed mornings at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening and songs, play time, and snack time, followed by a 30 minute parsha class with Rbtzn Sharon Shenker. Please tell any mommies you know about it. 



A skills-based Gemora class every Wed at 7:30pm for men.  The class will include chevrusah preparation and a shiur with a threefold goal: a) create an enjoyable learning experience, b) develop learning skills, and c) delve into the wondrous depths of the Gemora. Hebrew reading required. Walk-ins welcome.  Contact R’ Motti Shenker for more details:



Gevurah: “Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond” is a young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women. Next event: Wed from 8:15 pm to 9:30 pm at Aish. Mendal Schwartz of the Chai Center will be speaking on “Cleansing Guilt.” For details, email or call Eran at (310) 766-9105. We are now accepting sponsorships of $118 per class to cover costs. 



Mrs. Adina Sher will be teaching a 3-part Bais Hamikdash class at 6:30pm in the Aish annex beginning Shabbos, Jul 26.  Topics include Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash, based on the Rambam’s Hilchos Bais Habechira (Jul 26), Ezekiel’s Vision of the Future Temple (Aug 2), and Mystical Insights on the 3rd Temple, based on the Ramchal (Aug 9).


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