Friday, September 29, 2006

Baruch Dayan HaEmes

Condolences to Ellie Kulman on the passing of her sister, Catherine today. The Leviah will be at the Home of Peace, Sunday at 10 AM. The service will be at the gravesite, which is just past the entrance on the right.   


Directions:Take the 10 Freeway East, to the 60 freeway. Exit Downey Rd (turn right onto Downey Rd.). Stay on Downey Rd. for one long block. Left onto Whittier. Cemetery entrance is on the right about halfway down the block - 4334 Whittier Blvd.


May she and her family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Shabbos Bulletin


SEPTEMBER 30, 2006/ 8 TISHREI 5767




06:22 p.m.   Candle lighting

06:33 p.m.   Mincha            

                    PEP                             R Cohen        

07:20 p.m.   Krias Shema             (earliest time)



08:25 a.m.   Shacharis

09:15 a.m.   Krias HaTorah           Jon Sher       

09:45 a.m.   Krias Shema              (latest time)                          

10:15 a.m.   Spirituality  101         R' Heller

10:15 a.m.   Dvar Torah                cancelled       

11:00 p.m.   Kiddush                      

11:30 a.m.   Shiur                           cancelled       

04:15 p.m.   Abstinence                Jeff Gruen

05:00 p.m.   Shabbos Shuva Drosha R' Cohen

                    Who is a True Ba’al Teshuva?

06:00 p.m.   Mincha                                     

06:30 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis                     

07:20 p.m.   Maariv


Sun. October 1: erev yom kippur

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

05:48 a.m.               Earliest Tallis - Yom Kippur

09:45 a.m.               Latest Shema

10:44 a.m.               Latest Shachris

01:13 p.m.               Earliest Mincha

01:15 p.m.               Mincha

06:19 p.m.               Candlelighting

06:30 p.m.               Kol Nidrei

Dvar Torah            R’ Cohen

To Err is Human to Forgive is Divine Part 1

07:17 p.m.              Shema (earliest time)


mon. october 2: yom kippur

08:00 a.m.               Shacharis

08:30 a.m.               Borchu

09:45 a.m.               Shema (latest time)

10:00 a.m.               Krias HaTorah

10:30 a.m.               Dvar Torah

10:45 a.m.               Yizkor

11:00 a.m.               Musaf

02:00 p.m.               Break

04:00 p.m.               Mincha

05:15 p.m.               Dvar Torah

To Err is Human to Forgive is Divine Part 2

05:30 p.m.             Neilah

07:00 p.m.             Maariv

07:13 p.m.             Fast Ends

Havdola/ Kiddush HaChodesh/ Breakfast


06:00/06:50 a.m.    Weekday Shacharis

06:25 p.m.              Weekday Mincha/Maariv

09:00 p.m.              Weekday Maariv

Yom Kippur - True Forgiveness        


R' Moshe Feinstein Z'’L once instructed the losing side to apologize to the

winning side, after concluding an arbitration between two Jews/

“I apologize for any aggravation I caused you,” said the losing side.

“No problem!” replied the winning side “I was obviously meant to go through

this suffering!”

R' Moshe however was still not satisfied and insisted:

“Tell him explicitly that you forgive him.”

“I’m really fine with it. I’m not upset.” reiterated the losing side.

“That is not enough,” said R' Moshe. “You must tell him clearly and

unequivocally that you forgive him!”

Realizing that R' Moshe was insistent, he said, “I forgive you.”  

R' Moshe then wished them well and sent them on their way. A student

who saw the incident asked why the Rosh Yeshiva insisted that he forgive him.

R' Moshe explained that Chazal teach us that the Jews suffered the terrible

loss of the ten martyrs (i.e., Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues) because Yosef’s ten

brothers sold him as a slave. 

Rabbenu Bachya questioned why this should have been so, as the brothers

asked him to forgive them.  He proceeded to answer that although Yosef

had told the brothers not to be distressed and not to reproach themselves for

having sold him, since it was HaShem’s will, however he never said the

words “I forgive you!”  

