Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Women's Learning Tomorrow Evening!

Don’t miss out on a fantastic shiur with Rabbi Yechezkiel Shalom from Israel!

He will be speaking on Bitachon and The Power of Jewish Prayer to help guide us through these moments of hardship for our brethren in Israel. It will take place tomorrow, Wednesday July 26th at the home of Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1540 Edris at 8:00PM and will be followed by Tehillim.

Hope to see you there!

Naami Heller


310-278-8672 ext. 720

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Obsession on the Rush Limbaugh Show

Obsession, the movie produced by Aish HaTorah’s Rafael Shore and Wayne Kopping, received a huge push today by Rush Limbaugh. You can hear the interview and read the transcript at:


See the trailer of Obsession at:


You can see Rush talking about the movie yesterday at:


More information on the movie is available at:


Please pass on this information to anyone you think would be interested.

Naami Heller


310-278-8672 ext. 720

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Urgent Donation for Newborn Triplets

The mother of the triplets born a few weeks ago that was stricken by a heart-attack is unable to provide milk for the babies. The family is hopeful that some Jewish women (who are not on any medication) can donate breast milk. Donations can be taken to 1456 Oakhurst.

If you have any question please call Debbie at 310-843-0816.

Naami Heller


310-278-8672 ext. 720

Friday, July 14, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Pinchas

July 15, 19 Tammuz 5766

FRIDAY, July 14

07:47 p.m. Candle lighting

06:30 p.m. Mincha

Prayer Enhancement Program Rabbi Cohen

08:45 p.m. Krias Shema (earliest time)


08:25 a.m. Shacharis

09:20 a.m. Krias HaTorah

09:25 a.m. Krias Shema (latest time)

09:30 a.m. I Can Pray in Hebrew! David Weinman

10:15 a.m. Dvar Torah R' Shenker

10:15 a.m. Spirituality 101 R' Heller

11:00 a.m. Kiddush

11:30 a.m. Shiur R' Cohen

“The Proper Response to the Hostage Crisis in Eretz Yisroel

05:45 p.m. Rashi Workshop Nat Eisman

06:30 p.m. Pirkei Avos Howard Witkin

06:30 p.m. Men's Kiruv Kollel Michael Abramson

06:45 p.m. Innocence Jeff Gruen

07:30 p.m. Mincha

08:00 p.m. Seudah Shlishis

Dvar Torah R' Cohen

08:45 p.m. Maariv

Sun. July 16

08:00 a.m. Shacharis

04:39 a.m. Earliest Tallis - Matos/Masei

09:23 a.m. Latest Shema

10:35 a.m. Latest Shachris

01:34 p.m. Earliest Mincha

05:45 p.m. Mincha-Summer Schedule

09:00 p.m. Maariv-Summer Schedule

06:00/6:50 a.m. Weekday Shacharis

A Burning Desire Pinchas

Bamidbar 25:11 B’kano Es Kinosee Besochom

“In his zealously taking up my cause..”

When The Gaon Rav Yehuda Leib Chasman was the Rosh HaYeshiva

of Chevron Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, a number of bachurim in the

Yeshiva decided that they would like to go and hear a famous secular

speaker at a public gathering. It was well known that this person held

views that were opposed to, or in conflict with Torah values. Rav

Yehudah Leib found out about this escapade, and asked the bachurim to

explain to him how they had the nerve to go to such a gathering. They

replied that they had absolutely no interest in what he was saying and

furthermore that it had made no impression upon them whatsoever,

but they simply wished to hear this great orator speaking.

Rav Yehusah Leib beame quite upset upon hearing this and said:

“Let me give you a parable to illustrate this case. Imagine that you saw a

great fire burning in an Aron Kodesh and the fire had already begun to

burn the Sifrei Torah inside. What would you think of a person who

went over to the blaze to light his cigarette because he had an insatiable

craving to smoke?!”

kiddush sponsorships

Eliyahu and Esther Tishbi are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the birth and naming of a baby girl this Shabbos.

