Monday, April 30, 2007

This Wednesday! Rebbitzen Ordan's Parenting Teleconference Series



Friday, April 27, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin


Parshas Achrei Mos-Kedoshim

April 28, 2007 / 10 Iyar 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, April 27

 07:15 pm                Candle Lighting                      

 06:30 pm                Mincha

       PEP!                             R’ Cohen

 08:13 pm                Krias Shema               (earliest time)


Saturday, April 28

 08:25 am                Shacharis                   

 09:15 am                Krias HaTorah             Dr. Mazouz/Shalom

        Markman/Nat Eisman

 09:34 am                Krias Shema               (latest time)

 10:15 am                Spirituality 101             R’ Heller

 10:20 am                Dvar Torah                  Michael Abramson

 11:00 am                Kiddush                      

 11:30 am                Shiur                            R’ Cohen

The Secret to Joy

 06:00 pm                Pirkei Avos                  Howard Witkin

 06:00 pm                Kiruv Kollel                  Michael Abramson

 06:15 pm                Gemara Brochos                    R’ Denbo

 07:00 pm                Mincha                                    

 07:30 pm                Seudah Shlishis                      Jon Sher

 08:15 pm                Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sunday, April 29

 08:00 am                Shacharis

 05:06 am                Earliest Tallis – Tazria

 09:29 am                Latest Shema

 10:36 am                Latest Shacharis

 01:24 pm                Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm               Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:25 pm                Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm               Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am         Weekday Shacharis


Weekly Class Schedule


Tuesday      8:00 pm           Success Through Torah     Mark Sarto

Wednes.     8:00 pm           Beginner’s Mishnah             David Notowitz

Wednes.     8:30 pm           Path of the Just                    Michael Abramson     

Thursday     12:00 pm         Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin



A Word from Rabbi Moshe Cohen:

Y’mach Shmo: Achrei Mos – Kedoshim


Vayikra 19:14 “Do not curse a deaf person”


The Avnei Nezer, one of the Torah giants in Poland before the Second World War, Rav Avrohom Bornstein, once heard a Jew curse another Jew who was an advocate of heretical ideas by saying:

”May his name be erased and his memory eradicated form the Jewish people!”

The Rav quietly explained:

“In Shulchan Aruch the law is recorded that the wife of a heretic who dies without children has to undergo Chalitza (dissolution of a Levirite marriage). This process is in substitution for Yibum (levirate marriage) and the Torah states in regard to Yibum that the name of the deceased should not be erased. Why would you desire something that the Torah does not, and wish this person’s name to be obliterated?



Travis and Nikita Putnam are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of our mom, Hilary Lazarus, for a beautiful & spirit filled wedding in South Africa and for constant love and support. We would also like to thank the Aish community for all its love and support.


Lou Kemp is sponsoring Kiddush in memory of his father Avraham ben Aharon HaCohen’s 40th Yarzheit.



Jon and Adina Sher are sponsoring in memory of Jon’s father, Dovid Beinish ben Chaim Eliyahu’s first Yarzheit.


Aryeh Leib (Larry) and Mila Block are sponsoring in memory of Mila’s mother Alexandra bas Abram’s first Yarzheit.



To the Braverman family on the birth of a girl to Sara and Benzion!



Thank you to the Magady family for opening their home to host the Chesed committee’s brunch this past Sunday! Also thank you to Rebbetzin Cohen and Naami Heller!


Thank you to the Aish community from R Kevin  and Hannah Bemel for your encouragement, support, and attention to Hannah’s needs during Kevin’s absence. We will miss you all. Please continue to daven for us as our adventure continues.


Thank you to Tomer Kleinman for delivering Aish’s route of Tomchei Shabbos.



R' Noach Weinberg presents at the Beverly Hilton “40 Years of Vision.”  THE BANQUET WILL SELL OUT! Community members, you must call the office or send in your RSVP to confirm that you are coming or you will NOT have a seat (EVEN if you have prepaid seats)! DEADLINE MAY 1st! After that we cannot guarantee you a seat! Please indicate with whom you would like to sit and your dinner preference. 



We already have 25 families signed up and a waiting list from outside the community! Enjoy a Shavuos of constant inspirational learning for adults and kids, delicious food, fun and games, and much more! Early bird special for members by this Tues, May 1st is $200/adults and $170/kids 15 and under. Contact Naami.


young Couples Shabbaton june 1-3

A relaxing and inspiring Shabbos / weekend getaway in the beautiful Running Springs mountains for young couples. Uplifting meals and elevating Torah with LA’s greatest Rabbis and Rebbetzins all for just $200/couple! Limited babysitting provided. Contact R’ Shenker for details: 278 8672 x 507.



After winning the Gold Medal in Mixed 2-Man Luge at the 1988 Winter Olympics, Brian and Susan Ross felt a void in their life and decided to explore their Jewish roots.  Brian has been involved with Aish since he moved from Canada and after studying some holy texts with Rabbis Heller and Braverman, the athletic couple was married.  After intensive Torah study in a remote cave for 12 years, they gave birth to 3 girls, Cohava, Tirtza and Temima. Among their greatest joys is entertaining Shabbos guests.   


