Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Urgent Women's Tehillim Tonight!

Urgent women’s Tehillim tonight for Laura Petlak, Leah Tova bas Sara, at 8:30 PM at the home of Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1540 Edris.


Please continue davening for her daily!



Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, November 27, 2006

Urgent Tehillim Rally

Laura Petlak, Leah Tova bas Sara is back in the ICU and needs our prayers.


There will be a community Tehillim rally tomorrow, Tuesday evening at Aish at 8:30 PM before Maariv.


Please make every effort to increase your prayers and be apart of this evening!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Baruch Dayan HaEmes

Condolences to Shelly Shapiro on the passing of her father and Jamie Kleinman on the passing of her grandfather, Zalman ben Jacob. The funeral will be tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28th at Hillside at 2:00 pm.


Shelly will be sitting shiva Tuesday night (Nov 28) through Sunday night (Dec 3) at her home, 5104 Wilderness Lane, Culver City, CA 90230 near Jefferson and Overland.


There will be Maariv a their home Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evening at 7:45 pm. Please make every effort to join so a minyan can be made.


May they and their family be comforted among the mourner’s of Zion and Jerusalem.


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, November 24, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin


NOVEMBER 25, 2006

4 KISLEV 5767


04:27 p.m.   Candle lighting

04:37 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP                             R Cohen        

05:25 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)



08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:07 a.m.   Krias Shema                   (latest time)  

09:15 a.m.   Krias HaTorah           Dr. Mazouz

09:30 a.m.   I Can Pray in Hebrew David Weinman                              

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101         R' Dov Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                Marc Firestone

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                           R' Cohen

                    Self Esteem

03:15 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

03:30 p.m.   Mesillas Yesharim    Jeff Gruen

                    Purity-Men Only

04:15 p.m.   Mincha                                     

04:45 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis       

                    Dvar Torah                 R Cohen

05:25 p.m.   Maariv


Sunday nov 26

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:32 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Vayetze

09:07 a.m.               Latest Shema

09:58 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:05 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:40 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv

06:00 a.m.              Weekday Shacharis


A Tsadik’s Prayer – Toldos


Breishis 25:21 “and Yitzchok implored HaShem….”


Rashi: HaShem listened to his prayer


Rav Zilberman tells the following story of an incident that happened when he

was learning in Yeshivas Etz Chaim in Yerushalayim. He had discovered that

one night Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, who was the Mashgiach in the Yeshiva had

not slept the entire night. Apparently what had happened was that late at night a

woman had shown up at the door of the great sage. When Rav Isser Zalman

had answered the knocking at the door there stood a very distraught woman

before him. Rav Isser Zalman inquired why she had come to visit him.


“I love my husband very much,” she wept, “but I am afraid that if I do not

have any children he will divorce me!”


“Do not be concerned,” replied the Gaon “ I will pray for you and you will

have a child and I will be the Sandek at his Bris.”


He remained awake for the rest of the night praying that this woman whom

he had just met would have a child.


A year later he was the sandek at the couple’s first bris!



kiddush sponsorship

Mehrdad and Laura Barnadjian are sponsoring Kiddush this week with heartfelt gratitude to The Almighty who has given Peninah a miraculous and speedy recovery and also to the Aish Community for their help, support, and prayers!



last week kiddush sponsorship

Peter and Sara Weintraub sponsored Kiddush last week on behalf of all those who are sick in the community.



mazal tov!

To Stacy and Miriam Sokol on the birth of a baby boy!




stress management!

Don't miss R' Noah Orlowek Motzei Shabbos Dec 9- Sun Dec 10. Learn how to deal with the stress of life, being single, being a spouse, or a parent! Motzei Shabbos $5. Sun brunch. separate for men and women $10. RSVP to Naami ext. 720.



                                                        R morgenstern download

In case you missed out on R Morgenstern's great lectures, you can dowload them at




aish community chanukah party!