With gratitude to Hashem for blessings too numerous to count, Dorothy Melvin is sponsoring Kiddush in the memory of her father, Mordechai ben Yitzhak. His soul should be a blessing to his children, grandchildren, and to all of Klal Yisroel.

seudah shlishis sponsorship

Tomer and Jamie Kleinman are sponsoring Seudah Shlishit in honor of Shelley Schwartz for her wonderful Kosher classes. They were informative, interesting, practical and always exciting. Thank you for being a great teacher.

mazal tov!

To Gideon and Esti Kreiner on the birth of a baby girl, Miriam Tova!

To Eliyahu and Esther Tishbi on the birth of a baby girl!

To proud grandparents Perel Dena and Yaakov Hochman on the birth of a grandson to daughter Nechama and son-in-law Zev Tyner!

running springs getaway with the twerskys!

The weekend, August 25-27th will include catered Shabbos meals, inspiring lectures, 70 acres of camp grounds with swimming, tennis, soccer, basketball, children's program! Visit www.cgirunningsprings.com to see the camp grounds! There are still a few slots left!! $240/Adults $120/Children. Call Naami ext. 720.

improving our childcare facilites

In hopes of improving our childcare facilities, Sharon Saks has taken it upon herself to make improvements in the Annex and women's nursing room. For those looking to clean out their nurseries or to simply help donate things to make our facilities nicer, contact Naami for the list of what is needed. Thank you!

melave malka

Please join the Gruen family for a Melave Malka July 15th at 9:30pm, featuring Rabbi Azriel Muller, Talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein (z’tzl). Rabbi Muller is Executive Director of Orech L’Shabbos, which provides assistance to the needy in Jerusalem. The Melave Malke will benefit Orech L’Shabbas and is dedicated in memory of Barbara Destatnik, Basha Bracha bas Mendel. 1546 South Crest Drive, 402-8034.

membership applications

Don't forget to fill out this year's membership application and send it to the Aish office. If you did not receive one contact Naami ext. 720.


This week's reading is Shema pg. 350-358.

Rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash

A class for women based on the Rambam’s Hilchot Beit Habechira. Take a virtual tour of the Beis Hamikdash and get a glimpse into what life was like (and will be like) when the the Beis Hamikdash was flourishing. Shabbos afternoon, 5:30pm-6:20pm July 22 and 29th at Aish with Adina Sher.

Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday 8:00pm Noah Gruen Megilla

Tuesday 8:00 pm Mark Sarto Success!

Wednesday 8:30 pm Michael Abramson Beginner's Gemara

Thursday 12:00 noon Howard Witkin Pirkei Avos

Thursday 8:00 pm Shmuel Petlak Mishneh Torah

Thursday 8:00 pm Bill Gross 48 Ways to Happiness

next young couples seudah shlishit!

Our next young couple's Seudah Shlishis is scheduled to be on August 6th at the home of Ze'ev and Meira Amster, 1474 Reeves, 3:30-6:30pm.

Three weeks of Summer learning

LA will have 5 bachurim on leave from Yerushalayim for 3 weeks of learning and teaching for men July 30- August 20. If you are interested in this great one on one learning opportunity, contact Naami ext 720. Chavrusas on a first come, first serve basis. Women, if you want any class, let us know as well!


A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Monday 8:30pm sharp at home of Jon and Esther Nicoll, 1420 Rexford #10.

shabbos dress code

Despite the fact that it is summer and the weather is hot, we ask that parents maintain the appropriate standard of dress, which means at least school attire for their children coming here on Shabbos.

Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Rav Sheinberg Shlita holds that according to the strict letter of the law, only music that brings one to joy e.g. chasuna, is forbidden during the three weeks

Some opinions hold that only live music is forbidden during the three weeks

R. Moshe Feinstein z”l held that listening to music during the three weeks is prohibited, whether it is live or recorded.

If the musical entertainment is incidental it is permitted.

Singing in praise of HaShem at a Seudas Mitzvah without musical accompaniment, is permitted.

Have a wonderful shabbos!

Naami Heller


310-278-8672 ext. 720

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