Howard witkin’s pirkei avos class is back!

Come and spend the long Shabbos afternoons at Aish to hear the best Pirkei Avos (Ethics) class in the city for all levels of learning! It will take place every Shabbos afternoon one hour before Mincha throughout the summer.


Practical Parenting Seminar is Back!

Rebbetzin Deborah Ordan’s practical parenting seminar begins this Wed, May 2.  New TELECONFERENCE FORMAT means you can join from wherever you are! Topics: Goals of Parenting, Atmosphere in the Home, Communication, Discipline, Instilling a Love of Hashem and more! 926.6236


“inspired too” movie sunday may 20th

Don’t miss the LA Premiere of Inspired Too, Sun May 20 at Aish @ 8pm. $5 suggested donation. Refreshments served!


Chumash text building for women!

R’ David Lapin will be teaching a Chumash text skills building class for women for the next 3 Tuesdays at 8pm in the Aish annex.



This week’s reading is PEP! Halleluyah Ki Tov, p 191-197.



Mishne Brure: It is permissible to make the Brocho of Shehecheyanu during the Sefira if it will not be able to be made after Sefira.

Mishne Brure: It is permissible to shave on the Erev Shabbos before Lag B’omer if Lag B’omer falls on Sunday.

It is prohibited to listen to live music such as a concert during the Omer.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Shavuos in Running Springs!




A Retreat for couples and families!


Shavuos learning all night long, high up in the mountains & underneath the stars...


Join us as we take you to beautiful Running Springs, CA for a Shavuos like you’ve never experienced before! Take part in exceptional learning for adults and kids,

delicious meals, child care and programming, and fun for the whole family! Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity at an unbeatable price!


COMMUNITY MEMBERS: Early bird special for community members ONLY is $200/adults and $170/ children 15 and under. THIS OFFER ENDS TUES MAY 1ST! After this date, members and non members are welcome at the price of $250/adults and $200/children. We are filling up fast so reserve your spot today!


DATE: Tuesday, May 22- Friday, May 24th


RSVP: 310-278-8672 ext 720 or



Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, April 23, 2007

Thank you for the Gift of Blessings

With gratitude to the many people whose generosity made possible The Gift of Blessings. We thank you for your generosity. Those wishing to add their donation at this time, should respond to Rabbi Ordan 310-278-8672 ext. 503


Pearl Guardians

Richard and Beverly Horowitz


Ruby Patrons



Diamond Benefactors



Emerald Sponsor

Brody Family


Sapphire Donor




Crystal Partners

Rick and Jill Kahn

Richard Bash


Opal Supporters

Michael and Alex Abramson

Izzy and Michele Gabel

Sam and Marcia Glaser

Steve Gross

David and Beth Leventhal

David and Aviva Notowitz

Norm and Tziporah Pomeranz

Emmanual and Sharon Saltiel

Sunny and Debbie Sassoon

Joel and Shelly Schwartz

Shlomo and Lolly Seidenfeld

David and Tanya Stein

Tzipporah Stern

Peter and Sarah Weintraub


With Appreciation

Kerry and Nina Ettinger

Dov and Chana Heller

Michael and Daisy Kofsky

Anna Reich

Jonathan and Rifka Sack

Ayelet Soroka

David and Laura Weinman



Friday, April 20, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin

Parshas Tazria/Metzora

April 21, 2007 / 3 Iyar 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, April 20

 07:09 pm                Candle Lighting                      

 06:30 pm                Mincha

       PEP!                             R’ Cohen

 08:07 pm                Krias Shema               (earliest time)


Saturday, April 21

 08:25 am                Shacharis                   

 09:15 am                Krias HaTorah             Nat Eisman

 09:34 am                Krias Shema               (latest time)

 10:15 am                Spirituality 101             R’ Heller

 10:15 am                Dvar Torah                  Cancelled

 11:00 am                Kiddush                      

 11:30 am                Shiur                            Tziporah Heller

Understanding the Difficult Mitzvos: Part I

 05:30 pm                Shiur: Part II                Tziporah Heller

 05:45 pm                Kiruv Kollel                  Michael Abramson

 06:00 pm                Gemara Brochos        Cancelled

 06:45 pm                Mincha                                    

 07:10 pm                Seudah Shlishis          Tziporah Heller            

08:15 pm                 Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sunday, April 22

 08:00 am                Shacharis

 05:15 am                Earliest TallisTazria

 09:34 am                Latest Shema

 10:40 am                Latest Shacharis

 01:25 pm                Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm               Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:20 pm                Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm               Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am         Weekday Shacharis


Weekly Class Schedule

Tuesday      8:00 pm           Success Through Torah     Mark Sarto

Wednes.     8:00 pm           Beginner’s Mishnah             David Notowitz

Wednes.     8:30 pm           Path of the Just                    Michael Abramson     

Thursday     12:00 pm         Pirkei Avos                            Howard Witkin


A Word from Rabbi Moshe Cohen:

Tazria: Self Deprecation is also Lashon Hora


R Yisroel Meir Kagan of Radin, known to all as the Chofetz Chaim, was once riding a train to Radin. He wore a simple cap and traveled alone, and hardly anyone knew who he was. A middle-aged Jew sat down beside him and asked him where he was going. The Chofetz Chaim answered softly, "to Radin."

