Friday, May 28, 2010

New Shabbos Class -- Starting Next Shabbos!


Dear Community,


Starting next Shabbos, June 5th, Rabbi Nachum and Emuna Braverman will begin a series of classes on "Bitachon: The Challenge and The Opportunity" at 5 pm at their home.  Men & Women welcome.



Shabbos Bulletin 05/29/2010




Parshas Beha’aloscha

May 29, 2010 / 16 Sivan 5770


Click here for OU Parsha Insights and News:



Shabbos Schedule

Fri. May 28

07:38 pm                  Candle Lighting

06:20 pm                  Mincha before plag

Dvar Halacha                                 R Cohen

07:43 pm                  Mincha / Maariv                              (Shul)

08:36 pm                  Krias Shema                                   (earliest time)


Sat. May 29

08:25 am                  Shacharis        

09:18 am                  Krias Shema                                   (Latest)

09:15 am                  Krias HaTorah                               Y Kovaks

10:30 am                  Kiddush                   

11:00 am                  Shiur                                                  Cancelled

11:00 am                  Wisdom for the Home                  (Lib) Rbzn Shenker

11:00 am                  Spirituality 101                              (Sem Rm) R Heller

06:20 pm                  The 48 Ways                                   (Shul) Cancelled

06:20 pm                  Kiruv Kollel                                      (Library) M Abramson

06:40 pm                  Pirkei Avos                                      (Shul) H Witkin

07:23 pm                  Mincha

07:45 pm                  Seudah Shlishis                             R Cohen

08:30 pm                  Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun. May 30 – Fri Jun 4

07:00/8:00 am        Sun & Mon (Memorial Day) Shacharis

04:52 am                  Earliest Tallis – Shelach

06:00 am                  Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer Kahn

06:30 am                  Shacharis – Beis Medrash

07:30 am                  Shacharis – Gabbai Yonah Light

09:18 am                  Latest Shema

10:29 am                  Latest Shacharis

01:27 pm                  Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                  Early Mincha (Mon-Thurs)

07:45 pm                  Weekday Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thurs)

09:00 pm                  Maariv b’zmano

06:20 pm                  Fri Mincha before plag

07:42 pm                  Candle lighting next week



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am                        Morning Kollel                    R Shenker

Sun 8:00 am                        Business Halacha            M. Abramson

Mon-Fri 6:30 am                 Shachris- Kollel Boker    R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am                 Gemara Succah                Resumes June 2

Mon-Fri 8:30 am                 Mishne Brura                      Resumes June 2

Mon-Thurs 8:00 pm          Hilchos Shabbos               Resumes June 2

Mon/Wed 9:15 pm             Gemara Skills                     R Abramczik

Tues 8:15 pm                      Tehillim Group                    Weinsteins

Wed 8:00 am                       Valley AM Learning          R Heller

Wed 11:00 am                    Mommy, Me & Torah        Rbzn Shenker

Thurs 12:00 pm                 Pirkei Avos                          H. Witkin



Beha’aloscha - True Humility

Bam. 12:3 "And the man Moshe was the most humble person..."


Even though the Noda b’Yehuda, Rav Yechezkel Landau of Prague, did not have a particularly pleasing voice, nor was he an expert in the correct nusach (melodies) for Yom Kippur, at the insistence of the community leaders, he would lead the prayers at Neilah.


In the audience one year was a poor man who went around from door to door collecting tsedaka. The day after Yom Kippur, as he made his rounds, he began to imitate the Rov’s chanting of “mechalkel chaim b’chesed” (“He sustains life with kindness”) together with all of the Rov’s mannerisms. People were amused at this gimmick and gave more money than they normally gave. When word of this reached the community leaders, they were horrified at the lack of dignity and the humiliation of their revered Rabbi.  They informed Rav Yechezkel and requested that he issue a psak (decision) that the man should cease the imitations immediately or else they would expel him from the city.


The poor man came to the Rov and explained that he meant no disrespect and that he merely wished to entertain the people so that they would give him more money to live. Not only was Rav Yechezkel not angry, but he granted the man permission to continue to raise money in this way, and in order to satisfy doubters he even issued a certificate that stated:


I, Rav Yechezel Landau of Prague, permit Mr. So and So to support himself

with my “mechalkel chaim!”


Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Moshe Cohen



Halacha of the Week


Minchas Yitzchok held that it is permissible to unclog a toilet on Shabbos with a plunger since it is very easy to clear with a small push.  This would be certainly the case if it was the only toilet in the house, as it would be an issue of kavod habriyos. Nevertheless, it would be preferable to get a gentile to do it or use the plunger with your weaker hand.                 


Rav Moshe Feinstein held that you may only unclog a toilet with a plunger 1) if it is partially cloged and water can still flow through and 2) if can be cleared with one or two pushes.  However, if it totally clogged, then it is considered ma’aseh uman, expert work, and is considered uvda d'chol.  If there is an issue of kavod habriyos then you can be lenient and have a goy unclog it.










To Nigel Hamer, Cliff Alsberg, and all others who volunteered for our Security Patrol last Shabbos, and to those volunteering to our Patrol this Shabbos.

To To Jonathan & Tracy Tessler and their children, Talia, Hanna, and Asher for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route. Yasher Koach!



To Gil Weinreich on the publication of Who Really Wrote the Bible?  The book, co-written with R’ Eyal Rav-Noy of the Jewish Learning Academy, refutes the multiple-author theory, shows the Torah has only One Author, and reaffirms the importance of learning Chumash.

To Francesca BatSheva Brotman-Orner on her upcoming wedding.  Community women and girls are invited to her Shabbos kallah this Shabbos at 5:00 pm at the home of Julie and Scott Sobel, 9173 Airdrome (corner of Canfield).



The childcare team – Rena Halu, Ze’ev Amster, Saul Blinkoff, & Elana Aufrichtig -- for keeping things running smoothly.



For the refuah shleima of Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva.



Tamar’s office hours are 4-6 pm Mon-Thurs.  You can reach her at (310) 278-8672 x 305 or via email,, during these hours. 



R Cohen will be in Yerushalayim this week to attend international Aish meetings and will return Tues, June 1.  He is reachable by email at until Sunday.



If you notice any tallesim which are torn or damaged in any way, please leave them on top of the bookcase where the tallesim are kept so that we can repair them. 



We all feel very safe on Shabbos thanks to Matcal, our Israeli security patrol, which also advises us on security matters.  We only have enough funds to cover the next few weeks.  We ask that you please contribute toward this fund so that we can continue this very valuable service uninterrupted through the summer months.  Contact Tamar for details.



The early Shabbos Shacharis minyan continues this Shabbos at 8:00 am in the Sem Room.  Participants learn  b’chevrusah from 10-11 am.  For details, contact R Quinn.



There will be both a 7:00 am and an 8:00 am Shacharis minyan this Monday.



There are still many items that have been left on the coat racks over the winter. Please come and collect your belongings. They will be disposed of by Rosh Chodesh Tammuz!



The Aish Childcare Program invites your family to


A Day of Fun in the Sun!


Sun, June 13 from 10 am to 12 noon at Roxbury Park


For games, relay races, & playground fun with your madrichim!


No rsvp required.  All children should be accompanied by at least one adult..

Sponsorship opportunities available:






A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  At 11:00-11:30 am every Shabbos in the Library.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the pertinent 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg.  This Shabbos afternoon at 6:10 pm.  Use the ancient prophetical wisdom of the 48 Ways to make the most of this once a year opportunity.



A thought-provoking Shabbos afternoon class with Howard Witkin.  This Shabbos at 6:30 pm in the main shul.



To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker. Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun’s at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning. Men of all levels are welcome.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon through Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chabura has begun the sugya of zoreya – planting.



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 2nd perek of Kiddushin.  Every Mon & Wed, 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



Expectations and problem solving - getting past your roadblocks. An awesome Shalom Bayis class at 8 pm. Address with RSVP to or 310 927 5919. Cost is $20/couple



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



An interactive class for women by Judith Cohen.  Goals are: to develop intent & focus (kavana), to understand the essence of the tefillot, to know what to daven and when it is ok to interrupt. The ability to read Hebrew & understand basic words connected to tefilla is helpful. The 4th class of this 6-week series will take place from 12--1 pm at the home of the Blumenstrauchs, 1553 Roxbury Dr (enter via Monte Mar). Please bring an Artscroll siddur.  There will be no class on Memorial Day.



Including Friday night home hospitality with mega dessert oneg, Shabbos morning marriage/relationship classes, and lunch with a speaker all for just $18/couple. RSVP to or 310 927 5919.





We are pleased to offer our membership the opportunity to sponsor a week of R Cohen's morning Gemara Shiur for $180 – a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrtzeit, celebrate a Simcha, support Torah learning here at Aish, AND fulfill the Mitzvah of advancing Torah study! Please contact to sponsor your week.


