Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishis

Dear Community,


We still need a sponsor for Kiddush and Seudah Shlishis this week, Parshas Tazria. Please reply to this email if you would like to sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishis in honor of a Simcha, a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


See you on Shabbos!


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Announcements- 3/29

Dear Community,


TOMORROW: Don’t miss Judith Cohen’s class:  “What’s bugging you?” Learn the halachos of bug-checking with Judith Cohen. Wed. Mar 30th at 8:30pm at the home of Alison Ferry: 9550 Alcott St., Apt 102, on the southwest corner of Alcott and Reeves (entrance on Alcott). For more info:



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Friday, March 25, 2011

Wisdom for the Home class- cancelled

Dear Community,


Rebbitzen Sharon Shenker’s “Wisdom for the Home” class is cancelled for this Shabbos.

I apologize for any inconvenience.


Good Shabbos,


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Shabbos bulletin- 3/25

Good Shabbos!


Parshas Shemini- Parah

March 25, 2011 / 19 Adar II 5771


** David Wilstein’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah has been postponed.



Shabbos Schedule


Fri. March 25

06:50 pm                              Candle Lighting

05:30 pm                              Mincha / Maariv

06:55 pm                              Mincha/ Maariv    

07:38 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. March 26

08:00 am                              Parsha Insights- Cancelled                  

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

10:00 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:30 am                             Krias HaTorah         

                                               J Sher/ M Weinman/ R Cohen

10:15 am                              Dvar Torah              R Cohen

                                                “Never do Favors for Friends”

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              Shiur              R Cohen

                                                How do you know when you’re no longer a baal teshuva?

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      S Shenker

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Morry’s)          R Heller

05:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)        M Abramson

06:00 pm                              48 Ways                   R Markman

06:30 pm                              Mincha         

07:00 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Cohen

07:38 pm                              Maariv


Weekday Schedule


Sun. March 27 - Fri. April 1

07:00/8:00 am                    Sun Shacharis

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

06:05 am                              Earliest Tallis – Tazria

09:55 am                              Latest Shema

10:57 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:31 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                      Early Mincha

06:55 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

06:55 pm                              Candlelighting – Tazria

05:35 pm                              Mincha before plag/Maariv

07:00 pm                              Fri. Mincha






Keep your house clean the days before Pesach!

Join Aish LA for Shabbos Dinner & Lunch


April 15-16, 2011


Price per meal:

$18 per member / $10 per child

$36 per non-member / $18 per child


RSVP: or 310-278-8672 ext 305

By advanced registration only!



Shimini  - Teach your tongue to say "I don't know"


Vayikra 10:20 "Moshe heard and it was good in his eyes"

Rashi:  Moshe admitted his error and was not ashamed.


Moshe became upset when he heard that the additional offering of a goat (se'ir Rosh Chodesh) had not been eaten by Aaron and his remaining two sons. He confronted Elazar and Isamar, followed by Aaron, and demanded an explanation. Aaron explained that he had decided that the Rosh Chodesh offering was to be burned instead of eaten, since it was not a one-time sacrifice like the other offerings which were for the dedication of the Tabernacle, and the joy of the dedication would have been diminished if they had not been eaten. As soon as Moshe heard his words he admitted that Aaron was right. He had heard that halacha from HaShem but had forgotten it!

When the Beis HaLevi was appointed Rav in Brisk a very difficult question was brought to him and instead of giving a ruling he said:

“I do not know!” The questioners were surprised and left. Sometime later a similar thing happened. The community began to feel somewhat disappointed, but no one said anything. However when it happened a third time, a meeting of laymen was held to discuss this troubling situation. They decided that they had no choice but to ask him to leave. When they communicated this to him he smiled and said:

“Do not worry. B’ezras HaShem I shall answer all your questions from this point and on. I merely wished to show both you and myself that if it ever happens that I do not know the answer, I will not be embarrassed to admit it!


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Cohen



Advanced Halachic Bulletin


Shulchan Aruch O.C. 243:17 some hold if you make early Shabbos you can ask your friend who has not yet been mekabel Shabbos to do melacha for you.                                     

Rav Moshe Feinstein z”l held that although a man's wife does not need to be mekabel Shabbos when her husband does, nevertheless she should not do any melacha for him since her work is owned by him.






This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Richard and Kabrel Polak in honor of the yahrtzeit of Richard's father, Philip Polak, Mordechai ben Shlomo (21 Adar).  May his neshama have an aliyah.



No sponsor this week.



This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (5 Sivan).  May their neshamos have an aliyah. 


