Friday, May 27, 2011

Shabbos Bulletin 5/27

Good Shabbos!


Parshas Bamidbar- Shabbos Mevarchim

May 28, 2011 / 25 Iyar 5771


Shabbos Schedule

Fri. May 27

07:37 pm                              Candle Lighting

06:05 pm                              Mincha / Maariv

                                                Laws of Hamotzei on Shabbos              R Cohen

07:42 pm                              Mincha/ Maariv    

08:25 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. May 28

08:15 am                              Halachic Insights              R Cohen

                                                The Mogen Dovid and the Israeli flag

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:19 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah     R Cohen/ D Braverman

10:10 am                              Wave your flag                   R Cohen

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              The Real You                      R Cohen

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Morry’s)           R Heller

06:15 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)        M Abramson

06:00 pm                              48 Ways                   R Markman

06:30 pm                              Pirkei Avos              H Witkin

07:15 pm                              Mincha                     

07:45 pm                              Seudah Shlishis           M Abramson

08:35 pm                              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun. May 29- Fri. June 3

07:00/8:00 am                    Sun Shacharis

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

04:52am                               Earliest Tallis – Naso

09:17 am                              Latest Shema

10:28 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:25 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                      Early Mincha

07:45 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

07:42 pm                              Candlelighting – Naso

06:10 pm                              Mincha before plag/Maariv

07:47 pm                              Fri. Mincha




There will not be childcare on the first day of Shavuous. There will be on the second day of Shavuous, and all children who stay in group the whole time, and share something that they learned, will be receive a grand ice cream sundae extravaganza!!



Bamidbar – A real win-win


Bamidbar 2:14…and the Nasi for bnei Gad is Eliyasaph ben Re'uel.          

The name of Eliyasaph is spelled in two different ways. In 2:14 he is called Eliyasaph ben Re'uel, with a raish, while in 1:14, he is referred to as Eliyasaph ben De'uel, with a daled. What was his real name?

When Shevet Dan was selected as the head of the Degel formation, Eliyasaph who was the nosi from shevet Gad, could have easily complained. After all, just as Dan was Zilpah's bechor, firstborn, Gad was Bilhah's firstborn. Why should Dan precede Gad? Despite this justified complaint, Eliyasaph was willing to concede. His name was therefore changed to ben Re'uel, an acronym for re'a-Keil, friend of Hashem.

Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein, Shlita told a story about a young man in Bnei Brak who was blessed with exceedingly good fortune. The rav of his community explained that he and a friend had their bar-mitzvah on the same Shabbos. The rav decided that the only fair way to determine who would have the shul was by lottery. Both boys drew lots, and the young man won. However, knowing that his friend would have to travel across the city to locate a shul to celebrate his bar-mitzvah, he made a decision that demonstrated an ethical character far beyond his young years. He gave up his right to his friend. When asked why he did that he responded:

'I could not sleep that night knowing the hardship my friend would have to go through.  The rav followed his life from that day on and noticed he was met with success after success. It was clear that it was all due to his ability to empathize with the plight of another Jew and concede his own portion in order to help his less fortunate friend.


Good Shabbos,

R’ Cohen


Halachic Bulletin:


On Shavuos if you did not sleep at night, it is best to use the bathroom in the morning, wash your hands, and then make the brocho of “al netilas yodayim”

You should be yotsei “hama’aveer” and “elokai” with someone who slept.

You should be yotsei “birkas haTorah” with someone who slept, unless you took a nap of at least thirty minutes or slept on erev Shavous



Sponsorship Opportunities:


There is no Kiddush sponsor this week L


Last week’s Kiddush was sponsored by Michael Wacht in honor of the birth and naming of his son, Rafael David, and in honor of his wife, Jessica.



Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Michael and Alex Abramson in honor of the Yahrzeit of Alex’s father, Yoel Srednicki, Yoel ben Yosef (Iyar 29). May his neshama have an aliyah.



Sponsor a week of R Cohen's morning Gemara Shiur for $180 – a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit, celebrate a Simcha, support Torah learning at Aish, AND fulfill the Mitzvah of advancing Torah study! Contact to sponsor your week.


community news & views


To Yehuda (Rodney) Masjedi and Laleh Haverim on their recent engagement!

To Joshua Shapiro and Ana Wright on their recent engagement!

To Motti Gabler and Desiree Joyce on their upcoming marriage!



To Gil Weinreich and his son, Ariel, for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route!



For the refuah shleima of David ben Ezat, Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara.