Because of this, the sin still hung over their heads and they were punished for it

through their descendants!”



kiddush sponsorship

Dick and Beverly Horowitz are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of their first born grandson, Yitzchak Horowitz's Bar Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to parents, Sam and Ruth,  Michael and Alona and family!




Welcome to the 8th grade Hebrew School Class of Temple Israel of Long Beach!



Mazel Tov

To Tzipporah Stern on the birth of a granddaughter born to son of Bart Stern z"l, Jonathon and Chana Esther in St. Louis.



shabbos shuva drosha

Rabbi Cohen's Shabbos Shuva Drosha will beg promptly at 5:00 p.m.  Childcare will be provided.



Yom kippur At aish

Your seating card for YK will be available to you Sun. eve before davening to be placed on the seat of your choice. Please put your Machzorim and articles on your own chair during the High Holidays. The seat next to yours was paid for by someone else. Please do not remove names from seats. Thank you for your consideration.



Great Mitzvah Opportunity Still Available!

The ‘silent auction’ for aliyos on Yom Kippur is still up and running. The deadline for bidding is Sun Oct 1 until noon. To make a bid, contact auction leader Bill Gross at 553-5999ext 412 or


Simchas torah luncheon at aish

We are planning a Simchas Torah community lunch on Sun, Oct 15.   There will be two seatings, one at 1:00 p.m. for the women and children, and one at 2:30 p.m. for the men.  Please indicate which seating you will be attending. Cost for the lunch is $5 for 2-5 yr olds., $15 for 6-12 yr. olds, and $20 for adults. If you do not have a paid reservation there will not be a seat for you! Call Naami ext. 720 to sign up!



sukkah building party

The building and decorating of the Aish Sukkah is a mitzvah and a community project.  There will be a Sukkah building party on Thurs, Oct 5, from approx. 10:00am - 1:00pm. Anyone handy at putting things together is greatly needed. Sukkah decorating will be Fri Oct 6 from 10:00am-noon. All kids, adults welcome. Pizza and drinks will be served!


Upcoming Israel Adventure

Now is the time to refer friends, family members and acquaintances ages 22-33 years for our upcoming Israel Adventure Trip Dec 26- Jan 7. Please help us fill this trip with high quality singles and young professionals you may know. For more info contact Rabbi Yitz Jacobs or Rebbeztin Chana Heller.



Don’t miss this inspirational, educational weekend with the Aish staff and partners from all over the world! Thurs Nov 30 - Sun Dec 3 at the Westin Hotel, in Stamford, CT. See R' Markman for details or www.



Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Tuesday                  8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday             8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday             8:30 pm           Michael Abramson      Sefer HaChinuch

Wednesday             7:30 pm           Meir Dovid Schwartz   Way of G-d

Thursday                 12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Shmuel Petlak             Mishneh Torah

Thursday                 8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness



please daven

Please daven for Leah Tova bas Sara. She needs your prayers! Important name change: Aviva Steinberg is now Sara Aviva bas Tova. A new misheberech list has begun. Contact Naami ext 720 with names.




A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Every Wed. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris.




This week's reading is PEP! Binah, 440-445.


Advanced Halachic bulletin

Shulchan Aruch 616:2 There are no limitations on children below nine eating on Yom Kippur. Such a child may eat as much as he wants whenever he wants.  Even if the child wants to fast, we do not allow him to. This does not mean that the child must be forced to eat right away, but that any degree abstinence, which parents would deem unhealthy under normal circumstances should not be allowed on Yom Kippur.

Healthy children nine and above (or weak children of ten) should fast “for hours” as chinuch. This means that he should eat his morning meal an hour after the time he usually does. The amount of the delay in eating depends on the strength of the child. Some opinions hold that all meals should be delayed during the course of the day. However, it would seem that if the child broke his fast already and will eat the same amount of food anyway, it should not make any difference whether his next meal is earlier or later. Only if a child of this age complains of great thirst should he be given to drink at night.