We are set for another fun-filled community Chanuka party! Enjoy cotton candy, ice cream, and popcorn, get your face painted, win great raffle prizes, and take in a fire-eating show like you've never seen before! Thurs. Dec. 21 6:30-8:30PM!                                                                                                                   




Due to the great potential danger and liabilty issues with scooters, we insist that all scooters be parked during the entire davening and MUST not be left after Shabbos at Aish. If they are left without approval they will be considered abandoned and disposed of!




rebbetzin esther jungreis

Join Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis as she speaks about meeting life's challenges from her new book, Life is a Test, Wed. Dec 13 at 8:00pm 142 S. Rexford $10/advance $15/at door. RSVP to Dahlia 278-8672 ext 505 or




Don't miss this inspirational educational weekend with Aish staff and partners from all over the world! Join Rabbis Cohen, Markman, the Horowitz's, the Hellers, the Jacobs, Norm Pomeranz, Marc Firestone, Joel Schwartz, Jonah Light, Jeff Gruen, Frederica Barlaz, Terry Magady, Mark Shmagin, Debra Rudolph, Neil and Debbie Schwartz, Arni and Atara Ross! Thurs Nov 30-Sun Dec 3 at the Westin Hotel in Stamford CT. Call Barbara at Aish ext 704.




Upcoming Israel Adventure

Now is the time to refer friends, family members and acquaintances ages 22-33 years for our upcoming Israel Adventure Trip Dec 26- Jan 7. Please help us fill this trip with high quality singles and young professionals you may know. For more info contact Rabbi Yitz Jacobs or Rebbeztin Chana Heller.



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday                    9:30 am           Avraham Gordon         Read Hebrew

Sunday                    8:00 pm           Dr. Manny Saltiel         Oral Law                    

Monday                    7:30 pm           R' Motti Shenker          Mitzvos

Tuesday                  8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday             8:30 pm           Sharon Shenker          Fundamentals of Faith

Wednesday             7:30 pm           Nat Eisman                 Leading Service

Thursday                 12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness




A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Women's Tehillim will now be every Tues. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris. Please continue to daven for Leah Tova bas Sara.




This week's reading is PEP! Chanukah: Mizmor Shir Chaukas Habayis L’Dovid pg. 120.






Advanced Halachic Bulletin

There are different customs in regards to how long we keep between eating meat and milk. Some keep six full hours, others keep 5 ½ hours, yet others keep into the sixth hour. Whatever the custom, we count from the time the last bite of meat was eaten, and not from the time when you Bentch. However you must Bentch before you eat milk, even if six hours passed from your last bite of meat.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Stein Bris Tomorrow

David and Tanya Stein will be having a bris tomorrow morning at Aish at 8:00am with a Seudah to follow.


Mazal Tov!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Don't miss R' Morgenstern this Weekend!!

Understanding Your Child’s Needs: The Father’s Role in Childraising


Men, learn how to become a better role model, a better communicater, and how to strengthen the father-child bond with acclaimed lecturer, family counselor, and senior Halacha teacher at EYAHT, Aish’s Women’s College R’ Chaim Morgenstern


Date: This Motzei Shabbos, November 18th

Time: 8:00 PM

Place: Aish Center 9100 W. Pico Blvd.

Cost:  $5

RSVP: 310.278.8672 ext. 720


Can You Reason With Your Children?

                                                                    Men and Women

Date: This Sunday, November 19th

Time: 8:00 PM

Place: Michael and Alex Abramson

            8862 Cashio St. LA 90035

For more information call Michael: 310.247.9302


Rabbi Morgenstern will have his tapes, CDs & booklets for sale at both lectures.




Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Please Daven

Please daven for Tanya Stein, Tanya Aviv bas Sarah that she have a speedy recovery and is able to come home from the hospital soon!


Bris information for their baby boy to follow.



Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, November 03, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Lech Lecha

November 4, 2006

13 Cheshvan 5767


04:40 p.m.   Candle lighting

04:50 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP                             R Cohen        

05:38 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)



08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 a.m.   Krias HaTorah                       R' Hillel Lichtenstein

08:55 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)              

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101         R' Seidenfeld

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                Michael Abramson

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                           R' Cohen

                    The Purpose of Life

03:30 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

03:45 p.m.   Purity                          Jeff Gruen

04:30 p.m.    Mincha                                    

05:00 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis- Seudas Hoda'ah

        The Ultimate Kindness        R' Cohen

05:40 p.m.   Maariv


Sunday nov 5

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:15 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Parshas Vayera

08:55 a.m.               Latest Shema

09:49 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:03 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:45 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv


06:00/06:50 a.m.    Weekday Shacharis


A Miraculous War - Lech Lecha

Breishis 14:14 ....and 318 men

Rashi: This was Eliezar


Usually, the crewman of the Hanit would eat Friday night dinner in two shifts,

but tonight, since they we were in a war zone, three religious crewmen went to

the captain and begged that everyone be allowed to pray together. Suprisingly,

he agreed to leave only four sailors on the bridge while allowing the rest of the

crew to pray together. Everyone piled into the chapel and davened Mincha and

Kabbalas Shabbas.


One of the crewman, Moshe was bored and just wanted to eat quickly to catch

a few hours sleep, because he had midnight watch, but nevertheless stayed with

the rest of the crew. Finally, all 15 sailors sat down for the Shabbos meal

together. Everyone said Kiddush, even those who were not observant. Just as

they were bentching the missile hit! It should have sank the boat, but somehow

it landed at the far end, away from where they were eating and landed on a

crane right above the helicopter refueling tank which was filled to the gills with

chopper fuel which somehow didn’t explode despite the fact that the whole end

of the boat was burned! At least twenty crewmen aboard the Hanit should have

been killed, but were saved by the Shabbos dinner on the other end of the ship!


Moshe ran to his bunk on the deck right below the landing pad. It was

charcoal, completely melted down and all of his possessions were ashes. If he

hadn’t been detained in the chapel for prayers and in the dining hall for Shabbos

dinner, he would have been charcoal too! The engine room was burnt to a

crisp but a pair of Tefillin was found unscathed. If that’s not enough, amidst the

embers of destruction, the sailors found a Tehillim, also unscathed, opened to

Psalm 124!


The Hanit was the Israeli ship that took a direct hit from a Hizbulla missile off

the coast of Lebanon.

Moshe also took a direct hit and has became more observant as a result.


kiddush sponsorship

Kiddush is being anonymously sponsored.



Seudah shlishis sponsorship

R Moshe and Judith Cohen are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis as a Seudas Hoda'ah for their son Gavriel and his 4th birthday on the 11th of Cheshvan.



Welcome Chasan and Kallah!

The Gordon's will be hosting an open house welcoming Chason and Kallah Mikhial and Bluma (Haston) Ekshtut this Shabbos afternoon 2:30-4:30pm at 1420 S. Oakhurst


litvish TISCH next shabbos

Next Friday night join us in a Litvish Tisch with R' Moshe Cohen. Graciously hosted by the Alsbergs at 8:45pm at their home 1445 S. Oakhurst.


Young Couples Go Hiking

In the majestic Santa Monica Hills, Sun, Nov 19.  Meet in bank parking lot at 9am.  This easy 1½ hr hike to a waterfall is all terrain stroller friendly, mostly on an old paved road.  A more challenging ridge ascent is available for the adventurous!  Malibu Beach Grill for lunch!! Any questions, see Ze'ev Amster or Jonah Light.


R' Morgenstern in la! mark your calendars!

