Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Mitzvah Opportunity

An ECC student (at nursery school, Adat Ari El, North Hollywood, CA), Jane Bricklin (5 yr. old), has leukemia, and is in immediate need of blood and/or platelet donations.  If you are B+ and can donate,
please contact Raul Gonzalez at Children's Hospital for an appointment:  (If you are O+, O-, or B-, you may be able to help as well). 


You can reach Raul at:
L.A. Children's Hospital Direct Donor Program
(323) 669-2441 or (323) 669-2339




Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shiva Contact Information for Shoshana and Freida

Shoshana Weinstein and Frieda (Moshiach) Cohen can be reached at 972-9-862-3334, ask for room 208. The optimal time to reach them is between 11:00am - 1:00pm Los Angeles time.


The local Shiva is ongoing through Friday morning Shacharit at 6:45 AM at 241 Maple, BH.


NOTE: If anyone can help strengthen the Shacharit minyanim, this would be extremely helpful, especially Thursday morning.


Thanks are sent to the community for your warm condolences & tremendous support.




Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Lori Palatnik Tomorrow Evening!




What Me Worry?

10 Steps to Eliminate Worry From Your Life


Know Your Yetzer Harah


Bring friends, relatives, secular or religious to enjoy one of the most inspirational female lecturers or your money back guaranteed!


Highly sought after author and Jewish educator, Lori Palatnik has appeared on TV and radio and has lectured in North America, the U.K., South Africa and Israel, illuminating traditional practices and life-styles for our contemporary world.


Date: Tomorrow eve, Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Time: 7:45 PM

Place: Aish Center 9100 W. Pico Blvd.

Cost:  $10.00

RSVP: 310.278.8672 ext. 720


Men and Women Welcome!




Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, January 15, 2007

New Misheberech List

We are beginning a new Misheberech list this week. For all those you know who are sick and in of our prayers, please email me their Hebrew names, (even those that are on the list now) and I will add them.


Thank you.


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Weinstein Shiva Contact Information

Please do not use the previously sent phone number to contact Shoshana. It is only for emergencies. Alternate phone number to follow.


Condolences are also extended to sisters, Frieda Mashiach Cohen and Flora Robin on the passing of their mother, Ezat (Kashanian) bat Yitzchak & Serach.


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Baruch Dayan HaEmes

Condolences to Shoshana Weinstein's mother, "Ezat (Kashanian) bat
Yitzchak & Serach", who was nifteres this past Shabbos morning. She is
dearly remembered and greatly beloved by her 10 children, 35+
grandchildren and 25+ great-grandchildren, as well as many from the
community who were Zocheh to have witnessed her inspiring countenance.

Shoshana, along with 6 of her siblings are sitting shiva in Yerushalayim
the coming week. The levaya in Eretz Yisroel will be at Har Hamenuchos,
Monday at ~4pm.

Locally, the rest of her siblings & family will be observing shiva at
her oldest brother's home at 241 Maple (Beverly Hills, ~1/2 block north
of Gregory). Mincha 4:30pm / Shacharit 6:45am. Shoshana can be contacted
beginning tomorrow, Monday evening at (310) 869-1165

A local ceremony honoring the memory of Mrs. Kashananian will be held at
Nessah Synogogue on Thursday Jan 18th at 6pm

May the family be consoled among the other mourners of Zion and

Zev Weinstein

Friday, January 12, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin


JANUARY 13, 2007

23 TEVES 5767



04:45 p.m.   Candle lighting

04:55 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP!                                       R' Cohen

05:43 p.m.   Krias Shema                         (earliest time)


SATURDAY, jan 13

08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 p.m.   Krias HaTorah                       Jon Sher/Avraham Gordon

09:30 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)  

09:30 a.m.   I Can Pray in Hebrew           David Weinman

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101                     R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                            R' Dovid Schwartz

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                                       R' Cohen

                    Why the World Hates the Jews

03:30 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel                           Michael Abramson

04:30 p.m.               Mincha                                     

05:00 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis       

                    D'var Torah                           R' Cohen

Sweat the small stuff and the big stuff will take care of itself

05:37 p.m.   Maariv



sunday jan 14

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:57 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Vaera

09:30 a.m.               Latest Shema

10:20 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:27 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:55 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv

06:00 a.m.              Weekday Shacharis



Shemos – A Time to Cry

Shemos 2:6 “…and the child was crying”


Rav Chaim Kanievsky of Bnei Brak, the son of the illustrious Steipler Z”L many

times gave parents the following advice:


Often parents become angry with the school or the Rebbe when their child

brings home a bad report card and their child is upset. They go to the Rebbe

with a complaint:

“Why did my wonderful child get such a report card?” 