This week’s learning is sponsored by Nigel & Traci Hamer in loving memory of Nigel's mother, Leah Bas Yosef (14 Sivan). May her neshama have an aliyah.


This week’s learning is sponsored by Gideon and Estee Kreiner in loving memory of Gideon’s grandmother, Maria Krajner, Miriam bas Yaakov (14 Sivan).  May her neshama have an aliyah.


**** **** ****


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sponsor this Week's Kiddush or Seudah Shlishis!

Sponsors Needed for Kiddush & Seudah Shlishis

Parshas Beha’aloscha


Please consider sponsoring this week's Kiddush or Seudah Shlishis

in honor of a birthday, an anniversary, a simcha, a yahrtzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


Kiddush Cost: $475

Seudah Shlishis Cost: $200


To sponsor, please reply to this email.


Thank you for your support. 

We look forward to seeing you on Shabbos.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dear Community,


  1. You can find highlights of the banquet at  For high res jpegs or prints of any of these photos, email Jonah Light at


  1. If you need to reach Rabbi Cohen, please use through Sunday. 


Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Kahn Torah Dedication Speech

Dear Community,


Below is the very moving speech Rick Kahn gave at the Kahn Torah Dedication at Aish on Shavuos a few weeks ago.  Enjoy.



Good Yom Tov everyone….Thanks for coming….My family and I appreciate your joining us for this special Hachnasas Torah…

Bershous Rabbi Cohen, other Rabbaim, and members of the community. I would like to recount some of the history of this particular Torah that we are honoring today.   We are not commemorating a new Torah…but rather a very, very old one, one with a remarkable journey.  


On the night of November 9th, 1938, all across Nazi Germany, on a night that would later become known as Kristalnacht, the German people took their first momentous and irrevocable step that would inevitably lead to the murder of 6 million Jews. In coordinated assaults in every place where Jews lived and worked, the German people murdered their first 91 Jews, destroyed or desecrated their first 267 synagogues, ransacked thousands of homes and businesses, and arrested the first 25,000 to 30,000 Jews who were immediately sent to the first concentration camps.   Most historians will acknowledge and designate the night of November 9th 1938 as the beginning of the Holocaust. 


About 30 miles from the Luxembourg border, in a small German town called Wawern, near the German city of Trier, about 30 Jewish families, who had lived integrated and peacefully with their neighbors for several decades, were unable to escape the terror of that night.   Their only synagogue was essentially demolished. Its windows and religious artifacts were shattered. Five of its precious 6 Torahs were thrown into the streets, unrolled, ripped, and trampled upon…and ultimately destroyed.   


On the morning of November 10th, Jews all over Germany were required to clean up the mess of the night before.  My Grandfather of blessed memory (Benyamin) - went into his demolished shul that early and cold morning, along with his fellow congregants, to begin that clean-up effort.  Aunt Herta, my father’s sister, who currently lives in Florida, (she should be well and live to 120) at the age of 10 was an actual eye witness to her father’s courage that morning.    


I am now going to read to you a translated excerpt of a letter that my grandmother, of blessed memory, wrote to my father, of blessed memory, on June 10, 1966…describing the events of that terrible evening and morning back in November 1938:


“…Since I am just writing to you, I will tell you the history of the Sefer Torah that you took with you.

After our Synagogue was demolished on Nov. 9th, 1938, and all of the Sefer Torahs were thrown out on the street and trampled on (the Synagogue had 6 of them) the Jews of our little community were told the next day to clean up everything.  In the rubbles of the synagogue they found a broken and soiled Torah and since everybody else was scared to do anything about it (it would have been dangerous to be caught with the Torah), your father had the courage to hide it under his coat and to take it home, since luckily we lived next door to the synagogue. Fortunately he was not caught or the consequences could have been severe. Since that time this Torah has accompanied us during all our immigrations, in a crate with our meager belongings when we left Germany, to Bolivia, and back to Luxembourg.  During the years in Luxembourg your father would study and read this Torah to prepare for each Shabbat.  But since we are getting pretty old, we decided that you should take this Torah back to the United States and donate it to your Synagogue.”


As was indicated, a couple months prior to my grandmother’s actual writing of this letter, my father went to Luxembourg to visit his parents.  He brought this Torah back to the United States, and donated it to his shul.   My grandmother and grandfather died shortly after my father’s visit to them, in 1967 and 1968, respectively.   