R' Morgenstern will be speaking at a Melava Malka for men Shabbos Nov 18th on “Understanding Your Child’s Needs – The Father’s Role in Childraising" at 8pm at Aish and on Sun Nov 19 at 8pm at the home of Michael and Alex Abramson 8862 Cashio for men and women on "Can You Reason With Your Children?" He is available for private appointments from Nov. 12 – 21, and can be reached at 952-261-7606 or



                                Next Shalom Bayis Roundtable Meeting

The married women’s Shalom Bayis group is meeting Tues, Nov. 7 at 8:30pm at the home of Ellie Kulman. For more info, call Francesca Gross at 925-1132 or


Daf yomi in pico

Daf Yomi is offered in multiple settings nearby. With some variations for Shabbos and Sunday, it is at Westwood Kehilla 5:45am, Adas Torah 6:05am, YICC 6:45am, and Beth Jacob 6:55am. For more info, please ask R’ Markman or Joel Schwartz.


Avos Ubanim Learning

The Avos Ubanim, Motzei Shabbos, father son learning program will begin this Motzei Shabbos 7-8pm. Pico branch is at Adas Torah 1135 Beverly Dr. Each week the learning will be followed by an exciting raffle and pizza Melava Malka.


$199 to ny?....

...if you go to the parTNER’S CONFERENCE

Don't miss this inspirational educational weekend with Aish staff and partners from all over the world! Join Rabbis Cohen, Markman, the Horowitz's, the Hellers, Norm Pomeranz, Marc Firestone, Joel Schwartz, Jonah Light, Jeff Gruen, Frederica Barlaz, Terry Magady, Debra Rudolph, Neil and Debbie Schwartz and a growing contingent as what promises to be the best conference yet! Thurs Nov 30-Sun Dec 3 at the Westin Hotel in Stamford CT. Call Barbara at Aish ext 704.


Upcoming Israel Adventure

Now is the time to refer friends, family members and acquaintances ages 22-33 years for our upcoming Israel Adventure Trip Dec 26- Jan 7. Please help us fill this trip with high quality singles and young professionals you may know. For more info contact Rabbi Yitz Jacobs or Rebbeztin Chana Heller.



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday                    9:30 am           Avraham Gordon         Read Hebrew

Sunday                    8:00 pm           Dr. Manny Saltiel         Oral Law                    

Monday                    7:30 pm           R' Motti Shenker          Festivals         

Monday                    8:30 pm           Bill Gross                    Speech

Tuesday                  8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday             8:30 pm           Michael Abramson      Sefer HaChinuch

Wednesday             7:30 pm           Meir Dovid Schwartz   Way of G-d

Thursday                 12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Shmuel Petlak             Mishneh Torah

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness


                                                        WOMEN'S TEHILLIM

A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Every Wed. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris.

Please continue to daven for Leah Tova bas Sara.



This week's reading is PEP! Kibbutz Galiyos, 467-472



Advanced Halachic Bulletin

The prohibition of walking 6 feet without washing hands in the morning is not mentioned in the Gemara or any early Halachic sources. Therefore our custom is to rely on the opinion of the R' Shimon ben Elazar in Brochos 25b who says that an entire house is considered like 4 amos.

Mishne Brura 1:2 Based on the Zohar, is stringent in this matter, except in pressing cases. Note that the leniency would not apply when sleeping in the open such as on a camping trip or if one needs to walk more than 6 feet outside one’s dwelling before washing.

The main problem is delaying removing the spirit of impurity that rests on the hands during the night’s sleep. Therefore upon wakening you should not wait in bed until someone can bring water within 6 feet, or walk more than 6 feet in small increments. One should also not put off going to the bathroom, if it is difficult to wait, in order to first wash one’s hands, because it is forbidden to delay going to the bathroom when one has an acute need.


Starting this Sunday morning, November 5, 2006, a new online video school for women's Torah learning, is being launched.
Each of the following faculty will be teaching a 50-minute video class LIVE over the internet:
  - Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
  - Rabbi Hanoch Teller
  - Rabbi Avishai David
  - Mrs. Shira Smiles

To learn more about the classes, click here<>
SPECIAL OFFER if you sign up by Thursday, November 15, 2006:
Get a
FREE, one-month membership to Na'aleh. (Regular membership is $29.99/month.)


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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