** R’ Ephraim Shore’s son was in a terrible skating accident: please daven for Yaakov ben Esther.


shabbos kallah

Ladies, please join Devorah Leah (Desiree) Joyce at her Shabbos Kallah at 4:00 pm on Shabbos at the home of Shari Pitterman, 1521 S. Sherbourne Dr. (between Cashio & Pickford).



Mitch Julis is receiving an honorary doctorate from YU! Details of the graduation ceremony can be found in the flyers at the back of the shul.


frum business network

The FBN is now the "Jewish Business Network, Los Angeles" (JBNLA) part of a much larger Jewish networking organization, JBN. "JBNLA Valley Edition" this Wed night, 8-10 PM with Mark Schiff at Cafe Eilat. See flyer in back for details.



This summer Aish Camp (formerly Bnei Aish) will be running between the dates of July 5th to July 31st. Ages - 14-17, Yeshiva high school boys. Limited amount of spots available. If you know someone who is looking for a great summer, filled with Aish classes, activities, and a great group, please contact Sruly Shanat


Education update:




Keep an eye out for the complete Shavuos schedule, which will be sent out this week.


Learning opportunity

Elchonon (Kiki) Cohen will be in LA from the beginning of June and is available to learn with you, the subject of your choice, at very reasonable rates. This is a great opportunity for you have a great seder for the summer. Limited slots available. Please contact to reserve your slot now.


NEW: Mesillas Yesharim

Rabbi Nachum and Rebbitzen Emuna Braverman are continuing their six-week series on Mesillas Yesharim, The Path of the Just, this Shabbos afternoon at 5 p.m. at their home.  Men and women welcome.



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.


tutoring available

Does your son need tutoring this summer in Hebrew, Chumash, Mishnah, Gemara or even math?  Please contact Dovid Braverman: 310-729-0024.



Catch the new melacha - "Tzod." R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah is learning the melacha of tzod.



For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour in the Aish Annex.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg at 6:00 pm.  Topic: Learn in order to do.


dropS of inspir“aish”Ion

"Cliff Alsberg related his own recent 'moment of inspirAISHon' when he encountered a young lady who works at his local bank, who had absolutely no idea she was Jewish! A simple, casual comment by Cliff prompted her to share the fact that her grandmother (on her MOTHER'S side, no less) was Jewish! Cliff had the presence of mind to enlist his good friend, Greg Yaris, to join him in a lively discussion with her about who and what she truly is, and the very special people she belongs to!! Next step: a Shabbos meal at the Alsberg's, of course!"    


At the banquet, Nir saw dozens of young people, who were wined, dined, and entertained.  The banquet reinforced their feeling that being Jewish is cool and that AISH is rocking.   What an amazing outreach opportunity to seize on!



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext 305




Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A few great opportunities...

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY: We still need a sponsor for Kiddush for this week, Parshas Bamidbar. Please reply to this email if you would like to sponsor Kiddush in honor of a Simcha, a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


LEARNING OPPORTUNITY: Elchonon (Kiki) Cohen will be in LA from the beginning of June and is available to learn with you, the subject of your choice, at very reasonable rates. This is a great opportunity for you have a great seder for the summer. Limited slots available. Please contact to reserve your slot now.



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext 305



Friday, May 20, 2011

Shabbos Bulletin- 5/20

Good Shabbos!

Please note that the second minyan tonight is at Morry’s.


Parshas Bechukosai

May 21, 2011 / 17 Iyar 5771


Shabbos Schedule

Fri. May 20

07:33 pm                              Candle Lighting

06:05 pm                              Mincha / Maariv

                                                Laws of Hamotzei on Shabbos  R Cohen

07:45 pm                      Dinner (by reservation only)        R Berger

07:38 pm                              Mincha/ Maariv (AT MORRY’S)

08:21 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. May 21

08:15 am                              Halachic Insights              R Cohen

                                                The Starbucks Controversy

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:19 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                               J Sher

10:10 am                              Dvar Torah              R Denbo

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              Shiur- cancelled

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Morry’s)           R Heller

12:00 pm                      Lunch (by reservation only)         R Berger

05:15 pm                              Pirkei Avos              H Witkin

06:00 pm                      Shiur                   R Berger

                                      When We Chose to be Chosen

06:00 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)        M Abramson

06:30 pm                              48 Ways- cancelled

07:00 pm                              Mincha                     

07:30 pm                              Seudah Shlishis           R Berger

08:30 pm                              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun. May 22- Fri. May 27

07:00/8:00 am                    Sun Shacharis

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

04:57am                               Earliest Tallis – Bamidbar

09:19 am                              Latest Shema

10:30 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:25 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                      Early Mincha

07:40 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

07:37 pm                              Candlelighting – Bamidbar

06:05 pm                              Mincha before plag/Maariv

07:42 pm                              Fri. Mincha



Sefira – A lease on life


A very old and feeble man once came to visit R. Zilberstein in Bnei Brak, before the beginning of sefiras haomer, (the counting of the omer), to pose a question

“Rebbe, I am over a hundred years old and the doctors tell me that I have only weeks to live. I know that there are opinions that if you know that you will be unable to complete the count that you should not begin, because there is an opinion that the brocho is only for a complete counting. Therefore perhaps I should not begin to count with a brocho!”