This Torah was originally written in the 1800s and is quite unusual in its script, column widths, column lengths, and parchment, which is actually deerskin.   It clearly has a very special and long history beyond its Kristalnacht experiences.  


This Torah sat quietly in a conservative shul in Arcadia.   It was never used as it was considered not kosher.  Yet growing up, I would watch my father proudly hold this Torah on Kol Nidre nights, continuing to hold on to his family and it legacy.  After 33 years of sitting idly, a new Rabbi came and commissioned a sofer from our community to repair this Torah which we affectionately called the Kahn Torah.  The shul had planned an event, similar to this one, in which my father would carry this Torah and the shul would accept it….and begin using it.  Unfortunately, my father’s first stroke prevented the proceedings from occurring as planned.   The shul decided to wait for my father to fully recover.   However, my father had a 2nd stroke and was nifter a few weeks thereafter, in May of 2000.    


In April of 2001, on a day my family was to unveil the gravestone at my father’s grave site, my brother joined my mother, Jill and me, in adding the final letters that would make this a kosher, usable Torah.  


Growing up, I was pretty detached from this Torah and my family’s story and history around it.   Not until about 18 months ago, as the reality of my son’s Bar Mitzvah came into focus, did we decide that it would be very cool to ascertain if this Torah could be loaned to us.  Our vision was that our son, Benyamin Naphtali, who is named after his remarkable great grandfather, might actually lain his Parsha – Balak – from the exact same Torah that his great grandfather had rescued, guarded, and read from every Shabbos.   


With the help of HaKadosh Baruch Hu, we were able to negotiate the loan of this Torah in the summer of 2009.  Again the Almighty intervened a 2nd time within the last 5 months, by facilitating the acquisition of the Arcadia shul by the Pasadena Conservative shul.  Jill and I thought that it didn’t make sense that this Torah be housed permanently in a place in which my father had absolutely no connection.  We began a dialogue with the President of the Pasadena shul, which was facilitated by Meira Amster’s mother, who was well connected to this shul’s President.  After several weeks of discussions, it was decided by their leadership that this Torah should rightfully be returned to the Kahn family where it will be housed in a place where the Kahns daven, learn Torah, and participate in a vibrant, observant Jewish community.     


Rabbi Cohen and my family made the decision to welcome this Torah to our community on this Shavuos - a day when the Jewish people received and accepted Torah…and on a day where I was able to say Yitzkor for my father, grandfather and grandmother – all of blessed memory.  We couldn’t imagine another more appropriate day to receive and accept and honor this Sefer Torah.   

And so on Parsha Balak, with my Aunt Herta, God willing, in attendance, our son and her great nephew Benyamin Naphtali will, God willing,  read some or all his parsha, from this Sefer Torah and add his name and his generation to its remarkable history.

In the merit of the arduous journey that this Torah went through to be here with us today, may its Kiddusha, and the honor that we bestow upon it, as the Holiday of Shavuos comes to its close, help us all to recommit and reconnect to Hashem through the study of His Torah and performance of His Mitzvot.  


Thank you all for coming and joining in this Simcha…Chag Samayach …



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blumenstrauch Visitation Hours Updated

Dear Community,

As an update to the last email, visiting hours at the Blumenstrauch home on Sun through Wed will conclude at 10 pm (instead of at Mincha/Maariv). 



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Blumenstrauch Shiva Information

Dear Community,


Dr. Roy Blumenstrauch will be sitting shiva until Thurs morning at their home, 1553 Roxbury Drive (enter via Monte Mar).


Sun Shacharis is at 8 am.  Sun Mincha/Maariv is at 7:30 pm.


Mon through Wed Shacharis is at 6:30 am.  Mon through Wed Mincha/Maariv is at 7:30 pm.


Thurs Shacharis is at 6:30 am. 


Visiting hours are daily: Shacharis to 1 pm and 5 pm to Mincha/Maariv. 

Visiting hours conclude on Thurs at 9 am.



