Friday, July 06, 2007

Shabbos Bulletin


Parshas Pinchas

July 7, 2007 / 21 Tammuz 5767


Shabbos Schedule

Friday, July 6

 07:49 pm              Candle Lighting                   

 06:30 pm              Mincha

 PEP!                      R’ Cohen                   S’lach Lanu

 08:47 pm              Krias Shema             (earliest time)

        Saturday, July 7

 08:25 am              Shacharis                 

 09:15 am              Krias HaTorah          Nat Eisman

 09:20 am              Krias Shema             (latest time)

 10:15 am              Spirituality 101         R’ Heller

 10:20 am              Dvar Torah                R’ Cohen

 11:00 am              Kiddush                    

 11:30 am              Shiur                          R’ Cohen

                    A Man’s Gotta Do…

 06:00 pm              I Like Parsha!           Dave Sorani

 06:30 pm              Pirkei Avos               Howard Witkin

 06:30 pm              Kiruv Kollel               Michael Abramson

 06:30 pm              Gemara Brochos     R’ Cohen

 07:30 pm              Mincha                                              

 08:00 pm              Seudah Shlishis                  

                                Dvar Torah                Steve Fox

 08:50 pm              Maariv


Weekday Schedule

Sun July 8

 08:00 am              Shacharis

 04:34 am              Earliest Tallis – Pinchas

 09:23 am              Latest Shema

 10:34 am              Latest Shacharis

 01:34 pm              Earliest Mincha

 05:40 pm              Mincha for rest of the summer

 07:50 pm              Mincha/Maariv

 09:00 pm              Maariv for rest of the summer

06:00/7:30 am      Weekday Shacharis


Pinchas – Who will live and who will die?

Bamidbar 25:8 The Midrash relates that HaShem performed twelve miracles for Pinchas on account of his Mesiras Nefesh (unreserved commitment) on the day that he executed Kozbi and Zimri.


In the town of Mir, after the outbreak of the First World War, a miracle occurred on Rosh HaShana. The bachurim had gone to the great synagogue to pray when suddenly a large contingent of Russian troops arrived in the courtyard and surrounded all the synagogues. They were looking for “draft dodgers.” Needless to say, the entire Mir Yeshiva was composed of “draft dodgers! The danger was very great because if they were apprehended they would be taken straight away into the army….or worse! A decision needed to be made immediately whether they should spread out among the other Shuls and blend in with the other mispallelim, or remain in the great synagogue where they would be surely arrested if the army came to check.

Rav Yerucham decided that everyone should stay and pray. Everyone who was present that day remembered the fervor of their Tefillah. It was completely different from any Tefillah they had prayed before or since. The soldiers searched all the other shuls in the courtyard but no one set foot inside the great synagogue!!



Renee and Yitzchak Glickstein are sponsoring Kiddush in honor of their daughter Tova’s birthday.



Dick and Beverly Horowitz are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in honor of the marriage of Ariella Firestone to Avi Gabay!


Steve and Stacy, Simon and Jacob Fox are sponsoring Seudah Shlishis in memory of Steve’s father, Sandy Fox’s 5th Yarzheit. We love and miss you so much.



Mazel Tov to David and Ilene Brookler on the birth of a boy!

Mazel Tov to the Firestones on the marriage of Ariella!

Mazel Tov to Ross and Mariana Begun on the naming of their son, Aaron.

Mazl Tov to the Kaufman family (Monsey) on the engagement of Eli to Amanda Jacob from LA.



Thank you to R’ Lichtenstein for donating a Tallis for the Shaliach Tzibur in memory of his father!

Thank you to Jon Sher for driving the Aish route of Tomchei Shabbos this week!


Rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash begins next shabbos!

A class for women based on the Rambam’s Hilchot Beit Habechira. Take a virtual tour of the Beis Hamikdash and get a glimpse into what life was like (and will be like) when the Beis Hamikdash was flourishing. Shabbos afternoon, 6:30pm July 14th and 21st at Aish with Adina Sher.


Childcare Program

We are seeking cash donations to enhance our program including the purchase of board games, card games and other toys.  Donations of the toys, themselves, will also be welcome.  We also want to purchase some additional ground-shade for the kids.  If you have other suggestions to improve our Childcare Program, please contact Naami Heller and Mark Shmagin. 


Boys Shabbat Program

This Shabbos at 10am, R’ Cohen will address the boys (ages 5 and up) with a D’var Torah and Shabbos story. Please remember that the boys' Shabbos program begins at 9:15AM with Shacharis and is supervised until Kiddush.  Boys not in this program should be in Shul with their fathers.


Pre-Bar Mitzvah Boys:  Layning Training

Jon Sher has again agreed to provide Torah-Layning training for boys between ages 9-12.  Mr. Sher will meet with a select handful of boys from 10-10:30am, every other Shabbos, beginning this week.  To read Maftir, see Jon Sher.


Build and Be Built!

There are some great opportunities to strengthen your connection to the community through volunteering just 15 minutes of your time each week.  If you'd like to explore ways you can support Aish and our shul, please contact Mark Shmagin.


Save a Life

A father of two young children needs a DNA donor to combat bone cancer.  You can take a quick, simple saliva test at Nessah Synagogue July 8th & 9th from 9am-4pm. For more info, call Kousha 310-993-3703 or Fran 310-913-0940.


Rabbi Azriel Muller

The Leventhals are hosting a Motzei Shabbos learning program with R’ Azriel Muller of Orech L'Shabbos (providing for the poor in Jerusalem) July 14, 9:30pm at 1718 South Bagley Ave.



Join women’s Tehillim every Tues eve at 8:30pm at the home of Zev and Shoshana Weinstein 1540 S. Edris! Your prayers are needed!


Halachic Bulletin

Rav Sheinberg Shlita holds that according to the strict letter of the law, only music that brings one to joy e.g. Chasuna, is forbidden during the three weeks

Some opinions hold that only live music is forbidden during the three weeks.

R’ Moshe Feinstein z”l held that listening to music during the three weeks is prohibited, whether it is live or recorded. 

If the musical entertainment is incidental it is permitted.

Singing in praise of HaShem at a Seudas mitzvah without musical accompaniment, is permitted.                                                          


Have a great Shabbos!


Naami Heller

Community Coordinator

310-278-8672 ext. 720







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