Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Please Daven

Please daven for Rabbi Heller, Dov Chanan ben Rena HaLevi who will have knee surgery tomorrow, Wednesday Nov 1st at 10:00am. Please daven that the surgery is successful with no complications and that he should have a speedy, complete recovery with full use of his knee!


Thank you!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, October 27, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin


October 28, 2006

 6 Cheshvan 5767



05:47 p.m.   Candle lighting

05:57 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP                             R Cohen        

06:45 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)


SATURDAY, october 28

08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 a.m.   Krias HaTorah           Dr. Mazouz/ Jon Sher/ Avrohom                                                                                                                Gordon/ R Cohen/ R Ordan

09:52 a.m.   Krias Shema              (latest time)                          

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101         R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                Michael Abramson

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                           R' Cohen

                    Noach-Don't Miss the Boat

04:30 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

04:45 p.m.   Purity                          Jeff Gruen

05:30 p.m.   Mincha                                     

06:00 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis         

                    Dvar Torah                 Dr. Jacob Pelta

06:45 p.m.   Maariv


Clocks get changed one hour back!


Sunday october 29

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:15 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Parshas Lech Lecha

08:55 a.m.               Latest Shema

09:49 a.m.               Latest Shachris

12:03 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

04:50 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv


06:00/06:50 a.m.    Weekday Shacharis


Noach – A Flood of Complaints


Breishis 7:6 “ …and the flood waters were upon the face of the earth.”


Rav Avrohom Abish Feld the great Rav in Frankfurt before World War II

was once faced with a very unenviable decision to make. The members

of the Shul suspected that the Chazan was lax in his observance of

Mitsvos and the board had decided to replace him. The Chazan came to

plead with the Rav to overturn their decision.


“My dear Rav” he began “You of all people know how effective my

Tefillos are in Shamayim! When I davened Tefillas Geshem (the prayer

for rain) on Shemini Atzeres, scarcely had I uttered the words when rain



R' Abish recoginized the arrogance of the chazan and his unsuitability

for the position.


“Yes my dear chazan I know,” responded Rav Abish. “But you know

that you are not the first to have these powers. There were others who

were equally effective at bringing the rain and they were called the

Dor Hamabul” – the generation of the Flood!”



kiddush sponsorship

Kiddish is sponsored by Aish in honor of R David Ordan’s promotion to Director of Aish Campus. Rabbi Ordan revolutionized Aish LA’s Outreach efforts, attracting thousands to hip events through email marketing and launching our Israel Adventure young professional missions. In addition to retaining his position as Director of Outreach, R Ordan will be leading Aish LA onto the campus scene with the goal of having the same positive effects on the local students as Aish LA has done with the Young Professionals throughout LA.


Kiddush is also being anonymously sponsored.


seudah shlishis

Dr. Jacob Pelta is sponsoring Seudah Shlishis on completion of Meseches Brachos and in memory of his beloved master teacher R Jacob N. Goldberg whose Yarzheit falls on 11 Cheshvan. Love of Torah was instilled by this Rabbi and the Siyum is one culmination of the road he started me on.


Daniel and Rebbeca Klempner are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in thanks to Hashem that their son Paltiel no longer needs eye surgery to open his tear duct.


mazal tov

To Derek and Debra Greenstein on the birth of a baby girl on Wednesday!

To Dror and Debra Grufi on the birth of a baby girl!


Become a Leader

You can be the one to take the lead – of the prayer services. Get the skills and the confidence to lead the daily services with an opportunity to practice. Six week class starting Wed Nov 8. Speak to Nat Eisman or R' Shenker for more details.



R' Morgenstern in la! mark your calendars!

R' Morgenstern will be speaking at a Melava Malka for men Shabbos Nov 18th on “Understanding Your Child’s Needs – The Father’s Role in Childraising" at 8pm at Aish and on Sun Nov 19 at 8pm at the home of Michael and Alex Abramson 8862 Cashio for men and women on "Can You Reason With Your Children?" He is available for private appointments from Nov. 12 – 21, and can be reached at 952-261-7606 or cfmorgen@mosesnet.net.


wedding invitation

The community is invited to the Chupah of Becky Shokrian (getting married to Hadar Rothstein) this Sun Oct 29 at the Sheraton in Universal City. Chupah 6:30pm.



