Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hachnasas Orchim

Dear Community,


We have an extraordinary opportunity for real hachnosas orchim at Aish. David Azoulay was a member of our community for a year and used to layen for us on a regular basis.  He was doing post graduate research at Cedars but that has ended and his wife and children have returned to Israel. He remains here to wrap up his work until July, when he will rejoin his family. It would be an act of chesed to invite him to your home for Shabbos meals (he has accommodation), for the next few months.  He is a mentsch, speaks excellent English, is very intelligent, and is a wonderful guest. .


His phone is 310-717-8545 and his email is davidazoulay1@gmail.com.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles



Monday, April 27, 2009

A Tzedakah Opportunity

Dear Community,


We are still $500 short of the $1200 we need to raise for Judith Tamarkin’s rent.  Please see below for more information about how to help.


There is a woman in our community, Ms. Judy Tamarkin, who has a mental illness and who, without the community's support, would be homeless.  In fact, Judy used to be a part of the Aish Community many years ago before she got sick.  The money to pay for the apartment where she is living in Pico-Robertson has been paid for over the years by those of us who live here, and currently 5 shuls in our neighborhood have each committed to raising 1/5 of the yearly rent.  


For the past 10 years or so, Aish HaTorah has had the zechus of being one of those shuls and we would like to continue to do so.  As such, it is time to raise the money again for another year's rent for Judy. Aish's portion of the yearly rent is $1,200.

Anyone who would like to participate in this worthy endeavor should do the following:


1.      Make out a check to The Tzeddakah Fund and on the memo write "Tamarkin".



2.      Get the check to Holly Magady at 1515 Glenville Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90035.



Any questions can be directed to Holly Magady by phone (310-286-9849 or 310-490-7149) or by email at danyoni@aol.com.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles



Friday, April 24, 2009

Shabbos Bulletin 4/25/2009



Parshas Tazria-Metzora

April 25, 2009 / 1 Iyar 5769



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. April 24

05:45 pm                                          Ohr Zaruah Carlebach Minyan (Annex)

07:13 pm                                          Candle Lighting

06:30 pm                                          Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos

07:10 pm                                          Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. April 25

08:15 am                                          Chumash Shiur                  R Quinn

08:45 am                                          Shacharis                     

09:31 am                                          Krias Shema                       (latest time)

09:30 am                                          Hallel

09:45 am                                          Krias HaTorah                   N Eisman

10:15 am                                          Spirituality 101                  R Heller

10:45 am                                          Dvar Torah                          R Mark

11:30 am                                          Kiddush

11:30 am                                          Shiur                                     Cancelled

05:30 pm                                          Kiruv Kollel                         M Abramson

05:45 pm                                          Gemara Brochos              R Denbo

06:30 pm                                          Mincha         

07:00 pm                                          Seudah Shlishis                R Cohen

08:10 pm                                          Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun April 26 – Fri May 1

05:24 am                                          Earliest Tallis – Achare-Kedoshim

7:00/8:00 am                                   Sun. Shacharis

06:00 am                                          Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                                          Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

09:31 am                                          Latest Shema

10:38 am                                          Latest Shacharis

01:24 pm                                          Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                                          Early Mincha (Mon – Thurs)

07:20 pm                                          Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                                          Maariv b'zmano

07:13 pm                                          Candle lighting next week, Achare-Kedosh.

06:30 pm                                          Next Friday – Mincha



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am                                    Morning Kollel                                 R Shenker

Sun 9:00 am                                    Hilchos Tefila                                 N. Eisman

Mon-Fri 6:30 am                             Shachris- Kollel Boker                 R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am                             Gemara Succah                             R Cohen

Mon-Fri 8:30 am                             Mishne Brura: Laws of Tefillah , siman 114 R Cohen



Tazria – A bris meal


Vayikra  12:3 "In the eighth day he will circumcise the flesh of the foreskin"


The Sefas Emes, the great Rabbi of Ger, once asked a relative to take his son, Avrohom Mordechai, to Warsaw, to receive a brocho (blessing) from a certain Jew. The relative set out on the long and arduous journey with the son of the Sefas Emes. When they arrived in Warsaw, the relative made inquiries about the individual in question, thinking that he must be a well-known Tsadik (righteous man). However, he had great difficulty locating the individual. When he finally tracked him down, he appeared to be quite an ordinary fellow. Even after he had explained the purpose of his visit, this Jew was quite stunned and did not understand.


"If the Rebbe wishes that I give his son a brocho then I shall certainly do so," replied the Jew, "even though I have no idea why he would ask such a thing from me!"