The Rabbi answered him:

“My good man, sometimes a child wants a candy from his parents, but his parents do not want him to have. How does he get the candy? He makes a brocho of shehakol, and the parents have to give him the candy to save him from having made a brocho l’vatolo (blessing in vain). So I recommend that you begin the count with a brocho and according to the opinion that the count is one complete count, HaShem will be “forced” to let you complete the count.”

And so it was. The man lived until after Shavous and then passed away!!


Good Shabbos,

R’ Cohen



Halachic Bulletin:

Ramo paskins that for those who take a haircut and shave on Lag Ba'Omer it is permitted to do so on Friday when Lag Ba'Omer falls on Sunday like this year. Since it is permitted to shave on Sunday it is not kavod Shabbos to be unkempt on Shabbos and groom oneself right afterwards on Sunday.                              

Although others disagree we are noheg like the Ramo.                                              

Everyone agrees that listening to music is not permitted until Sunday.






Once again, the Aish Los Angeles community came out in strong numbers to represent the success of Aish LA.  We appreciate your taking the time to attend the banquet and to support it.  May we continue to go from strength to strength!

Join us next year for the 30th Anniversary of Aish LA at the Gala Banquet on Tuesday, May 15th, 2012, 38th day of the Omer, at the Beverly Hilton.


In case you were wondering: Rebbetzin Ester Jungreis was asked and gave complete permission to have herself parodied at the banquet. 




Sponsorship Opportunities:



There is no Kiddush sponsor this week L



Cliff Alsberg is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis today in honor of his wife, Laurie-- "for blessing our children and me with a home filled with joy, love and kindness, and for giving me the very best fifteen years of my life!"



Learning is sponsored this week by Larry and Laurie Julian in honor of their son, Michael’s, returning to learn at Aish Jerusalem last Tuesday.

Sponsor a week of R Cohen's morning Gemara Shiur for $180 – a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit, celebrate a Simcha, support Torah learning at Aish, AND fulfill the Mitzvah of advancing Torah study! Contact to sponsor your week.


community news & views



To Avi and Ariella (Firestone) Gabay on the naming of their son, Roi!

To Michael and Jessica Wacht, and grandparents Avi and Rhona Wacht, on the naming of their son, Rafael David!

To Ramin Lavi & Leah Rubke on their upcoming marriage!


To Bill Dickerman for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route!


CItizen of the week

Candice Weisz for her incredible centerpiece displays at the banquet!



For the refuah shleima of David ben Ezat, Avraham ben Michal Tova, Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara.



Mitch Julis is receiving an honorary doctorate from YU! Details of the graduation ceremony can be found in the flyers at the back of the shul.


Education update:




NEW: Mesillas Yesharim

Rabbi Nachum and Rebbitzen Emuna Braverman are continuing their six-week series on Mesillas Yesharim, The Path of the Just, this Shabbos afternoon at 5 p.m. at their home.  Men and women welcome.



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.


tutoring available

Does your son need tutoring this summer in Hebrew, Chumash, Mishnah, Gemara or even math?  Please contact Dovid Braverman: 310-729-0024.


Sarah Yoheved Rigler

Please join us for a parlor meeting benefitting needy Jewish children in Yerushalayim. Noted author and lecturer Sarah Yoheved Rigler will address us on the topic of "Frum Non-believers: The problem and the cure".  At the home of Sandy Gordon: 9432 Oakmore Rd., Beverlywood. May 22, 8:00pm.



Catch the new melacha - "Tzod." R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah is learning the melacha of tzod.



For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour in the Aish Annex.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman will not be teaching this Shabbos.


Childcare Update:

-Please make sure that your children are either in group or in shul at all times. They are not permitted to roam the halls.

-There will not be childcare on the first day of Shavuous. There will be on the second day of Shavuous, and all children who stay in group the whole time, and share something that they learned, will be receive an ice cream treat!



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext 305


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