Young Couples Go Hiking

In the majestic Santa Monica Hills, Sun, Nov 19.  Meet in bank parking lot at 9am.  This easy 1½ hr hike to a waterfall is all terrain stroller friendly, mostly on an old paved road.  A more challenging ridge ascent is available for the adventurous!  Malibu Beach Grill for lunch!! Any questions, see Ze’ev Amster or Jonah Light.



Don't miss this inspirational educational weekend with Aish staff and partners from all over the world! Join Rabbis Cohen, Markman, the Horowitz's, the Hellers, Norm Pomeranz, Bill Gross and Joel Schwartz and a growing contingent as what promises to be the best conference yet! Thurs Nov 30-Sun Dec 3 at the Westin Hotel in Stamford CT. See R' Markman for details or www.partnersconference.com.



The Aish School of Jewish Living

The next semester of classes will be starting the week of November 6th with classes in Understanding the Siddur, The Mitzvos and Foundations of Faith. Speak to R' Shenker for more details or contact Miriam ext 401.


Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday                    9:30 am           Avraham Gordon         Read Hebrew

Sunday                    8:00 pm           Dr. Manny Saltiel         Oral Law                    

Monday                    7:30 pm           R' Motti Shenker          Festivals         

Monday                    8:30 pm           Bill Gross                    Speech

Tuesday                  8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday             8:30 pm           Michael Abramson      Sefer HaChinuch

Wednesday             7:30 pm           Meir Dovid Schwartz   Way of G-d

Thursday                 12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Shmuel Petlak             Mishneh Torah

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness


                                                        i can pray in hebrew

With David Weinman every Shabbos at 9:30am at Aish beginning again Nov 4th!




A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Every Wed. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris.

Please continue to daven for Leah Tova bas Sara.



This week's reading is PEP! Bircas HaShanim, 461-467



Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Mishne Brura: Since today it is very common to make lemon juice, it is prohibited to squeeze lemons on Shabbos for drinking.

It is permitted to squeeze fruit (even grapes and olives) onto a solid food.

Shmiras Shabbos: Most of the juice must be absorbed into the food for this leniency to apply.

Most Poskim prohibit squeezing lemon into tea (apparently, even when the lemon is submerged and the juice is never a separate entity.

Most authorities permit to squeeze the lemon onto sugar (so that it is absorbed), and then add the sugar to the water or tea.

One may also put a lemon slice into a drink or into tea that is not too hot (less than 113° F or in a Kli Shlishi) without squeezing.


Have a wonderful Shabbos!!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, October 20, 2006

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Bereshis

October 21, 2006

29 Tishrei 5767


05:55 p.m.   Candle lighting

06:05 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP                                         R Cohen        

06:53 p.m.   Krias Shema                         (earliest time)


SATURDAY, october 21

08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 a.m.   Krias HaTorah                       Moshe Heller           

09:50 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)                          

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101                     R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                            R' Cohen

                    The Purpose of Life 

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                                       R' Cohen

                    The Root of All Evil                         

04:30 p.m.   Kiruv Kollel                           Michael Abramson

04:45 p.m.   Purity                                      Jeff Gruen-Cancelled

05:30 p.m.    Mincha                                    

06:00 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis         

                    Dvar Torah                             R' Cohen

                    The Key to Enjoying Shabbos       

06:55 p.m.   Maariv


Sunday october 22

07:45 a.m.               Shacharis

06:04 a.m.               Earliest Tallis-Parshas Noach

09:50 a.m.               Latest Shema

10:46 a.m.               Latest Shachris

01:06 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

06:00 p.m.               Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.               Maariv


06:00/06:50 a.m.    Weekday Shacharis


Breishis – Made in Heaven


Breishis 2:22  and He brought her to Odom.”



A young man from the United States was having a very difficult time finding

his Beshert. He came to Eretz Yisroel in order to pray at the burial sites of

some of the great people who had passed away. One day as he was visiting

the grave of R' Aharon the Belzer Rebbe on Har Menuhos, a strong wind

suddenly blew his hat off his head. When he finally caught up with it, some

way off, he noticed that a Kvittel (note) had somehow also blown into his hat.

He intended to return it to the grave side of the Belzer Rebbe but his eye

caught the fact that it was written in English:


“I daughter of so and so from city such and such am looking to find my

proper mate. Please help me find him."