The relative thought that the Jew must be one of the 36 hidden righteous people in the world. When he returned, he questioned the Sefas Emes, who told him that the fellow was indeed quite ordinary. However, once his wife had given birth to a son, he did not have money to make a seudas bris (circumcision meal), so he sold his bed linens in order to have money to make the bris.


This had made such an impression in heaven, that any future blessing that he would give would be fulfilled!


Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Moshe Cohen



Halacha of the Week: Sefiras HaOmer


If you counted the wrong day, but corrected yourself immediately, it is a good count. If you did not correct yourself immediately, you should count again with a brocha. If you do not know which day it is, you may count several possible days without a brocha, and continue to count the next night with a brocha. If you count the number of days but not weeks, or the number of weeks and days but not the number of days, you have fulfilled your obligation.






Kiddush is sponsored and the cholent was made by Rabbi Dave & Aliza Sorani in honor of the birth of Shira. 


Kiddush is sponsored by Rick and Jill Kahn in honor of the 9th yahrtzeit of Rick's father, Meir ben Binyamin HaKohen (6 Iyar). May his neshama have an aliyah.


Seudah shlishis SPONSOR

Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Marc and Beth Firestone in honor of the marriage of Tali (Firestone) and Benyamin Moss.  Thank you to all the friends and family who came from back east and all over the world to join us in our simcha.



- To Tali (Firestone) and Benyamin Moss on their marriage!

- To Rabbi Shalom and Nechama Denbo on the naming of their daughter, Shifra Sara.

- To Rabbi Shimon Lesserson on his engagement to Leah Lowy.  A vort will be held for the chassan at kallah on Tues, April 28th from 7:30 – 10:00pm at the home of Robert & Jenna Wilkin, 174 S. Mansfield Avenue, LA 90036



To Lawrence and Nechama Samson on the passing of Lawrence's mother, Estelle Samson. The family will be sitting shiva through Monday, April 27 at 329 S. LA Peer Drive, Beverly Hills. Shacharis Mon through Fri 7:30 am. Sun 8 am. Mincha/Maariv at 7:15 pm.



- To Avi Almogue and Nathan Tatarsky for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.

- To everyone who donated siddurim in response to the yizkor siddur drive, and especially to Liane Pritikin for sponsoring ten siddurim in loving memory of her mother and to Harlan Schwartz for sponsoring ten siddurim in honor of his beloved brother Dr. Joel Schwartz z"l, who, together with his wife Shelley, purchased the first 100 siddurim when the Aish Center opened in the present location about 20 years ago!  You can still sponsor a siddur for a loved one.  Contact tamar@aishla.com.



Jonathan Tessler and Gedaliah Raich for working tirelessly to get our homeland security grants and for making our shul a safer place.



Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Menachem Mark, shlita, will give a women's shiur at the home of Rabbi Dave and Aliza Sorani (1420 S. Rexford Dr #11 corner of Rexford and Alcott) on Shabbos at 5pm. He is one of the founders of the Lakewood Kollel in Melbourne, Australia, and is currently Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ruach HaTorah in Brooklyn. Topic: "A Positive Outlook"



No one is to try to enter the Aish Center after 10 pm.  This will set off the alarm!



There may be a problem purchasing actual chometz  from Smart & Final and 99 cent stores for the next few weeks.



If your banquet tickets are included as a part of your Aish membership package, you must still reserve your seat(s) with tamar@aishla.com. 



Siddurim are ready to be dedicated in memory and in the merit of your loved one or for a birthday or other special occasion for only $36.  Contact tamar@aishla.com.



Michael Abramson will be leading a chabura (learning group) on issues in business related halacha.  This group is suitable for lawyers, business men and law students as well as anyone else who would like to learn these subjects.  We will be looking at the sources in the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch as well as commentaries such as the K'tzos ha'choshen.  The chabura will meet Thursday evenings at 8pm and Sunday mornings at 8 am.


Aleinu evening of appreciation

Honoring women who bring child safety ideals into our homes and schools. Hosted by Mark & Marlene Kahan. Master of Ceremonies Rabbi Elazar Muskin. Sun, April 26, 2009. Dessert reception begins at 7:30 pm at 9508 Cresta Dr. RSVP to sbarocas@jfsla.org or (310) 247-0534.



The Pico branch of Bnos resumes this Shabbos at 2:50 pm in the Aish courtyard for girls in grades pre-1A to 7th grade. No charge. To sponsor a Shabbos, please contact Esther at (310) 838-4568. If it rains after noon on Shabbos, please consider Bnos cancelled.