Tamar Sullivan

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles


Friday, May 21, 2010

Shabbos Bulletin 5/22/2010



Parshas Naso

May 22, 2010 / 9 Sivan 5770


Click here for OU Parsha Insights and News:



Shabbos Schedule

Fri. May 21

07:33 pm                              Candle Lighting

06:20 pm                              Mincha before plag

Dvar Halacha                 R Cohen

07:38 pm                              Mincha / Maariv                  (Shul)

08:30 pm                              Krias Shema                       (earliest time)


Sat. May 22

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

09:19 am                              Krias Shema                       (Latest)

09:15 am                              Krias HaTorah                   Y Kovaks

10:30 am                              Kiddush                   

11:00 am                              Shiur                                      R Cohen

The Greatest Challenge in Marriage

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      (Lib) Rbzn Shenker

11:00 am                              Spirituality 101                  (Sem Rm) R Heller

06:10 pm                              The 48 Ways                       R Markman

06:18 pm                              Kiruv Kollel                          (Library) M Abramson

06:30 pm                              Pirkei Avos                          H Witkin

07:18 pm                              Mincha

07:45 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Cohen

08:30 pm                              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun. May 23 – Fri May 28

07:00/8:00 am                    Sun Shacharis

04:56 am                              Earliest Tallis – Beha’aloscha

06:00 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Eliezer Kahn

06:30 am                              Shacharis – Beis Medrash

07:30 am                              Shacharis – Gabbai Yonah Light

09:19 am                              Latest Shema

10:29 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:25 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                              Early Mincha (Mon-Thurs)

07:40 pm                              Weekday Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thurs)

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

06:20 pm                              Fri Mincha before plag

07:38 pm                              Candle lighting next week



in-Reach Class Schedule

Sun 7:30 am                        Morning Kollel                    R Shenker

Sun 8:00 am                        Business Halacha            M. Abramson

Mon-Fri 6:30 am                 Shachris- Kollel Boker    R Shenker

Mon-Fri 6:50 am                 Gemara Succah                Resumes June 2

Mon-Fri 8:30 am                 Mishne Brura                      Resumes June 2

Mon-Thurs 8:00 pm          Hilchos Shabbos               Resumes June 2

Mon/Wed 9:15 pm             Gemara Skills                     R Abramczik

Tues 8:15 pm                      Tehillim Group                    Weinsteins

Wed 8:00 am                       Valley AM Learning          R Heller

Wed 11:00 am                    Mommy, Me & Torah        Rbzn Shenker

Thurs 12:00 pm                 Pirkei Avos                          H. Witkin

Thurs 8:30 pm                    Moshe to Mishne Brura   Beis Medrash



Early Shabbos – Naso


R Avraham-Simcha Kaplan, the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Tzfas from 1948-1988 related the following story:


When I was learning in the yeshiva in Mir, I lived with a couple who had only one son. One Friday when I returned from the yeshiva I noticed the woman standing at the window, looking out for her husband's return. She kept repeating over and over in an anxious tone, "It's almost Shabbat, it is almost Shabbat…"                                                                      


I told her: "But there is still plenty of time. Shabbat won't be here for hours."                                         


She continued: “For many years after we were married we were childless. Then after years of suffering, we were finally blessed with a son. But to our sorrow, he was not developing properly. We suffered a great deal as we struggled to find out what was wrong with our son. The city's physician told us that the child a defect in his heart. He advised us to travel to a prestigious doctor who lived in Vilna. After examining the boy and performing various tests, the great doctor told us that our son would not survive more than a few years. Shattered and brokenhearted, we left the doctor's home. We decided to stop at Radin, home of the Chofetz Chaim on our way home.                                                                            


The Chofetz Chaim told us: “By noon on Friday, let the Shabbos  tablecloth be spread on the table, the candlesticks arranged, and from when you light candles do not do any work.”  As soon as we returned to Mir, we saw an improvement in our son. He started to develop and look like other boys his age. We visited our doctor and he was astonished by what he saw. We returned to Vilna to see the specialist. He could not believe it was the same boy. We told him the whole story. 


The woman concluded: "From that day to this, we complete all of our Shabbat preparations very early. That is why I'm worried about my husband's lateness in returning home!"


Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Moshe Cohen



Halachic Bulletin


If there is no minyan at the beginning of Shmone Esrei, and then a minyan forms before chazaras hashatz,


Shulchan Aruch permits the chazara. Radvaz does not permit the chazara.  Poskim are machmir for the Radvaz.


Where all 10 men overlapped at some part of Shmone Esrei, the Poskim agree that a regular Chazoras HaShatz may be recited.


(Thanks to Matt Ferry for asking this shayla J)









Seudah Shlishis is sponsored by Ada Abed in the merit of the complete and speedy recovery of Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva, Dani ben Rina, Tinok ben Miriam, Arielle bat Devorah, and Bracha Margalit bat Michal. 