Instead they should just let the child cry and not try to mollify the child. What

purpose does this serve? It accustoms the child to the fact that life is full of

challenges and disappointments and not everything comes easily or without

effort. He cited Chovos HaLevovos that explained that this is the reason that

babies have to go through the agonizing pain of teething, to accustom them to

the pain that they are going to have to go through later in life!


kiddush sponsorship

Dick and Beverly Horowitz are sponsoring the West coast Kiddush in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Sarah while they celebrate the East coast Kiddush.

Aish LA is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of all the Aish LA Viva ISrael and Israel Adventure particpants here with us this Shabbos.



                                                        seudah shlishis sponsorship

Debra Rudolph is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Leibel Rudolph, Aryeh Leibel ben Nachum's 9th Yarzheit on the 29th of Teves.



Welcome Back and Welcome to Aish LA Viva Israel and Israel Adventure!

Aish LA extends our warmest welcome back from Israel and welcome to our community to the participants in the recent Israel trips. Through snow and rain and sleet and hail, these hardy explorers weathered bronchitis, flu, sniffles, colds and more and still had the time of their lives! It is our pleasure to sponsor Kiddush in your honor!



yasher koach

A big Yasher Koach to Rabbis Ordan, Jacobs, Shenker, Markman and Rebbetzin Heller on leading a another successful mission of 70 students to Israel!




Getting to know your Shabbos this sunday

Enhance your Shabbos experience by learning the do's and don'ts of sorting, sifting, selecting, building, breaking, baking and more. Sun 9.30am starting this Sun. with Judith Cohen.




                                                        Improved boys inclusion program

It is mandatory for all boys to either be with their groups or in Shul davening with their father or mother. There can be no roaming in the halls or ball playing other than at the designated times with the assigned group leader.

Group leader for boy's ages 4-6: Yossie Parry

Group leader for boy's ages 7-12: Zack Plotzker




                                mark your calendars for purim seudah at aish!

With Purim right around the corner, we are gearing up for a special Purim Seudah on Purim day, Sun Mar 4 here at Aish for the whole family! Get ready for elegant food for adults, BBQ for children, a grand raffle and a musical competition fromYOU! RSVP with Naami ext 720.




REBBETZIN lori palatnik  this wed 7:45 PM!

Don't miss Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik, highly sought after author and Jewish editor,  addressing, “What Me Worry, 10 Steps to Eliminate Worry from Your Life" & "Know Your Yetzer Harah.” This Wed, Jan 17 at 7:45pm $10. RSVP ext 720.



scholar in residence jan 20

A special Shabbos with R' Avi Kosman, the Maggid shiur in Slabdoka Yeshiva and creater and voice behind the Master Daf, Master Mishna, and Master Rambam audio cassette and CD-Rom series. His vast Torah knowledge, musical abilities, and his understanding of human nature deeply touch all who have heard him speak! Oneg Shabbos Fri Dec 19 at the Gruens 1546 S. Crest @ 8pm and Shabbos Jan 20, 11:30am and one hour before Mincha.



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday                    9:30 am                       Yehudit Cohen                        Hilchos Shabbos

Tuesday                  8:00 pm                       Mark Sarto                               Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm                       David Notowitz                        Beginner's Mishnah

Thursday                 12:00 noon                  Howard Witkin                         Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm                       Bill Gross                                48 Ways to Happiness



women's tehillim tuesday evenings!

Women's Tehillim is every Tues at 8pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris for the Refuah of Leah Tova bas Sara.




This week's reading is PEP! Shome’a Tefillah, 497-502.




participate in Kiruv around the world!

Former community member Kevin Bemel is now Lt. Jg Rabbi Kevin Bemel, having received Smichah (rabbinic ordination), entered the US Navy and passing Officers Training School. He is assigned to a Marine Division in Okinawa, and finds the books inadequate to reach out to both serviceman and the local Jewish population. We are going to donate 25 Artscroll inter-linear Siddurim ($25 each) and 25 Artscroll Chumashim (at $50 each). To help dedicate contact Bill Gross at 553-5999x114 or



Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Rav Sheinberg Shlita:

If you borrow a private Talis for the purpose of “Kavod Hatzibor” e.g. being called for an Aliya to the Torah or to be Chazan, you do not make a Bracha.

If you intend to wear it to Daven, you need to make a Bracha. 

If you took a Shul Talis to daven, you make a Bracha.

If you took a Shul Talis for “Kavod Hatzibor” e.g. being called for an Aliya to the Torah or to be Chazan you do not make a Bracha.

Mishne Brure: You make a Bracha on a Shul Talis even for Kavod Hatzibor

Rav Moshe Z”L: If you wear a private Talis for an Aliyah you do not make a Bracha, but for Davening from the Amud, you need to make a Bracha.

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z”l: You do not make a Bracha on a Shul Talis for Kavod Hatzibor.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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