Break The Fast Party of the Season for Young Professionals!

Aaron's Tent and JConnect cordially invite all Young Jewish Professionals to the "Break the Fast" Party of the Season.  Monday, Oct 2nd, 8:00pm--? Location: 2310 Guthrie (corner of David St.) in BeverlywoodFood, music, Fun. Free of Charge! RSVPs appreciated to  by Sunday, October 1st (but not required).



Have a great Shabbos!

K’Siva V’Chasima Tova!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Monday, September 25, 2006

Important Tehillim Tonight at Aish

As R’ Cohen announced on Rosh HaShana, there will be a special Tehillim for Laura Petlak, Leah Tova bas Sara tonight at 7:00 PM (between Mincha and Maariv) for about 20 minutes at Aish.


Please make every effort to be there!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







Friday, September 22, 2006

Shabbos and Rosh Hashana Bulletin


SEPTEMBER 23, 1996

1 TISHREI 5767


06:32 p.m.   Candle lighting

06:42 p.m.   Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos                

07:30 p.m.   Krias Shema                         (earliest time)



08:00 a.m.   Shacharis

09:30 a.m.   Krias HaTorah                       Jon Sher/Avraham Gordon            

09:43 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)              

10:00 a.m.   Dvar Torah                            R' Cohen       

                    Rosh HaShana: What's all the Din About?

10:30 a.m.   Musaf

06:15 p.m.   Mincha                                     

07:00 p.m.   Seudah Shlishis                     

07:30 p.m.   Candle Lighting/Maariv


sunday, september 24

08:00 a.m.   Shacharis

09:30 a.m.   Krias HaTorah

09:44 a.m.   Krias Shema                          (latest time)

10:00 a.m.   Dvar Torah                            R' Braverman

10:15 a.m.   Shofar

10:30 a.m.   Musaf

06:40 p.m.   Mincha

07:30 p.m.   Maariv



monday, september 25

fast of Gedalya

05:33 a.m.   Fast Begins

05:45/6:50   Shacharis

06:15 p.m.   Mincha

07:15 p.m.   Maariv

07:23 p.m.   Fast Ends

05:45/6:50   Weekday Shacharis

06:30 p.m.   Weekday Mincha

09:00 p.m.   Weekday Maariv


Good Judgment - Rosh Hashana

One year R' Dovid Lelov decided to spend Rosh HaShana with his mentor,

the Chozeh of Lublin. He took along an orphan whom he was raising in his

house to see the great Chozeh. Before Tekios, the Chozeh cloistered himself

privately in his study. R' Dovid was chosen to enter the study and bring the

Chozeh to Musaf.  When he entered, the boy took the opportunity to

accompany him. The Chozeh turned to him and asked:

“Have you begun to learn Gemora yet?”

“Yes!” he answered.

“What are you studying?” continued the Chozeh.

Edyos.” replied the boy. 

“Did you find anything in this Gemora difficult?” asked the Chozeh.

“I didn’t understand why our sages say that relatives are invalid for giving good

and bad testimony. I can understand why their positive testimony is invalid;

after all a person will do all he can to protect his relative. But why would his

negative testimony be rejected? If a man will say negative things about a

relative, it must  certainly be true, because what person would falsely accuse his

own relative?

“How did you resolve your question?” probed the Chozeh.

It says that two men must stand to give testimony. What kind of person could

give negative testimony against a realative? Such a person is not worth of the

name ‘man’, and so for this alone he is invalid to give testimony.”

The Chozeh’s turned to R' Dovid and smiled

“Even a child understands that a person cannot see evil in his relative. If so,

surely HaShem doesn’t see any evil in his children!”

The Chozeh then rejoined the congregation, confident that the judgment for

the year would be good!!

kiddush sponsorship

there is no kiddush this week!


thank you

A special thank you to Jacob and Pico Cleaners once again for cleaning our Tallisim at no charge! Please check the Tzitzis now that they have been drycleaned.


