Monday, September 29, 2008

Last minutes spots for Rosh Hashanna Meals

Dear Community,

If  you have any last minute spots for the meals for Rosh Hashana for people who may need from the Crowne Plaza Service, please call Chana Heller as early as possible today at home  310-552-0544. If you get her voice mail clearly state which meal you have room and for how many. Remember people may or may not show up. You should not wait to begin your meal. But do set a few extra spaces in case they come so that they will feel like they were expected.

Thank you so much and Shana Tova!


Chana Heller

Aish Los Angeles




Sunday, September 28, 2008

Aliyah Bids

Dear Community,
Below are the High Holiday bids as they currently stand.  Please note that bidding for Rosh Hashanah aliyos will close tomorrow morning at 10 am. Aliyah minimum is $180, Hagbah minimum is $100, Gelilah minimum is $36.  
1) Kohen: $250
2) Levi: $250
3) $250
4) $180
Maftir: $180
Hagbah 1)
Gelila     1)
Hagbah 2) $100
Gelila     2)
1) Kohen:
2) Levi:
3) $180
5) $180
Hagbah 1)
Gelila     1)
Hagbah 2)
Gelila     2)
Kol Nidrei - Pesicha
Kol Nidrei - Holding Torah (2)
Neila - Pesicha
3) $300
5) $180
Hagbah 1)
Gelila     1)
Hagbah 2)
Gelila     2)
Maftir Yonah: $180
Tamar Sullivan
Community & Hospitality Coordinator
Aish Los Angeles
(310) 278-8672 x 305

Monday, September 22, 2008

High Holidays Parking Memo

Dear Community
The following letter has been graciously provided by Councilman Jack
Weiss's office.


Hello friends,

Councilman Jack Weiss is proud to announce the following information for
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot:

The Department of Transportation - Bureau or Parking Enforcement and
Traffic Control will relax enforcement of street cleaning, time limit
and preferential parking restrictions as requested during the dates and
times listed below:

Rosh Hashanah:
Monday, September 29th starting at 2PM and continuing through Wednesday,
October 1st at 11PM.

Yom Kippur:
Wednesday, October 8th starting at 2PM and continuing through Thursday,
October 9th at 11PM.

Monday, October 13th starting at 2PM and continuing through Wednesday,
October 15th at 11PM.
Monday, October 20th starting at 2PM and continuing through Wednesday,
October 22nd at 11PM.

The areas involved in the relaxed parking zone are listed in the
attached document.

Please feel free to share this document with family and friends.

Shana tova and chag sameach!

Best regards,


Maya Zutler
Field Deputy
Councilman Jack Weiss
Council District 5
822 South Robertson Blvd. #102
Los Angeles, California 90035
310.289.0365 - Fax

PLEASE NOTE: This electronic mail message and any attachments hereto are
intended solely for the review of the designated recipient(s) and
originate from the office of Los Angeles City Councilmember Jack Weiss
(the "Councilmember"). This message and any attachments may not be
used, reviewed, copied, published, disseminated, redistributed, or
forwarded without the express written permission of the Councilmember or
his Chief of Staff. The information in this electronic mail message and
any attachments is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not a
designated recipient of this communication or if you have received this
communication in error, please contact the sender by reply mail, then
destroy any and all copies of this message and attachments and delete
them from your system. To learn more about Councilmember Jack Weiss and
his district, visit

Date Clarification: Chana Rachel Schusterman

Rebbetzin Chana Rachel Schusterman


A Woman’s Guide to

Kavanah for the Holidays


Tues, Sept 23rd at 8:00 pm


At the home of Ellie Kulman and Marshall Jaffe

9339 Cresta Drive, LA, CA 90035 



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 x 305


Friday, September 19, 2008

Shabbos Bulletin 9/20/2008



Parshas Ki Savo: Sept 20, 2008 / 20 Elul 5768


Shabbos Schedule

Fri, Sept 19

06:35 pm                              Candle Lighting

06:30 pm                              Mincha

06:35 pm                              Kabbalas Shabbos and Maariv

06:50 pm                              Carlebach-style minyan

07:33 pm                              Krias Shema                                               (earliest time)


Sat, Sept 20

08:45 am                              Shacharis                                                    Gabbaim R. Quinn & S. Gross

09:45 am                              Krias HaTorah                                           Nat Eisman

09:43 am                              Krias Shema                                               (latest time)

10:15 am                              Spirituality 101                                          R Heller

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah                                                  R Quinn

11:00 am                              Kiddush       

11:30 am                              Shiur                                                              R Cohen

                                                Why am I so unhappy?

