Friday, June 22, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin


Parshas Chukas

June 23, 2007 / 7 Tammuz 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, June 22

 07:49 pm              Candle Lighting                   

 06:30 pm              Mincha

 PEP!                      R’ Cohen

 08:47 pm              Krias Shema             (earliest time)


Saturday, June 23

 08:25 am              Shacharis                 

 09:15 am              Krias HaTorah          Nat Eisman

 09:16 am              Krias Shema             (latest time)

 10:15 am              Spirituality 101         R’ Heller

 10:20 am              Dvar Torah                R’ Ordan

 11:00 am              Kiddush                    

 11:30 am              Shiur                          R’ Cohen

 06:00 pm              Parsha Shiur            Dave Sorani

 06:30 pm              Pirkei Avos               Howard Witkin

 06:30 pm              Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

 06:30 pm              Gemara Brochos                 R’ Cohen

 07:30 pm              Mincha                                              

 08:00 pm              Seudah Shlishis      

                                Dvar Torah                R’ Cohen

 08:47 pm              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun June 24

 08:00 am              Shacharis

 04:32 am              Earliest Tallis – Chukas

 09:16 am              Latest Shema

 10:31 am              Latest Shacharis

 01:31 pm              Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm              Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:50 pm              Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm              Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am      Weekday Shacharis



Chukas – The death of the righteous atones


Bamidbar 20:1 “and Miriam died and was buried there.”

Rashi: “Why is the parsha of Miriam juxtaposed to the parsha of the red cow? It is to teach that just as a Karban atones, so does the death of the righteous.”


On the eve of Yom Kippur, 40 years ago R’ Elya Lopian stood up in the shul “Knesses Chezkiyau” in Kfar Chassidim, and choking with tears and emotion began to speak:

“There is a Tzadik whose passing atones for his friends and relatives. There is a Tzadik whose passing atones for the residents of his city. There is a Tzadik whose passing atones for his country. However when the leader of the generation passes he atones for the entire generation!”

He then proceeded to cite the Pasuk mentioned and to give a discourse on the meaning. No one who was present understood to what R’ Elya was referring. However on Motsei Yom Kippur news quickly spread that just before Kol Nidrei as R’ Elya was speaking, the great Brisker Rav had passed away in Yerushalayim!



Yom Tov and Hanoka Mekaili are sponsoring Kiddush in memory of their father, Yahya Mekaili’s Yarzheit.



Mazal Tov to Michael and Natalie Schwartz on the birth of a baby girl!



Debra Greenstein would like to thank the community for being there during her time of mourning for her father.  You have helped me tremendously by means of the minyanim, homemade meals, cards, calls and visits. It gives me a sense of peace knowing that my father supported my growth in Judaism and that he felt I was in good hands within the Aish community.  May his memory be a blessing. 


Thank you to Debbie Farahnick for driving the Aish route of Tomchei Shabbos this past week!


community bbq and softball game this sunday!

If you haven’t signed up yet for the community’s very first softball game, you can still show up on Sunday at Veteran’s Park, 4117 Overland Ave. Culver City (South field) from 1:30-4:30pm. Bring your bats and mits and baseball energy!


new parsha class-yet to be named 

New Parsha class begins this Shabbos at 6:00pm (half an hour) with Dave Sorani and will continue each Shabbos afternoon. To help name this Shiur see Dave.


community dues

It’s that time of year again! If you are already a member, it is time renew! If you are not, it is time to think about becoming a part of our great community!



Newly installed Aish President, Mark Shmagin, is here to serve you, and he asks for your suggestions.  Let's continue to work together to make a great place even greater!


NEW AT AISH-postponed

We have a lot of new staff and new projects at Aish.  Due to all the summer trips our new dynamic staff will discuss their efforts on July 28th!


sefarim sale sun july 29

Come look through different Sefarim for sale in the back of the Shul Sun July 29!


aish travels

Poland-Israel Adventure is set to leave this Mon with over 40 students led by R’ Jacobs and Rebbetzin Heller.


Aish Sephardic Fellowships is also leaving for Israel this week with 36 students led by Dave Sorani!



Catering to Jewish women 30 years of age and older, the Gem Learning Program answers those philosophical and theological questions you've had for years. The 10 day program features classes, day trips, and a weekend retreat. Our esteemed faculty and caring staff will give you the experience of a lifetime.


Join women’s Tehillim every Mon eve at 8:15pm at the home of Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris! Your prayers are needed!


If you went to the bathroom before washing for bread you are faced with a Halachic problem since it is improper to wash the hands twice in a row, and you should not delay the Brocha of Asher Yatzar until the meal has begun. Therefore, you may wash your hands with water but without using a vessel, dry your hands and recite Asher Yatzar, and then rewash your hands with a vessel as usual and recite Al Netilas Yadayim and Hamotzi. Alternatively you may wash your hands with a vessel as usual, recite Al Netilas Yadayim, dry the hands, recite Asher Yatzar and then recite Hamotzi.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, June 18, 2007

Community Softball Game and BBQ THIS SUNDAY!

Summer is here and Aish is ready to celebrate!

Get ready for our very first community softball game where the Aish new-comers will battle the Aish old-comers!


Even if you aren’t a baseball fan, this is a great way to meet and bond with the new and old faces in the Aish community! And if that doesn’t sell you, how about a delicious Sunday BBQ?