Mark Your Calendar


Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein

Shabbos Behar-Bechukosai

May 18, 2009


Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein is the founder of Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls, and Ohr Naava Women's Institute in Brooklyn, New York.




Harold Gans

Mathematician, Scientist, and International Lecturer

Shabbos Bamidbar

May 23, 2009


Fri Night – Creation and the Age of the Universe with Q & A

11:30 am – Prophecy, Science, and History

5:30 pm – Signature of G-d




Rabbi Simcha Weinberg

Shabbos Shavuos Shabbaton

May 29-30, 2009


Friday night dinner and Shabbos day lunch

Per meal: $25 members / $10 children - $36 non-members / $18 children

More details to follow.



Community Corner

Childcare Program: Attention Parents. During R Cohen's regular 11:30am Shabbos drasha, all children are expected to be either in the childcare program or with their parents.  Children 18 months to 3 years old and older kids wanting to read quietly should be in the Annex with Morah Jaqueline. Other children should be with Eli Sudaley in the courtyard for games.  Parents of children not in either location may be pulled out of the shiur. Thank you for helping make Aish a safe place for all our children.






To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker.  Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun's at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning. Men of all levels are welcome.


april 29: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.




At the Mar 29th community meeting, 30 people met to discuss the strategic plan for the Aish Ha Torah L.A. community, which focused mostly on Kiruv and Member Programming. The meeting reaffirmed the community's commitment to kiruv 


1) "outreach" (to unaffiliated Jews), and


2) "in-reach" (to promote growth for BT's and other frum Jews). 

a.   in-reach should also focus on the different stages of life Aish members are at and how one stage can serve as a mentor for another. 

b.   Two examples:

Younger people with more formal yeshiva/seminary education to be inspirational to older, less Jewishly-educated community members;

Older members, having raised children through the elementary or high school system, can better advise younger families. 

c.    Paired learning, a Life Cycle series and "How To Do Kiruv" training were also suggested. 


3) Aish is pleased to announce that Chana Heller will begin a methodical coordination of the outreach and in-reach efforts of the community.


Membership programming discussed: childcare, safety, marketing, education, Rosh Chodesh Member's lunch, bulletin board, single's program.  Women's learning steering committee was suggested as the best possible way to build support for and interest in women's programming.    


PLEASE PARTICIPATE:  If you are interested in any of the following topics, please see the persons indicated:


Kiruv (outreach/in-reach): Chana Heller or Ross & Debbie Hirschman


Women's Programming: Rabbi Cohen, Jill Kahn or Ellie Kulman-Jaffe


Member Programming: Ross Begun or Mark Shmagin 



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Community Resource Fair



Community Resource Fair

















Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear Community,


  1. A Bulova watch has been found at Aish.  Please see R Cohen if it is yours.


  1. Now is your chance to sponsor a siddur in the merit and memory of a loved one or for a birthday or other special occasion. $36 each. Email your sponsorship inscription to tamar@aishla.com.


  1. Pre-plan your kiddush sponsorship now. On weeks when we do not have a sponsor for Kiddush, there will be pies and fruit.




Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles



An Evening of Appreciation

Dear Aish community member,


I would like to personally encourage you to attend a complimentary dessert reception for women who have dedicated themselves to helping a local organization called ALEINU.


Every year I make an appeal in shul on behalf of AlEINU because it is the address that people go to when there is a crisis in their lives or in the lives of a family member or friend. It is the amber alert, the safety net, and the 911 for the emotional and psychological health and well being of the Jewish community in Los Angeles.


The evening will honor many women in our neighborhood who have dedicated themselves to promote safety for children in our homes and schools.


Please come and learn more and you may find an opportunity to contribute to this most worthy of organizations and to honor these devoted women.


In addition, there will be a video presentation to inform us about ALEINU's current resources and programs


Thank you,

Rabbi Moshe Cohen




Friday, April 17, 2009

Shabbos Bulletin 4/18/2009




Parshas Shemini – Birkas Hachodesh

April 18, 2009 / 24 Nisan 5769



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. April 17

07:08 pm                                          Candle Lighting

06:30 pm                                          Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos

08:06 pm                                          Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. April 18

08:15 am                                          Chumash Shiur                                                      Cancelled

08:45 am                                          Shacharis                     

09:36 am                                          Krias Shema                                                           (latest time)

09:45 am                                          Krias HaTorah                                                       N Eisman

Birkas Hachodesh

10:15 am                                          Spirituality 101                                                      R Heller

11:00 am                                          Kiddush

11:30 am                                          Shiur                                                                          R Cohen