11:30 am                              Rosh Hashanah Prep                              R Quinn    

05:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                                                  Michael Abramson

05:30 pm                              In-Reach Parsha Class                                       R Sorani

Cancelled                            Pirkei Avos                                                  Howard Witkin

05:45 pm                              Gemara Brochos                                                  R Denbo

06:15 pm                              Mincha         

07:15 pm                              Seudah Shlishis    

                                                Dvar Torah                                                  R Cohen

07:35 pm                              Maariv

12:30 am                              Slichos


Weekday Schedule

Sun Sept 21 – Fri Sept 26

05:41 am                              Earliest Tallis – Nitsovim

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

06:30 am                              Shacharis

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

7:00/7:30/8:00 am             Sun. Shacharis

09:43 am                              Latest Shema

10:44 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:17 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:37 pm                              Plag HaMincha

05:40 pm                              Summer Mincha

06:30 pm                              Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

06:25 pm                              Candle Lighting next week – Parshas Nitsovim



in-Reach Class Schedule

(At Aish unless specified)                     

Sun                            9:00 am                               Hilchos Tefilos                               N. Eisman

Mon-Fri                     6:30-9am                              Kollel Boker                                    R Shenker

                                    (Sun @ 7:30am)

Mon-Fri                     6:50 am                               Gemara                                            R Cohen

Mon-Fri                     7:00am                                 Kiruv Kollel B’Chevrusa             M. Abramson

Mon-Fri                     8:30 am                               Mishne Brura:                                R Cohen

                                                            Laws of Prayer     

Tues                          8:15 pm                                Tehillim Group                                Weinsteins

Wed                           8:00 am                               Valley AM Learning                      R Heller

Wed                          11:00 am                              Mommy, Me & Torah                    Rbzn Shenker

Thurs                        7:30 am                               Women’s Parsha                           L. Pritikin

Thurs                        Noon                                     Pirkei Avos                                     H. Witkin



Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits on Child-Raising: Calmness Part 3 cont’d


A common error when one sets out to improve middos is the tendency to wait till the situation presents itself, and to attempt to weather the storm as it is brewing. Unfortunately, then is usually too late. A sounder approach is to begin working, in one’s mind, long before that.

Previously, we discussed common scenarios that seem to elicit almost universal stress. One should take a situation that’s a source of regular stress to him, and try to work on handling it calmly, in his mind. (Preferably the situation should involve children, because they are less likely to be accommodating; when dealing with kids the onus of handling the situation falls squarely on the adult.) One should conceptualize the situation, with all its nuances, and picture handling it calmly...

To be able to handle tough situations, one needs to work on it in advance. One should get used to questioning, just what is tension contributing to my life?  When one is used to such a headspace then, when the situation presents itself he is calm, anchored, and well equipped to take a deep breath and say, “Do I really want to make myself crazy?”

When one masters this work and is able to do this – to stop himself in the heat of the moment from getting worked up about things – the benefits are many. The relief is instant, and it feels so good. Moreover, it’s contagious – it spreads a good, happy energy in all directions.[1]


Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Moshe Cohen





Shulchan Aruch: If the 13 middos are said as tefillah (prayer) or bakasha (request), it must be with a minyan. However, if they are being read as Torah, they may be said by an individual.


Mishne Brura: It should be recited with the trope (cantillation).


Igros Moshe: It is permissible to say 13 middos as an individual as long as they are not said with the trope of slichos. The slichos that are in Aramaic should be skipped if there is no minyan.


R. Shlomo Zalman: It is permitted to say the Aramaic parts even if the tzibor is not saying them, as long as kaddish was not yet said. The pizmon should be recited together with the tzibur.


R. Yakov Kaminetsky: A person should interrupt slichos to join in 13 middos, but could then return to the slicha he was saying. Since the status of slichos is a custom that men undertook, women are not obligated. If they wish they may say them either at home or in shul.





Kiddush and Seudah shlishis sponsors

No sponsors this week.  Contact Tamar for sponsorship opportunities.


Thank you

Thank you to Jonathan and Traci Tessler, and their three kids, Talya, Hannah, and Asher, for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week. 


Thank you to Washington Mutual for allowing Aish members to park in their parking lot before and after business hours.  We are extremely grateful for this privilege.


Thank you to Pico Cleaners for cleaning the shul’s tallesim so they are spotless for the High Holy Days.


A tremendous thank you goes out to the community for hosting the first Gevurah Shabbaton this week. 



To Sheina Gilbert & Boaz McNabb on the birth of their first grandson. The happy parents are Peninah Gilbert McNabb Baumgagten & her husband Sholom Dov Ber.



If you are an Aish member, you are entitled to a High Holiday seat at the Aish Center Traditional Services and at the Crowne Plaza User-Friendly Services. However, seats at the Crowne Plaza will not automatically be reserved for you.  You must reserve a seat with Barbara at x704.



User-Friendly High Holiday services at the Crowne Plaza Hotel will have childcare services available for $36 per child. Childcare at Aish is included with your High Holiday seats.  However, your child must be registered with Tamar (x305) to be permitted to join either childcare program. If you haven’t signed your child up, please do so asap.  This is for security and supervision purposes.



If you have extra seats at your Yom Tov tables (Rosh Hashanah through the Pre-fast Yom Kippur meal) or any spare overnight space, we have guests to send you! We would also appreciate any gracious offers of families who can take last-minute guests from the Crowne Plaza services on Rosh Hashanah. Please contact Tamar.