This week’s learning is sponsored by Peter and Sarah Weintraub as a refuah shelaima for David Wilstein. With Hashem’s help, we should be able to celebrate your 2nd Bar Mitzvah soon.



To Rbtzn Emunah Braverman on the passing of her father, Moshe Mordechai ben Zev.



-To everyone who contributed towards Eyaht for Matanos L’evyonim. Thanks to you, we were able to raise $7,085 for Rbzn Weinberg to distribute to the poor!

-To Deborah (Rude) Klein for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



For the refuah shleima of Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 



Due to the construction on the Annex, you must enter the Annex through the front entrance (on Pico) in order to get into Morah Tova’s group.



Forms for selling your chometz can be found in the back of the Shul.  Please turn it into the Aish Office by 11am on Mon, April 18.



If anyone has any good community Purim pictures (either taken at Shul or from your own Seudah) please email them to: for the next Aish hallway poster.



Donations are being collected for Keren Y&Y run by R Shlomo Kaplan.  100% of the money goes directly to families in Jerusalem in the form of food coupons. $180 covers all Passover food needs for a small family, $360 covers a medium family, and $540 covers a large family.  There are self-addressed envelopes in the back of the shul. You can also learn more and pay at their website:



The following items were left at the Cohen’s home on Purim: pewter colored rain jacket, blue umbrella with light wood handle, light brown patterned warm sweater, Lei. Please call 310 557-3509 or to claim.



Fredy is available on Sundays to clean your carpets for Pesach! For more info:





Learn the halachos of bug-checking with Judith Cohen. Wed. Mar 30th at 8:30pm at the home of Alison Ferry: 9550 Alcott St., Apt 102, on the southwest corner of Alcott and Reeves (entrance on Alcott). 



R’ Dov Heller’s seminar- Sun, March 27 at 8pm- “The Ten Reasons to Ensure that You Don’t Marry the Wrong Person.” $5 per person. To reserve your place for either seminar:  (310) 659-7449 or


Jewish Marriage Institute

Join the Shenkers for another great couple's class on April 4th at 8pm. The topic will be: “Communication and Problem Solving.” $10 donation. RSVP to or 310-927-5919.


A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah has begun the melacha of shochet.



Get your daily dose of Pesach halacha from 8:30– 9:00 am as R Cohen takes you inside the Mishne Brura for hands-on halachos for the seder.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour in the Aish Annex.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg at 6:00 pm.  Topic: Peace of Mind.


“Weekly Dose of InspirAISHon”

Last week R’ Raphael Lapin taught us: “With the plethora of hechsharim abound in the today’s world of kashrus, it has become confusing for the average consumer. In fact, we have come to perceive that the little kosher stamp or label deems a product kosher or treif. Though the kosher label is a good general guideline as to what is kosher or not, we must remember that it is not the label that makes it kosher – it is the ingredients!  This is a good axiom to live by whether examining ourselves or relating to others – it is not our label that makes us kosher, it’s our ingredients.”



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Thursday, March 24, 2011

URGENT: victims of yesterday's bombing

Dear Community,


The following is from an update from the One Family Fund today (3/24): 


Please pray for the following victims of yesterday’s Jerusalem bombing:

Odelia Nechama bat Michal - suffered serious head injuries and is in intensive care. Her life is still in danger.

Natan Daniel ben Shulamit - a 17-year-old student who is in serious condition.  He suffered massive internal injuries and has had a number of internal organs removed. 

Leah Bracha bat Shoshana - is a 19-year-old seminary student.  She suffered burns to her legs and arms as well as serious shock.

David Amoyal - David is the owner of the snack stand next to the bus stop.  He told everyone to run away and then called the police, and was on the phone with them when the bomb exploded.  He suffered injuries to his legs and feet and lower body.  He is in moderate condition.

Sasson ben Shulamit - This is the second time Sasson has been injured in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.  He suffered lower body injuries and serious post-traumatic symptoms.

Ad Shapira - Ad is 18 years old and just about to complete high school.  She suffered light orthopedic injuries and is in good condition in hospital.

Shilo ben Ofra - Shilo is 15 years old, and suffered burns and fractures to his legs and lower abdomen.  He is sedated in intensive care.

Daniel ben Nurit - Daniel is 13 years old, and suffered lacerations and shrapnel injuries to his lower extremities, and is likely to be released from the hospital before Shabbat.

Elchanan ben Alona - Elchanan is 14 years old, and suffered serious injuries to his feet.  One ankle and three of his toes were crushed.  He has had one operation and will require more surgery.  He will likely be in the hospital at least 2-3 weeks.

Netanel ben Shlomit - Netanel is 18 years old and works as a security guard at the bus station.  He was injured in the abdomen and had surgery.  He is now recuperating in the hospital.