TIME: 1:30- 4:30 PM


PLACE: Veteran’s Park (South field)

4117 Overland Ave.

Culver City 90230




RSVP: To this email or 310-278-8672 ext 720 by Wednesday!


When you RSVP, please be sure to let me know which team you would like to be on:

Steve Gross will be managing the old-comers

R’ Dave Sorani will be managing the new-comers


Please bring any baseball equipment that you have (mits, bats, balls). Looking forward to a fantastic time together!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, June 15, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Shelach

June 16, 2007 / 29 Sivan 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, June 15

 07:47 pm              Candle Lighting                   

 06:30 pm              Mincha

 PEP!                      R’ Cohen

 08:45 pm              Krias Shema             (earliest time)


Saturday, June 16

 08:25 am              Shacharis                 

 09:15 am              Krias HaTorah          Nat Eisman

 09:17 am              Krias Shema             (latest time)

 10:15 am              Spirituality 101         R’ Heller

 10:20 am              Dvar Torah                Moshe Firestone

 11:00 am              Kiddush                    

 11:30 am              Shiur                          R’ Cohen

“How to Fulfill your Potential in Life”

 06:30 pm              Pirkei Avos               Howard Witkin

 06:30 pm              Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

 06:30 pm              Gemara Brochos                 R’ Cohen

 07:30 pm              Mincha                                              

 08:00 pm              Seudah Shlishis      

                                Dvar Torah                Judy Gruen

 08:45 pm              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun June 17

 07:45 am              Shacharis

 04:31 am              Earliest Tallis – Korach

 09:17 am              Latest Shema

 10:31 am              Latest Shacharis

 01:29 pm              Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm              Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:50 pm              Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm              Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am      Weekday Shacharis


Korach – A Window of Opportunity


Bamidbar 16:3 “…kee kol haweyda kulam kedoshim”

             “…because the entire community is holy.”


Once when Rav Chaim Kanievski was with the Chazon Ish in Tzfas, they met an older resident who had known the Ridvaz, who was the Rav in Tzfas. The Chazon Ish asked him to recount an incident that he had personally witnessed involving the Ridvaz. The man thought for a few moments and began to speak:

“I remember that it was Shabbos Shuva and the shul where the Ridvaz was going to deliver his drasha was filled to capacity. The Ridvaz arrived late wearing his Talis. He realized that he would have to disturb many people in order to get to the front of the shul. What did he do? He did not enter the shul but walked around the back until he came to a place where there was a window that was directly behind the Aron Kodesh. He clambered up and managed to squeeze himself through a small window in the wall. This he did in order not to disturb holy Jews! Then he suddenly appeared like magic in the front of the shul ready to give the Drosha!  



Dena, David and Esther Ackerman, Yisroel, Naami, Moshe, and Eli Heller are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of their parents, R’ Dov and Chana Heller’s 27th wedding anniversary! We are so fortunate to have such caring and inspiring parents! May you continue to be blessed with health and many more happy years together! We love you!


Barry, Candace, Ali and Zack Weisz are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the 6th Yartzeit of Estelle Weisz (Ester bas Ruben), on the 4th of Tammuz.  May her memory continue to inspire us to perform Mitzvos.


Aish HaTorah is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of Joel Schwartz who today completes his tenure as Shul President.  His two years were notable for being responsive to your many constructive suggestions including improving these Seat Announcements, improving childcare/development, improved Kiddish geography, the Young Couples Group, and PEP!   He is now Vice Chairman of Project Inspire Los Angeles.


Aish is also sponsoring Kiddush in honor of Mark Shmagin who is our new Shul President! Please give him your input to insure a successful year.



Jeff and Judy Gruen are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Judy’s father, Jack Rosenfeld, on the occasion of his 14th Yarzheit.



To Michael and Rachel Malk on the birth of a baby boy on Thursday!

To R’ Dov and Chana Heller on their 27th anniversary!



All are welcome to a Shalom Zachor at the Malk’s home, 1448 S. Crest (upper duplex) from 8:45-10:30pm.



To Debra (Kaufman) Greenstein on the passing of her father.



 We have a lot of new staff and new projects at Aish.  Our new dynamic staff will be here next Shabbos at 11:30 am to describe their efforts.


community bbq and softball game sun june 24!

Get ready for a community wide soft ball game and BBQ for all community members, old timers vs. new timers on Sun June 24th! RSVP to Naami ext 720.


community dues

It’s that time of year again! If you are already a member, it is time renew! If you are not, it is time to think about becoming a part of our great community!


aish outreach travels

Poland-Israel Adventure is set to leave June 25 with over 40 students led by R’ Jacobs and Chana Heller!


AISH outreach RAISES money

This past Sun Aish outreach put together a fundraising event with over 150 students raising awareness and funds for such organizations as Honest Reporting and Magen David Adom. Thank you to Fred and Dina Leeds for hosting the event!



Geoffrey and Melanie Anderson are looking to move back into the Aish community. If you know of a 3 bedroom duplex for rent please contact Naami.




Join women’s Tehillim every Mon eve at 8:15pm at the home of Zev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris! Your prayers are needed!



This week’s reading is PEP! Az YaShir 233-239.



It is permissible to make additional knots at the bottom of the Tzitzis in order to prevent them from fraying. If a string is too long it may be broken off by hand, or fire, or cut with a plastic knife, or teeth. It is better in Kabbalah not to use scissors or a knife.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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