- To Avraham Gordon, Gil Weinreich, and Cliff Alsberg for volunteering for our Security Patrol last Shabbos, and to those volunteering to our Patrol this Shabbos.

- A special thank you to Rick & Jill Kahn for their sponsorship of the Shavuos Neilas HaChag in honor of their Sefer Torah dedication, and to Dick & Beverly Horowitz for their sponsorship of the Shavuos Neilas HaChag in honor of the Kahns. 



- To Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen and family on the engagement of Menachem to Miriam Devorah Feiner from Monsey!

- To Erica and Michael Sommer on the birth of a daughter!



To Roy & Laurie Blumenstrauch and family on the passing of Roy’s mother, Mrs. Regina Blumenstrauch.  Shiva information will be sent via email as soon as possible.



Rick and Jill Kahn for their dedication of their historic Sefer Torah to our beloved Aish LA!

Harlan Schwartz, Jason & Michali Moore, Marty & Rina Pritikin, and an anonymous donor for sponsoring Shavuos night learning.



For the refuah shleima of Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva.



Tamar’s office hours are 4-6 pm Mon-Thurs.  You can reach her at (310) 278-8672 x 305 or via email,, during these hours. 



R Cohen will be in Yerushalayim next week to attend international Aish meetings and will return Tues, June 1. He is reachable by email at



If you notice any tallesim which are torn or damaged in any way, please leave them on top of the bookcase where the tallesim are kept so that we can repair them. 



We all feel very safe on Shabbos thanks to Matcal, our Israeli security patrol, which also advises us on security matters.  We only have enough funds to cover the next few weeks.  We ask that you please contribute toward this fund so that we can continue this very valuable service uninterrupted through the summer months.  Contact Tamar for details.



The early Shabbos Shacharis minyan continues this Shabbos at 8:00 am in the Sem Room.  Participants learn  b’chevrusah from 10-11 am.  For details, contact R Quinn.



Several people will be out of town next week.  Please help us ensure there is a daily minyan at 6:00 am at Aish as well as  at the Blumenstrauch home (times TBA).



Yeshar koach to the Rabbi Jacobs and Dalia Eliav for packing the shul with over 100 young professionals on Shavuos night!  We all felt the incredible energy.



There are still many items that have been left on the coat racks over the winter. Please come and collect your belongings. They will be disposed of by Rosh Chodesh Tammuz!



The Notowitz family invites the Aish community to a siyum this Shabbos afternoon for their children, Shira and Yitzchak, who have worked for two years to learn the first book of Shmuel!  The siyum is this Shabbos afternoon, from 4 pm to 6 pm at 1518 S. Crest Drive.  Light, pareve seudah shlishis will be served.  Children welcome when accompanied by responsible adult.  Come help us celebrate! 





We are pleased to offer our membership the opportunity to sponsor a week of R Cohen's morning Gemara Shiur for $180 – a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrtzeit, celebrate a Simcha, support Torah learning here at Aish, AND fulfill the Mitzvah of advancing Torah study! Please contact to sponsor your week.






A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  At 11:00-11:30 am every Shabbos in the Library.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the pertinent 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg.  This Shabbos afternoon at 6:10 pm.  Use the ancient prophetical wisdom of the 48 Ways to make the most of this once a year opportunity.



A thought-provoking Shabbos afternoon class with Howard Witkin.  This Shabbos at 6:30 pm in the main shul.



To join the daily morning learning program, please speak to R Shenker. Shacharis is at 6:30 am (Sun’s at 7:30 am) and is followed by chavrusa learning. Men of all levels are welcome.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon through Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chabura has begun the sugya of zoreya – planting.



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 2nd perek of Kiddushin.  Every Mon & Wed, 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



An interactive class for women by Judith Cohen.  Goals are: to develop intent & focus (kavana), to understand the essence of the tefillot, to know what to daven and when it is ok to interrupt. The ability to read Hebrew & understand basic words connected to tefilla is helpful. The 3rd class of this 6-week series will take place from 12--1 pm at the home of Judy Gruen, 1546 Crest Dr. Please bring an Artscroll siddur.  There will be no class on Memorial Day.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 30 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



Gentlemen, please join us in the Beis Medrash every Thurs., 8:30 – 9:30 pm for text-based chavrusa-learning and shiur with Rabbi Quinn.  Chumash, gemara, and halacha. Maariv to follow at 9:30 pm.


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