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Postponed Bar Mitzvah

Dear Community,


Please note that David Wilstein’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah is being postponed. We will keep you informed of when it will be happening.


All the best,


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

URGENT- Tehillim for girl injured in bus bombing

Dear Community,


Please take a moment to say Tehilim for all those injured in the bus bombing today, including Leah Bracha bas Shoshana Basya, a seminary girl who was injured this morning and is in surgery right now.


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Announcements- 3/23

Dear Community,


- David Wilstein’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah is being postponed. We will let you know when it will take place.


- We still need a sponsor for Seudah Shlishis this week, Parshas Shemini. Please reply to this email if you would like to sponsor Seudah Shlishis in honor of a Simcha, a yahrzeit, or just to support Aish LA.


-Don’t miss Judith Cohen’s “The ABC's of Spring Pesach cleaning,” tonight in the Aish seminar room at 8:15 pm. For more info, email


Thank you!


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Monday, March 21, 2011

Pesach class- this Wednesday

Dear Community,


Don’t miss this opportunity to make your Pesach cleaning as stress-free as possible!

This Wednesday, March 23, Judith Cohen will be teaching “The ABC's of Spring Pesach cleaning,” in the Aish seminar room at 8:15 pm. For more info, email



Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Braverman Shiva

Dear Community,


Mrs. Emuna Braverman is still sitting shiva today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday). Hours are between 10-12 and 2-4pm. Please only come during these hours to the Braverman home, 1441 Livonia Ave. 90035.

There will be no minyan at the house.

Her email address is


Besoros Tovos,


Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


Friday, March 18, 2011

Shabbos bulletin- 3/18

Good Shabbos!


Parshas Tzav

March 18, 2011 / 12 Adar II 5771


Shabbos Schedule


Fri. March 18

06:44 pm                              Candle Lighting

05:30 pm                              Mincha / Maariv

                                      Machzis HaShekel            R Cohen

06:50 pm                              Mincha/ Maariv    

07:32 pm                              Krias Shema (earliest time)


Sat. March 19

08:25 am                              Shacharis        

10:00 am                              Krias Shema (Latest time)

09:30 am                              Krias HaTorah         J Sher/ R Cohen

10:15 am                              Esther- A Very Cool Lady           R Cohen

10:45 am                              Kiddush

11:15 am                              Why Arabs hate Jews     R Cohen

11:00 am                              Wisdom for the Home      S Shenker

11:15 am                              Spirituality 101 (Morry’s)          R Heller

05:30 pm                              Kiruv Kollel (Library)   M Abramson

06:00 pm                              48 Ways                   R Markman

06:30 pm                              Mincha         

07:00 pm                              Seudah Shlishis                 R Bloom       

08:15 pm                      Maariv

08:30 pm                      Megillah


Weekday Schedule

              Sun. March 20 Fri. March 25

08:00 am                      Sun Shacharis

08:30 am                      Megillah

06:00/7:30 am                    Mon – Fri Shacharis

06:15 am                              Earliest Tallis – Shemini

10:00 am                              Latest Shema

11:01 am                              Latest Shacharis

01:31 pm                              Earliest Mincha

05:40 pm                      Early Mincha

06:50 pm                      Mincha/Maariv

09:00 pm                              Maariv b’zmano

06:50 pm                              Candlelighting – Shemini

05:30 pm                              Mincha before plag/Maariv

06:55 pm                              Fri. Mincha


Purim Schedule:


Shabbos March 19th        

Seudah Shlishis                 7:00 pm       

Havdalah at home           


Machzis HaShekel            8:15 pm

Megillah                    8:30 pm


Sunday, March 20th

Shachris                  8:00 am

Megillah                    8:30 am

(Please be prompt)

Mincha                                  1:30 pm

(Please be sober)

2nd Megillah (Morry’s)       1:30 pm

Happy hour(s) @

the Cohens                         4:00 pm (and on!)

(Please be inebriated)

Maariv                                   9:00 pm

(Please show up)







Purim shpiel


 In Volozhin one year the Yiddish theatre performed a Purim skit depicting the scene just before the Jewish army went to war. One hundred thousand soldiers gathered together to hear their last minute instructions on the battlefield.  It was announced that anyone who had built a new house and not yet lived in it should return home from the front.  Immediately 10,000 soldiers turned around and left the battlefield.  Then the Kohen Gadol called out that whoever had planted a vineyard and not reaped the benefits should return, whereupon another 10,000 soldiers picked up and left.  The next announcement was that whoever was engaged to be married should leave and another 10,000 left. Then the final announcement was made.  Whoever was afraid because they had sinned even a small transgression should also return home.  All the remaining soldiers threw down their weapons and departed, except for four soldiers, the Sha'agas Aryeh, the Noda B'Yehuda, the Vilna Gaon and the Pnei Yehoshua.                                     