To Jon Sher and Avraham Gordon for reading from the Torah with the special High Holiday nusach.


To Dr. Manny Saltiel for being the Baal Shacharis.


To all of those that have bid on a RH or YK honor and made the auction a success!


mazal tov!

To Becky Shokrian on her engagement to Hadar Rothstein!



Please put your Machzorim and articles on your own chair during the High Holidays. The seat next to yours was paid for by someone else. Please do not remove names from seats. Thank you for your consideration.


Great Mitzvah Opportunity Still Available!

The ‘silent auction’ for Yom Kippur is still up and running. See the list of aliyahs and their current prices on the seats. The deadline for bidding Sept 28 for Yom Kippur.

To make a bid, contact auction leader Bill Gross at 553-5999ext 412 or




Please select a few of your favorite recipes that you would like to submit for inclusion in a cookbook that is being prepared to benefit EYAHT.  E-mail your selections to or mail to the Aish office attn. Naami.




The Mitzvah Store is pleased to participate in a Kiruv program in association with Aish. Buy a second set of Arbah Minim for a friend who has never owned one before, pay only $30 (regular price $40 and up). This is a wonderful opportunity to share a Mitzvah with one or more of your non-frum friends. Invite them to your Succah or to shul for Succos, give them the gift of their very own Lulav and Esrog, and let them experience a little bit of Gan Eden, the Kosher way.



Pre Pesach Planning

After a fabulous weekend with the Twerski's in Running Springs, we are planning a Pesach retreat there run by R' Cohen for the Aish community. Standard rooms for Aish members at $1375/person based on double occupancy, and brand new luxury suites will be available for $100 more a night. Special deals are available for children. Speak to R' Cohen or Naami for more information before the opportunity passes.


Listing of Weekly Classes at aish center

Monday        7:30 pm           Rebbetzin Shenker     Sukkos

Monday        8:30 pm           Bill Gross                    Speech

Tuesday      8:00 pm           Mark Sarto                   Success through Torah

Wednesday 8:00 pm           David Notowitz            Beginner's Mishnah

Wednesday 8:30 pm           Michael Abramson      Sefer HaChinuch

Wednesday 7:30 pm          Meir Dovid Schwartz   Way of G-d

Thursday     12:00 noon      Howard Witkin             Pirkei Avos

Thursday     8:00 pm           Shmuel Petlak             Mishneh Torah

Thursday     8:00 pm           Bill Gross                    48 Ways to Happiness


5767 practitioner's guide to high holidays

They are now available in the back of the shul!


new misheberch list

A new list will begin after Rosh HaShana. Contact Naami ext 720 with names.


please daven

Please daven for laura Petlka, Leah Tova bas Sara. She needs your prayers!

Important name change: Aviva Steinberg is now Sara Aviva bas Tova.




A few precious minutes can make a difference!

Every Wed. 8:30pm at the home of Ze'ev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 Edris.




This week's reading is Kedushas HaShem & Kedushah D’Amidah 431-440.



Advanced Halachic bulletin

No breath may taken between the short beeps of the Teruah, or the longer beeps between each Shevarim. There are two views of how to blow the Shevarim-Terurah combination. Some hold that no breath may be taken between them and even B’diavad, a breath between them invalidates the blast. Others hold that a breath should be taken between the Shevarim and the Teruah. The custom in most congregations is to do it both ways; the Tekios before Musaf are blown with no breath taken between the Shevarim-Teruah, while the Tekios during and after Musaf are blown with a break for drawing a breath between the Shevarim-Teruah. There are several ways to blow the Shevarim sound. Some blow short, straight blasts, others make a slight undulation. Some opinions hold that when the Shevarim-Teruah sound is blown, there may not be any break at all between them. Some authorities insist that the Tekiah sound be straight and clear from beginning to end, with no fluctuation of pitch throughout the entire blast.


Have a wonderful Shabbos and Shana Tova!!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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