He told his parents what had happened and they decided to call the girl’s


In a short while the young couple became engaged.



kiddush sponsorship

Marc Firestone is sponsoring Kiddush in honor of his wife Beth and all the Aish women for helping to maintain a warm and welcoming Aish community. Your stupendous efforts cooking delicious and holy meals during the last few weeks are awe inspiring.


                                                                    Mazel Tov

To the Shenkers on the bris of their son Naftali.

To the Tesslers on the bris of their son Asher Yaakov.

To Tony Khavarani on the birth of a baby boy!



shabbos kallah

Women and girls are invited to the Shabbos Kallah of Ilaina Blum, sister of Julia Blum Sebban this Shabbos afternoon 2:30-4pm at the Seidenfelds, 1565 Rexford .



yasher koach

The Chessed Comitte would like to thank all those who have participated in providing meals for members of the our community. Thank you for answering our phone calls, responding to our emails and reaching out with generosity. Tizku l’mitzvos!

If you are not a part of the chesed committee contact Yehudit Cohen, Jamie Kleinmen or Lauren Wecker.



learn hebrew now!

Learn Hebrew in seven weeks beginning this Sun, Oct 22- Dec 3 at 9:30 am at Aish with Avraham Gordon. If interested speak to Avraham Gordon or R' Shenker..




kiddush set up

Men, women, and kids will have separate tables for food during Kiddush to eliminate the traffic problem and to allow more ease and comfort when obtaining food.



new and improved

Plans are under way to hire someone new for the boys program. Stay tuned!




your minyan needs you

Now that the Bachurim have returned to Yeshiva the 6:50am Shachris Minyan and the 9:00p.m. Maariv Minyan need chizuk


wedding invitation

The community is invited to attend the Chupah of Becky Shokrian (getting married to Hadar Rothstein). Sun Oct 29 at the Sheraton in Universal City. Chupah 6:30pm.




Don't miss this inspirational educational weekend with Aish staff and partners from all over the world! Join Rabbis Cohen and Markman, the Horowitz clan, the Hellers, Norm Pomeranz and a growing contingent as what promises to be the best Conference yet Thurs Nov 30-Sun Dec 3 at the Westin Hotel in Stamford CT..See R' Markman for details or www.partnersconference.com.


Upcoming Israel Adventure

Now is the time to refer friends, family members and acquaintances ages 22-33 years for our upcoming Israel Adventure Trip Dec 26- Jan 7. Please help us fill this trip with high quality singles and young professionals you may know. For more info contact Rabbi Yitz Jacobs or Rebbeztin Chana Heller.



R' Morgenstern in la! mark your calendars!

R' Morgenstern will be speaking at a Melava Malka for men Shabbos Nov 18th on “Understanding Your Child’s Needs – The Father’s Role in Childraising."



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Sunday        9:30 am           Avraham Gordon         Read Hebrew

Sunday        8:00 pm           Dr. Manny Saltiel         Oral Law                    

Monday        7:30 pm           R' Motti Shenker          Festivals         

Monday        8:30 pm           Bill Gross                    Speech

Tuesday      8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday 8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday 8:30 pm           Michael Abramson      Sefer HaChinuch

Wednesday 7:30 pm          Meir Dovid Schwartz   Way of G-d

Thursday     12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday     8:00 pm           Shmuel Petlak             Mishneh Torah

Thursday     8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness



the oral law and the science of the soul

What is the Oral Law? What happens to our souls when we do a Mitzvah? Join Dr. Manny Saltiel seven Sunday evenings at 8pm beginning this Sun. Oct 22-Dec 3.




A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Every Wed. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris.

Please continue to daven for Leah Tova bas Sara.




This week's reading is PEP! Refuah, 454-461.



 Advanced Halachic Bulletin

Shulchan Aruch: If you are uncertain whether you Bentched, and you ate enough to be satiated, you should Bentch. There is a question whether a woman who is uncertain if she already Bentched should do so now. It is better that she not Bentch out of doubt.

The most widely held position seems to be that the satiation need not come only from the quantity of bread. However you must have ate at least a K’zayit of bread.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!!



Naami Heller

Community Coordinator


310-278-8672 ext. 720







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