Rav Lazer Silver of Cincinnati, a talmid of Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky, related that when they told this humorous story over to Rav Chaim Soloveitchik his only comment was that they forgot to tell over the punch line….that these four tzaddikim won the war!

A freilichin Purim!


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Cohen



Parshas Zachor


R. Moshe z”l held that women should come to shul to hear the reading

Chazon Ish z”l held that women were exempt from hearing zochor.






Kiddush is sponsored this week by Bob and Pat Shuken in honor of the yahrtzeit of Bob’s mother, Harriet (14 Adar).  May her neshama have an aliyah, and may her memory be for a blessing.



Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Edward and Elissa Czuker l’ilyui nishmas Edward’s father, Mr. Jan Czuker, Yosef ben Menachem Mendel z”l. May his neshama have an aliyah.


Seudah Shlishis is sponsored this week by Rabbi Eli and Shoshana Rivka Bloom who is making a siyum on Seder Zera’im in honor of the shloshim of Eli’s grandmother, Alta Chana bas Yechiel.


Seudah Shlishis is sponsored anonymously in honor of Rabbi Bloom’s siyum on Seder Zera’im with the Mishnayos Chabura.



This week’s learning is sponsored by Roy and Laurie Blumenstrauch in honor of Roy’s parents, Yosef ben Binyomin (2 Tammuz) and Rivka bas Hirsch (5 Sivan).  May their neshamos have an aliyah. 



To Frank and Esther Avital Gottesman on naming their daughter, Naomi Eliora.



To Bill and Geula Dickerman for delivering the Tomchei Shabbos route this week.



For the refuah shleima of Bracha Sara Chaya bas Ronit, Rafael Aryeh ben Batsheva and Tanya Aviv bas Sara. 



Mishne Brure: It is more important to give money to the poor on Purim than it is to give gifts to your friends or have a large meal. Every Purim, Rbzn Weinberg from Eyhat distributes gifts to poor families in Yerushalayim and LA. Your tax deductible check may be made out to Aish HaTorah, marked Purim gift, and slipped under the front door of the Aish Office by sunset on Purim day. It will be given out on Purim by Rbzn Weinberg to the poor families in order to fulfill the mitzvah of matanos l’evyonim.



All kids in costume are invited to be in our costume pageant immediately after the nighttime Megillah reading.  Treats will be given to those in costume. 



Due to the construction on the Annex, you must enter the Annex through the front entrance (on Pico) in order to get into Morah Tova’s group.





R’ Dov Heller’s seminar- Sun, March 27 at 8pm- “The Ten Reasons to Ensure that You Don’t Marry the Wrong Person.” $5 per person. To reserve your place for either seminar: (310) 659-7449 or



Another great marriage class with Rabbi & Reb. Shenker, Mon night, April 2, 8pm at Aish, $10. “Great Expectations and a Greater Vision.”



A Shabbos class with Rbzn Sharon Shenker!  Gain marriage insights and bring kedusha to your home.  Every Shabbos morning at 11:00 am in the library.



R Cohen is available to assist learning Hilchos Shabbos b’chavrusa Mon – Thurs from 8-9 pm in the Aish Beis Medrash. The chaburah is beginning the melacha of shochet.



Get your daily dose of Pesach halacha from 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. as R. Cohen takes you inside the Mishne Brure for hands on halochos for the seder.



R Shimon Abramczik, formerly of LINK and now a rebbe at YOLA, is teaching a Gemara skills class on the 1st perek of Bava Kama.  Every Mon & Wed 9:15 – 10 pm, in the Aish Beis Medrash.



For women & young children every Wed at 11 am for one hour at Aish.  There is circle time with davening, songs, play, and snack time, followed by a 20 min parsha class with Rbtzn Shenker.



R Aryeh Markman is teaching the 48 Ways of Rabbi Noach Weinberg at 4:30 pm.  Topic: Get Into Reality!


Last week’s “Dose of InprirAISHon”

Last Shabbos, Jonah Light told us the story about stumbling across not-yet affiliated Jews at a local cupcake bakery. He reminded us that we should always be on the lookout for Kiruv opportunities, and even if the people you meet don't immediately "bite" at your offer to connect, it doesn't mean you have to give up... Keep inviting them, and they might just come!"




Menucha Cohen

Community Coordinator

Aish Los Angeles

(310) 278-8672 ext. 305


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