True love never dies

05:45 pm                                          Kiruv Kollel                                                              M Abramson

06:00 pm                                          Gemara Brochos                                                  Cancelled

06:45 pm                                          Mincha         

07:15 pm                                          Seudah Shlishis                                                     R Cohen

08:06 pm                                          Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun April 19 – Fri Apr 24

05:33 am                                          Earliest Tallis – Tazria-Metzora

7:00/8:00 am                                   Sun. Shacharis

06:00 am                                          Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer (Rick) Kahn

07:30 am                                          Shacharis – Gabbai Yona (Jonah) Light

09:36 am                                          Latest Shema

10:41 am                                          Latest Shacharis

01:25 pm                                          Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                                          Early Mincha (Mon – Thurs)

07:15 pm                                          Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                                          Maariv b’zmano

07:13 pm                                          Candle Lighting next week, Tazria-Metzora

06:30 pm                                          Next Friday – Mincha



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am                                    Morning Kollel                                                        R Shenker

Sun 9:00 am                                    Hilchos Tefila                                                          N. Eisman

Mon-Fri 6:30 am                             Shachris- Kollel Boker                                        R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am                             Gemara Succah                                                    R Cohen

Mon-Fri 8:30 am                             Mishne Brura:                                                        R Cohen

Laws of Tefillah



An open door policy – Pesach


The Kotzker Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel, said that people make a mistake if they believe that we open the door on leil Pesach to let Eliyahu HaNavi enter.


A story is told of a man who came to visit the Maggid of Mezeritch, and complained that when he davened, all sorts of improper thoughts came into his head, and that he had no control over them.


The Maggid advised him to go and visit Rav Zev Wolf of Zhitmor. The man followed his advice and set out on the journey. He arrived late one winter’s night and knocked on the door. No one answered even though he continued to knock and scream and beg to be let in. The unfortunate man had no choice but to go to the local shul and spend the night there on one of the benches.


In the morning he made his way once more to Rav Wolf’s door. This time the Rav came to the door and welcomed him in warmly, without mentioning anything about the previous night.


After some hesitation the man told Rav Wolf that the Maggid of Mezeritch had sent him.

“It is good that you came!” answered Rav Wolf, “Now you have learned the lesson that one is a master of his home, and whomever he does not want to let enter cannot come in.”


Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Moshe Cohen






Kiddush is sponsored by Gary and Maxine Rosenzweig.


Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi Shalom and Nechama Denbo in honor of the naming of their baby girl this Shabbos.


Seudah shlishis SPONSOR

Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Andrea Rubin and daughters in honor of the yahrtzeit of Beverly Friedman, Batsheva bas Joseph (26 Nisan), beloved mother and grandmother. We love you. May your memory be for a blessing. 



To Rabbi Shalom and Nechama Denbo and family on the birth of a daughter.


To Simcha and Lilian Russak and family on the birth and bris of their son, Daniel Yehoshua.


To Tali Firestone and Binyomin Moss on their upcoming wedding.


To David and Tzepah Zarmi on the bris of their son, Yehudah Yitschak.


To Marcy and Ari Goldstein, formerly of the Aish LA community, on the birth of their daughter, Sephira Chaya-Malka, born 3/16 in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Big brother Shayne and the rest of family are doing well.  They would love to hear from old friends at marcyandari@yahoo.com.



Thank you to Jeff and Noach Gruen for driving the Tomchei Shabbos route last week.



Darren Bonert & Ariel Shmagin for making it possible to have a siyum on Erev Pesach, and Conrad Sachs for layening beautifully last Shabbos.



No one is to try to enter the Aish Center after 10 pm.  This will set off the alarm!



Brand new siddurim are ready to be dedicated in memory and in the merit of your loved one for only $36.  Contact Tamar for more information.



The Pico branch of Bnos resumes this Shabbos at 2:50 pm in the Aish courtyard for girls in grades pre-1A to 7th grade. No charge. To sponsor a Shabbos, please contact Esther at (310) 838-4568. If it rains after noon on Shabbos, please consider Bnos cancelled.



Aish LA Presents…



Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein


Shabbos Achare Mos – Kedoshim

May 2, 2009


Details to follow.


Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein is the founder of Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls, and Ohr Naava Women's Institute in Brooklyn, New York.









To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker.  Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun’s at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning. Men of all levels are welcome.


april 22: Mommy, Me & Torah

For women & young children every Wed at 11am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.





It is permitted according to all opinions to get a haircut and shave next Friday because Shabbos is Rosh Chodesh Iyar.



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