The silent auction for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur aliyos has officially begun!  Call Tamar at x305 to place a bid on one or more of these very significant kibbudim.


The New Aish Directory

The 5769 / 2008-9 Aish Community Directory has been printed for your convenience.  You may pick one per family up from Tamar in the Aish Office. Please do not share this info with 3rd parties.



Learning experience for Jewish Women aged 30+. Amazing learning and touring trip, Nov 3 – 12, 2008. Visit the Gem website: for more info.



There is tremendous power in answering “Amen” to every bracha.  All women in the community are invited to join a special opportunity at Geula Dickerman's home at 1612 Reeves at 5 pm this Shabbos afternoon.  Please bring your davening lists.



Rebbetzin Chana Rachel Schusterman

Leading lecturer and counselor on Chassidus and Jewish Mysticism


A Woman’s Guide to

Kavanah for the Holidays

Sponsored by the Barbara Desatnick Fund


Tues, Sept 23rd at 8:00 pm

At the home of Ellie Kulman and Marshall Jaffe in Beverlywood. 


Contact Tamar for more information: (310) 278-8672 x305




Childcare Team:

High Holiday Childcare Program. We are asking parents to volunteer 30 minutes of their time to add some Jewish activities to the childcare schedule.  Please call Tamar to volunteer. We would also like to ask our members for their suggestions of nannies and babysitters whom they trust and have employed in their own homes.

Aish Youth Barbeque!  The start of the year Youth BBQ is postponed. We are looking for two families to volunteer their house/backyard for this event, which the kids are really looking forward to! Please call Tamar to volunteer.


Security Committee:

The Security Committee is looking for both male and female community members to volunteer no more than 30 minutes/day of their time during the High Holidays to help stand at the gate and check people in. For more information, please see Jonathan Tessler or email him at


Social Team:

Aish’s first annual SUKKAH HOP is Sun, Oct 21, 6:30-10 pm. Start at one family’s sukkah for a tasty first course, hop to the next sukkah for a delicious main course, meet at Aish for scrumptious dessert and live music with Sam Glaser. Sign up as a host, assistant host, or hopper. Limited space, rsvp now! (Tamar x305).



Dear Community Members,


As we prepare ourselves for the High Holidays,we would like to bring to your attention the following opinion which is common practice in the Torah world.


The Chofetz Chaim zt”l writes in Mishne Brura 584:8: “It is most appropriate for every ….individual to make an effort to get an Aliyah on the High Holidays. Even ….when these mitzvos are sold, one should buy them in accordance with his means. A mitzvah that is attained through expenditure is of greater value than a mitzvah attained for free.” 


Therefore, we would like to extend to you the opportunity to participate in our High Holiday mitzvos and receive HaShem’s munificent blessing in repayment of your efforts.


We are holding a ‘silent auction’ for all Aliyos on 1st & 2nd day Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur (see list below). Please submit your ‘bid’ ($180 minimum for all Aliyahs, $100 minimum for Hagbah, $36 minimum for Gelilah). Bids will be accepted as they are received by email ( or voicemail (310-278-8672x305).  There will be a weekly (bid only) update posted in the Shabbos bulletin and email.


Thank you in advance for your continued support.

May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet year!


Rabbi Moshe Cohen




1) Kohen: $250

2) Levi: $250

3) $250




Hagbah 1)

Gelila     1)

Hagbah 2) $50

Gelila     2)



1) Kohen:

2) Levi:

3) $150




Hagbah 1)

Gelila     1)

Hagbah 2)

Gelila     2)



Kol Nidrei - Pesicha

Kol Nidrei - Holding Torah (2)

Neila - Pesicha



3) $300





Hagbah 1)

Gelila     1)

Hagbah 2)

Gelila     2)





Maftir Yonah



aish Class information:



Rabbi Cohen’s 6:50 am Gemara class in Brochos has started the 4th chapter. This will conclude the tractate.  All interested men are invited to attend.



TODAY at 11:30 am in Seminar Room – R Yonason Quinn – Preparing for Rosh Hashanah – Men Only.

Next Week – Rbzn Nechama Denbo – Preparing for Rosh Hashanah – Women Only.


SEPT 24: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



Gevurah: “Raising the bar for 30-somethings and beyond” is a young professionals Torah class for 30+ year-old men and women. Every Wed from 8:15-9:30 at Aish. For details, call (310) 766-9105 or email We are now accepting sponsorships of $118/class.



Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 x 305



Wednesday, September 17, 2008




Important: High Holiday Childcare

Dear Community,

If you have children who might be attending childcare during the High Holidays, we must know about it for security and supervision purposes.  Please send us your children’s names and grade levels in order to reserve your child’s spot in his or her childcare group.  Childcare can only be provided to those who reserve.  


Thank you,


Tamar Sullivan

Community & Hospitality Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 x 305


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