The man was excited. "Do you know the saintly Chofetz Chaim? I am going to Radin just to see him!"

The Chofetz Chaim was unimpressed. "M'nyeh," he shrugged. "I don't think he is so saintly."

The visitor was so appalled that he slapped the old man and left his seat shouting. "How dare you make light of the leader of our generation!"

A week later the man came to the humble abode of the great Tzaddik. Lo and behold, the old man from the train was sitting by the table in the diningroom. The man collapsed in shock. He could not stop apologizing for the incident on the train when the Chofetz Chaim halted him.

"Do not worry, you taught me a great lesson," said the sage. "One may not even slander himself."



Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Shoshana’s father, Chaviv ben Yichezkel’s Yarzheit.


Rick, Jill, Benjamin and Meir Kahn are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of the 7th Yarzheit of Rick’s father, Meir ben Benyamin HaCohen.



“Understanding the Difficult Mitzvos” with Rebbetzin Heller Shabbos day, 11:30am 5:30pm and during Seudah Shlishis.



This year's banquet will be especially inspiring with the Rosh Yeshiva, R' Noach Weinberg presenting 40 years of Vision at the Beverly Hilton.  THE BANQUET WILL SELL OUT! Community members, you must call the office or send in your RSVP to confirm that you are coming or you will NOT have a seat (EVEN if you have prepaid seats)! DEADLINE MAY 1st! After that we cannot guarantee you a seat! Please indicate with whom you would like to sit and your dinner preference. 



Shavuos like you’ve never experienced before, up in the mountains of Running Springs with R’ Simcha Weinberg! Enjoy a Shavuos of constant inspirational learning for adults and kids, delicious food, fun and games, and much more! Space is limited so call Naami ASAP! Early bird special for members is $200/adults and $170/kids ages15 and under until May 1st.


Chumash text building for women!

R David Lapin will be teaching a Chumash text skills building class for women beginning this Tues, April 24 at 8pm at Aish in the annex and will continue every Tues for 4 weeks.


women’s mission to israel with lori palatnik!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to go to Israel with Rebbetzin Markman and the ever popular Lori Palatnik (see Lori on, "Lori Almost Live") July 29- August 8. Be pampered and inspired with great Jewish women from all around the world! To reserve email or call 877-613-0613.


the gift of blessings

We now have the chance to honor the Rosh Yeshiva at the banquet with an elegant banquet tribute, “The Gift of Blessings”, a beautiful, tastefully designed packet explaining the various blessings and will be given to all 1,000 banquet attendees. If you have been inspired by the Rosh Yeshiva, please contribute. Email R Ordan at for all contributions and questions.


tomchei shabbos

Thank you to Richard Polak for delivering the Aish HaTorah route for Tomchei Shabbos


inspired too

It’s back! Don’t miss the LA Premiere of Inspired Too, Sun May 20 at Aish @ 8pm. $5 suggested donation. Refreshments will be served!




The Glaser family has been a part of the Aish community for the past 15 years. They have enveloped the community with their love for music, Yiddishkeit, and Jews of all types and backgrounds. Sam shows his love by teaching and singing for anyone who will listen.  Marcia shows her love by cooking amazing themed Shabbos meals for anyone who eats. Sam works as a worldwide. They are proud parents to their three adorable children, Max, Jesse, and Sarah Lena.


EYAHT needs your recipes

The EYAHT cookbook still needs your favorite recipes. Please submit to Help make this publication a success to benefit Aish HaTorah’s women’s college!



Nat Eisman is taking over the Layening Gabbos. Those wishing to Layen at Aish on Shabbos, will be able to select an Aliya in advance and have a tape and a special class with Nat to prepare to read from the Torah for the community.



Many people are hypersensitive to scented deodorant, perfume, and cologne. We are obligated in Halacha to be sensitive to their needs. Therefore please minimize how much you wear. Thank you.



This week’s reading is PEP! Halleluyah HalleliNafshi, p. 183-190.


women’s tehillim

We need you! Help strengthen its numbers and power! Every Tues eve 8:15 pm at the home of Ze’ev and Shoshana Weinstein, 1540 Edris.




If you forgot to count Sefira at night, you may still count throughout the following day without a Brocho. You may then continue to count on the following evenings with a Brocho.                                                                                                                If you forgot to count on a Thursday night but remembered to do so on Friday afternoon after Kabbalas Shabbos and Maariv but before    sunset, you may count on the following days with a Brocho.


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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